Stop trying to make Josh happen. Josh isn't going to happen!

Stop trying to make Josh happen. Josh isn't going to happen!

Other urls found in this thread:

I don't know why but I really hate Josh, I think he's really unfunny and overall I don't like him, but I don't really have a reason.


Nice hairdo, Jay, almost detracts from your ugly kike face

He just isn't funny and seems like a fan who won a contest to appear on a RLM show and just never left. Plus he looks like a stereotypical neckbeard, only missing the fedora and the MLP shirt.

Yeah we get it he has a twitter and says dumb libtard stuff. But he knows weird movies and can talk about them.

he's the biggest libcuck of the entire cuckredditmedia crew

Would Jay call the police if I hid in his apartment?

I hate this fat fuck so much

Better than AIDS.

is Jay too good for RLM?
i'm thinking he may be

I prefer AIDS to beardfat, tbqh.

They're both so shitty

I wish RLM would stop trying to give jobs to their lame friends. Mike, Jay, and Rich only pls.

Can Mike please hire some twink actor to have sexual tension with Jay on screen instead of having AIDS and Beardfat on?

Rich has incredibly plebby opinions and a forced-meme tier laugh. He detracts from discussions and often makes up things like in the Into Darkness HITB.

Can we just have a review with Jay and Gillian where half way through they stop talking about the movie and just fuck on camera?

>stop being friends with that guy and be friends with ME instead, Jay!
You're jealousy is sad and pathetic.

Instead of Jay and Mike they got the literally who.
Is that the girl he, allegedly, said he was dying to?

Sorry to ruin your fantasy, user, but they are ALL literally whos. Josh has been their friend for like a decade. You can see him in old Grabowskis episodes.

If you want to believe that, go ahead, but if they're literally who's then beardo is the most literally who of them all. At least Mike and Jay are funny together.

>If you want to believe that
I believe that because it's true. They're all just a group of friends. They're not "trying to make Josh happen." He's just their friend. They hang out with their friends and make videos together.


I remember when this obvious shoop was being posted back before their Dawn of the Dead re:view. Which Mike was in.

Jay is cute. CUTE

no its a agenda, everything is a genda, trump told me so AAAAHHHHH

Then why doesn't he show up in HITB? Because he isn't funny. Hell, I'd get rid of Rich too as he isn't funny either.

8 more years

>he hasn't been on HITB so that must mean they're not really friends!
Retard logic aside, he has been on Half in the Bag a few times.

He's never said anything remotely funny, sometimes even derailing good banter. He adds nothing and is usually just there to fill space.

He's also a raging SJW which he usually doesn't show on BotW which is good, but knowing it makes go from simply the worst member of RLM to unwatchable.

RLM fanboys are such shit

josh is so lame that he didn't even make it into the "review"

josh seems like a nice guy but he sure as shit ain't no rich or mike

jack is the worst though. His "humor" sucks the joy out of every RLM video he's in.

He has a few moments but it's mostly him saying 'good job Rich!'.

I can't watch him or AIDS moby. Every time something anti-SJW pops up in a video they both gasp and look offended and give that fucking shrug. We get it guys, you're both faggots.

Nah. Jack is cool. He's just in non-stop dad mode and he can't control it.

>it's a beardfat or aidsmoby episode
>it's a woman episode
Canadians are okay though.

Canadians are literally the worst guest because of the tall alcoholic one who can't make jokes and looks like he would rather be anywhere else.

I think Mike likes the tall one.

they just need to get him liquored up more often

Jay showed him how he was the boss of the re:View dojo. Too bad this is fake.

Both Canadians make for great bouncing boards for Mike's jokes, one of the best RLM moments are because of this

Compared to Josh, who just sucks up the fun

Pls no bully, thanks

Jay is pure

Why is this the only youtube channel that is on here every day, sometimes 3 threads?
That! don't get deleted like most of the rest.

Because Mike sent the mods free hookers and blow that one time.

>people who get seriously upset by the RLM fan theories

At least Josh is apparently the only other person besides Jay that watches things besides spaceshit.

Can we all agree that Rich is the smartest one?

absolutely not, have you ever watched pre-rec?

>watches things besides spaceshit
what a waist of time

in the last thread there was a really adamant beardfat fan that was replying to every single negative comment about beardfat.

I honestly want to ask him why he likes beardfat so much

Well no. The single best thing about RLM in my opinion is when he fucks up saying a word correctly and they show the word on screen. Also when Mike generally mocks him. Never ever gets old.

he seems kind of like the generic fat bearded guy they were making fun of in the nerd crew that creams his pants when he sees x wings

i can't watch videos with him in it, he adds nothing to any of the videos and just seems to be some tacked on fifth fifth wheel when mike/rich/aids moby doesn't feel like making a video

Briefly flashing a misspoken word on screen is the funniest fucking thing, it makes me shit my pants every time I see anyone use it.
You have patrician taste in jokes, user.

kek, could be onto something there

The guy tried to say how reckless Kirk was without having watched TOS. Mike called him out on it immediately and Rich backpeddled.

The reason he's funny is that he's so stupid though

I can understand the beard, his face looks like God was on a break and His retarded cousin took over the sculpting for a few humans, but man the guy is just so boring and I just can't figure out why is he even part of the group because he has no chemistry with anyone

out of all of them i usually agree with rich the most

i dont know what the says about me, maybe im retarded

I'd call the police if you hid in his apartment.

He seems like he thinks he's above Star Wars and stuff. He's never taken part in any SW/ST/capeshit video, has he?

He doesn't seem like that at all. He seemingly has no interest in Star Wars or capeshit or any of that type of stuff.

He's not like that at all. He doesn't like sci fi/superheoes

i was just saying he looks like the type of person, not that he is

i haven't watched many videos with him other than a couple of the re-views. most of the time it's just jay talking and he's just there to agree with jay.

maybe he bottoms for jay

don't know why all the hate, these are your typical Sup Forums posters, aidsmoby and fatbeard probably are the ones behind all those blacked threads

Hes jays personal friend, thats why hes only in videos with jay

heaven is a place where josh doesn't ever happen

There's at least one Best of the Worst that he's on that Jay isn't.

>tfw everyone on here hates Josh but that's probably the RLM crew member they have the most in common with

Does this mean Mike doesn't like Beardfat?

wasn't mike in one or two videos with him? he doesn't seem to even acknowledge him

Jay said that Re-view would include the lesser RLM people that we didn't like as much, I don't see what the problem is, he told us the truth

Does RLM accept high-end fashion gifts?

He looks like a cuck so I wouldn't like him either.

>checks RLM index
Episode 3
Episode 8
Episode 29

beardfat is literally the most useless of the cast

atleast Jack has the gaming channel with Rich and is charming

fucking armfat sucks ass

also post the screencap of the patreon user asking mike if he's ever appearing on Re:View again and he splerges out

Jack is serviceable. and moby made some good songs

Jack is cool, fuck off.

beardfat is somewhat tolerable some of the time

Best of the Worst: Plinketto #1
Juicy Shaq meat and the ending discussion showcases what a waste of space beardfat is.

Nah, the chemistry between Mike and Jay and the canucks is hilarious. They're all almost comfortably awkward around each other.

i like aids moby and rich with the video game stuff, mobys autism is dialed down in them and it's just him and rich shooting the shit about games

That "Patreon screencap" has already been posted. Read the thread. It's a hilariously bad shoop anyway.

can some1 PLEASE post some mike x jay hentai?

i can smell this guy as soon as i hear his fat ass laughing behind the camera

dont wanna see him

Why do you fags care about these plebs so much?

>wahhhh Sup Forums is making fun of my friend simulator self insert

I've been watching BotW from the start, wondering where Juicy Shaq meat was. Thank you.

Also, Beardfat's stubby hands annoy me.

>mobys autism is dialed down in them and it's just him and rich shooting the shit about games
The lesser time constraint of a video game stream seems to work much better for him.

I was hoping for a Rogue One re.View

I would love to shove my throbbing member all over his gelled up hair and release my load everywhere

Drunk Jack is pretty amazing desu

Any time he's derailed banter it's been for the best. If you leave those homos to their own devices they'll jerk each other off all day. At least josh realizes that the RLM shows need to stick to their structure to be compelling. The others would be perfectly happy just having it be "let's make the same poop joke over and over for 30 minutes"

is this the siskel and ebert of our generation

Yeah every RLM video that josh isn't in sure sucks. Are you trying to be a contrarian faggot or do you just have terrible taste?

>every RLM video that josh isn't in sure sucks
pretty much

josh please leave

When did Jay become hot

>he thinks I browse Sup Forums

he started taking care of himself, he's actually combing his hair and not wearing long white socks with khaki shorts like an autist like he used to

A drunk pollack, a drunk English man, a manlet, aidsmoby and beartfat.

How cannot this show be based again?

>a Canadian?