Is the vvitch horror kino?

Is the vvitch horror kino?

Abso lutely

no it's shit

It's terrific

Tim's dad

the only good things in this movie are tomasin and black phillip, tomasin for being qt as hell and phillip for being based

You didn't think the overall mood, cinematography, performances, and writing were also pretty stellar, user?

Why is it considered horror? It was more of a relationship character drama

Come on. It transcends the genre, i'll give you that, in that, it's a good film in and of itself, period specific, etc. but it's clearly a horror film.

If you think the shining is a horror then this is also a horror

Everybody thinks The Shining is horror, so it's confirmed.

>tfw vvitch mushing baby sound

No, it's drama.
It's 'good' when compared to the average horror flick, but it's just shit when compared to any decen drama movie

It is absolutely kino. One of my top movies of 2016, in fact. The plebeians moaning and stomping out of my theater was just icing on the cake.

No. It's story is unreliable. I think the witch, is a dream of the world itself. The family is vulnerable and in the wild. All aspects of the same dream are represented in their fears. Faith, family, bond, food and property.

oh, okay.

it's a supernatural thriller, perhaps, but not a horror

The fuck? They're not in a dream world, it's just that it's a New England folk tale, so things like flying witches, possessed goats and the devil exist.

Pleb detected.

dang, i'll take whatever you're smoking XD

Yeah it was great.


How did the family not notice that the twins were the heathens all along? They were singing sacrilegious songs worshipping Black Phillip.

the problem of the film is that the character drama was super heavyhanded
>religion is bad!!! buhhh

It's been a while, but doesn't everything horrible happen specifically because of the head of the family's lack of faith?

Small children have always talked nonsense. My own brother used to talk to our chickens.

They got poisoning from the rotting corn which why they were having fits and visions

Also fuck the girl, vvitches mush her baby sibling and smear it all over her
Kills her brother
Kills her senpai

Lol, I'll become a vvitch too

Retarded decisions

I rate it highly as art, but I wouldn't rewatch it many times.



> 420 blaze

Nigga pls... The closest leejun got to 420 was with animé DVDs and their weight in lbs.

> le redditor needs a (You)

Where's the torrent at?

>They got poisoning from the rotting corn which why they were having fits and visions
Are you fucking retarded?
Also fuck the girl, vvitches mush her baby sibling and smear it all over her
Kills her brother
Kills her senpai
Abused and betrayed by her parents and younger siblings, besides her brother. She could have stayed there and died, tried to make it back to the settlement where they would have accused her of being a witch or live deliciously. She made the right decision. Her god was never going to save her.

The VVitch is the itch of VV or 55, 1655 in fact.


Being boring doesn't automatically make things kino.

The Latin alphabet started out as uppercase serifed letters known as roman square capitals. The lowercase letters evolved through cursive styles that developed to adapt the formerly inscribed alphabet to being written with a pen. Throughout the ages, many dissimilar stylistic variations of each letter have evolved that are still identified as being the same letter. After the evolution of the alphabet from the Western Greek Alphabet through Old Italic alphabet, G developed from C, the letter J developed from a flourished I, V and U split and the ligature of VV became W, the letter thorn Þ was introduced from the runic alphabet but was lost in all languages except Icelandic, and the letter s could be written either as a long s (ſ) inside a word or as a terminal s at the end or after a long s (ß) after the 7th century AD, but the long s was generally abandoned in the 19th century.

However, thanks to classical revival, Roman capitals were reintroduced by humanists making Latin inscriptions easily legible to modern readers while many medieval manuscripts are unreadable to an untrained modern reader, due to unfamiliar letterforms, narrow spacing and abbreviation marks with some exceptions of some marks such as the apostrophe and the exception of Carolingian minuscule letters (lower caps) which were mistaken for Roman.

kill yourself 90's born faggot

Sorry you're confused on what makes things worthwhile. You'll figure it out when you finally grow out of your intellectually insecure phase.

why do people so often think horror genre equals scary film? Horror is more than just being frightened for one second, its the sum of many things, themes, settings etc and The Witch has an unsettling feel all the way through, its horror

Were there not enough add cuts and jump scares for you user?

top ass

>if you don't like the boring shit i like you must like the stuff i don't like
You really are acting like a toddler right now. Pretty embarrassing desu.

FACT: If you don't think this is a horror you are a brainwashed retard and should go back to watching generic haunted house trash #149

Is there never a clear shot of her tits? I've upped the brightness and everything.