Did this deserve all the hate it got?

Did this deserve all the hate it got?
Was it unjustified of Disney to cancel the 3rd one after Tomorrowland fell flat?

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Dont think so. Ok, its not a good movie, but has the TRON premise; a cmputer world. In the original one it looked like an old vidya, and in this one it looks like a nowadays vidya. Plus the qtie, plus Jeff Bridges^2. The soundtrack could be better, isnt like Daft Punk are the only electronic "musicians" in the Earth.

most beautiful bluray movie i've ever seen

Visuals and sound were great. Bridges and wilde were solid.

Everything else was garbage.

pure kino

but the movie is far too white for disney to acknowledge it these days

This is the type of movie that theaters are made for. Seeing it on the big screen is a must.

Agreed. One of the few movies where 3D really enhanced things. This, Avatar, Dredd 3D and How to Train Your Dragon

>The soundtrack could be better

The soundtrack was the best thing about the movie.

I loved it, don't see why it gets the hate it does.

Its kino


I happen to differ, the OST was a thing of beauty. Also, the "R3CONFIGUR3D" version (remix thing) was pretty good too.

I saw dredd in the small screen and it was amazing. Didn't it have amazing DVD sales?

I actually didn't hate it.
It looked good, the music was great.
I geeked out at "I FIGHT FOR THE USERS!"

I will say that the story was pretty shitty. The only other negative I can think of is CGI Bridges but because the whole thing was set within cyberspace it worked better than CGI Tarkin or whatever.

Would probably go a 6/10. Maybe a 7.

January 21st, 2017

Mark this date because it's the beginning of the end for th e liberal media.

You think he's petty? Well you're right, and that's why he's the man who's going to put Nose County out of business

I'm still crying over the cancelled TV show, we were having CLU for season 2, WTF!

watched it without having any knowledge of reviews, i actually enjoyed it.

but it wasnt all that though

>you will never ride the TRON roller coaster


and it really could've been better. Put to better use as well.

Like just not having dialogue or kids at all and just going full interstella 5555

>That reverse shot at :08 before he leaves the tunnel
>The ambient sounds cut out
>Dat score

Great scene. Reminds me of something Michael Mann would've directed

Is this already a fucking copy-pasta? Every fucking thread

>"Now this I can do"
>The Game Has Changed kicks in
Best moment.

This in 3D at the theater was amazing and trippy as shit. I wasn't even high, but got a similar feeling in certain parts, probably from the droning.

It was pure kino just like the original TRON

>the game has changed.mp3

Quorra was a cutie

that ride looked shitty. way too short and just a Space Mountain copy.

It wasn't terrible at all, it was just a huge waste of potential. It was too contained in its plot when it should've branched out with the possibilities of how the tron world could've expanded through today's technology. It spent too much time thinking of the past when it should've shot headfirst into the future. I mean, there's a thriving society in the tron world and its secluded behind an arcade machine? I don't buy that. It could've been so much more, but they played it way too safe.

My fried told me the action scenes are really lacking because the music is too slow sounding for them. Is this true? I need to rewatch the movie.


It did. It succeeded by word of mouth.

Don't mind me, i'm just making sure you never ever get your sequel :^)

I liked Legacy. Story wasn't great, but neither was the original. My main complaint was that visually, it just seemed too dark. The suits were just too BLACK. BLACK with a few shiny lines. Wished there was more variety.

it really suffered from disney story syndrome
>mandatory safe and maximally boring male lead
>mandatory love interest except she's a program and it makes no sense at all
>mandatory scene with a toy dog for no reason



I got no indication from the first tron movie that things would go downhill like they did leading into this movie. But otherwise it was fine and enjoyable if you just want more tron with better graphics.

That was a really great moment to set the tone of Sam adapting to the Grid.

My favorite is when he leaves his dad behind and Disc Wars hits the 2min mark right as he pulls his dad's disc. Such jubilation in his spirit.

>this scene in 3d at a theater with amazing sound


Cool movie. Cool world. Cool soundtrack. Sam wasnt really fleshed out well. Story was ok. Too bad Disney killed it.