Always see Emma Stone posted on Sup Forums

>always see Emma Stone posted on Sup Forums
>think she's ugly as fuck and looks like a frog
>Amazing Spider-Man comes on FX today
>nothing is on so I check it out
>realize she's qt as fuck

I'm sorry, Sup Forums.

Other urls found in this thread:

you should see her in superbad. prime stone.

you're forgiven man, she has this weird quality where she looks kinda offputting in some movies/pictures, and completely fucking gorgeous in others.

She's simply too cute in her Woody Allen movies, I can't even handle how fucking cute she is in those.

You emma stone shills are reddit. She looks like a fucking freak of nature

not an argument.

Same faced bitch.


search emma stone no make-up

what a shock she looks leagues better

can't really act

yea but hows her neck game

She's a cute girl, for you!



Agreed familia I don't see anything in her acting. Nothing

If only you could somehow post images on this website

give me a 10 page essay.

do what I said and you'll see why it would be pointless

I want to sexually fuck Emma Stone

Get in line.


can i watch

I want the goose to sexually fuck me in my tight bp


it is what ive noticed watching her films too she cannot act its always the same schtick

>always the same schtick
tell that to Jack Nicholson

Exactly she's just like nicolson except nicolson could act one way. Shes cringe and just tries to act one way.

Tell me about Emma, who's she's about to fug here

As long as you see the error of your ways. Now say 14 Hail Emmas and pray that Kek forgives you.

praise cuck

>being that close to emma

How big was his boner?

Woody Allen makes his lead actresses look amazing in all of his films. It's ridiculous. Check out all these recent ones:

K-Stew and Blake Lively in Cafe Society
Emma in Magic in the Moonlight
Cate Blanchett in Blue Jasmine (crazy but beautiful)
Marion Cotillard in Midnight in Paris
Penelope/Scarlett/Rebecca Hall in Vicky Cristina Barcelona
Scarlett in Match Point...

She is not undressed, so i'd say just giving a physical exam

Emma stone was terrible in his latest one I actually dropped it

woody said that she could phone it in and she'd still be great.

Hayley Atwell's first role was a Woody Allen movie and she also looked qt as fuck. Was worth watching shitty Cassandra's Dream for her alone.

Who is she currently dating?


Except she's not qt and I will never understand why people thin she is.

She has bulging frog eyes and a throatfucked voice.

She's as cringy as Jennifer Lawrence.

you're wrong.

Yes I forgot to include this one. Had no idea who she was when I watched it, and she was sexy as hell.

Yeah Irrational Man was a total waste of her and Joaquin. She was good in Magic in the Moonlight though.

Sup Forums is a rodent only zone

no amphibians allowed

she's waiting for goose to break up

Yeah, it was my introduction to Hayley, too. She was fresh out of theatre school, but I could see why Woody picked her, because she was beautiful. I was glad to see her get her Marvel roles later on. It's too bad the movie itself is far from Woody's best.

have you seen La La Land? She actually was very talented in that

same with Birdman

this basicly.

>Hayley licking an ice cream cone

She's proven to be great at comedy, but I am not at all sold on her being a good dramatic actress.

But that's just movie magic and make-up OP.
She is an ugly ghost frog in real life.

Very talented, but fugly.

Cinema is truth 24 frames per second


She can't act worth a shit. There I said it.

I had to stop watching her movies because I recognized that my obsession with her wasn't healthy

gimme a 10 page essay.


I made this post like a year ago. Did you seriously take my innocuous post from a year ago and make it coypasta? Why?

The amount of samefaggery in these type of threads is ridiculous

why is this face so hot

K-Stew was still fucking gross as fuck in Cafe Society. I actually liked the film in general but could not finish it because she's so disgusting to look at.

this is reddit this is memes. she was horrid in both. not even mediocre just bad she ruined birdman singly handidly and apparently pissed people off ruining long takes

good goy you are suckers.

>55 replies
>26 posters

Underrated post.

Of course I've seen them and no lmao she was acting the same she wasn't very talented.

What's your point? People are having (You) discussions

i like yous

either praise or condemn the fucking frog, or get the fuck out.

What a relevant post. Thanks, pol!

But she phones in everything and it shows you pedo supporter

This so much.

i need to see that kiss famalan