So, when can we get back to when award shows were just award shows... or were they ever just that?

So, when can we get back to when award shows were just award shows... or were they ever just that?

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you were just a kid and thought celebrities were genuine super heroes.

Yeh. Why can't they turn it into a drumf safe space? That way I won't get triggered

They were never just that.

Yeah, maybe, but I don't remember them getting up on soapboxes. Maybe they did, and I didn't know it or they just weren't so blatant.

Stop shitposting, seriously.

There's no need for any politics, right or left, in these things.

They should just stop televising them

iirc meryl streep has always gone on long speeches in her acceptances and has always been given more leeway because she is levitating above the rest of them I guess.

how new r u


>how new r u
>can't even read the thread.

can't believe i heard something i disagree with on a meaningless awards show.. baka safe space when?

>missing the point

Celebrity virtue signaling is complete cancer. You're a retard.

I member

When can we get to when Emma Stone was just posted for her feet and not movies she is in?

it's the fucking golden globes aka the "who gives a shit" awards


imagine to being her pusy slave...


Plenty of news outlets give a shit.