The Wire

The Wire thread coming yo


I'm no snitch.

Based user trying to save Sup Forums.

Season 5 want as bad as everyone says it was, but it's still the weakest season. I never really got the problem with the fake serial killer - sure it was a bit of a contrivance, but only in the same way that hamsterdam was, but it allowed them to make the point they were trying to make

>Randy, Dukie, and Michael all fucked over by life
>lil' bitch son of a multiple murderer and hoodcunt Namond falls into the stable, loving home of an ex-police major


Same. It even had a lot of the great scenes, like the one when Michael kills Snoop[/spolier]

Didn't Randy get adpoted by Carver, IIRC? But yeah, Namond got quite lucky.

>How my hair look, Mike?

Has there ever been a better scene in television history?

why wont david simon make season 6 with mcnulty working for the fbi after government sponsored rehab?

There was no need for another season, it wrapped up nicely.

That's not even the best TW scene.

nope, Randy is stuck in the Foster home system and has become a bitter, angry teen violently acting out against others

hamsterdam was really just as far fetched as the serial killer. has simon ever said whether those stories or even the muslim assassin were based on anything hed come across while being a journalist? Or was it just wacky writing?

Have you seen Generation Kill?

>objectively the best series ever made to this day
>Sup Forums hardly ever talks about it anymore

Sup Forums is pleb as fuck

She said "how my head look"

snoop had the worst actress ive ever seen. i know shes a "real gangster" and shit but goddamn was she insufferable to watch

i'm conflicted about s3

hamsterdam and brother mouzone big strikes against it, but the avon-stringer power struggle and marlo's rise with the special crimes unit watching over all of it trying to build a case is amazing

im a neet ive seen everything
what is there to talk about? its great, doesnt provide much meme material

They'll call you reddit, because "The Sopranos is /ourshow!" But yeah, Sup Forums rarely talks about it, and when it does, it's mostly shitposting to pave the way for a serious discussion.

That's right, thanks.

Do I watch this or Sopranos first?

>doesn't provide much meme material
Are you aware that CIA was here before TDK, and that there is a lot of material for shitposting purposes?


The Wire, though you can't go wrong either way, since both shows are the very apex of television.

Treme > The Wire

though i'm biased since i'm from the area, and really into that kind of essentially plotless and meandering narrative

It was hair.

You could'ev easily picked someone worse on the show.

Bunk and Lester are in it, right? Good show.

Hamsterdam was based on an actual mayor's suggestion for how to handle the drug situation in Baltimore, it never played out for obvious reasons but I think they wanted to explore what might happen if it did. The fake serial killer thing was far more contrived.

The Muslim assassin was based on the Nation of Islam, who are still active today.

I haven ever seen The Wire. Explain to me why I should.
One other thing: you must find the Jade Monkey before the next full moon.

Interesting themes, it's well written, characters are mostly fleshed up and are actual humans for a change, it has good directing and good world building, too. Not to mention that Simons knows what he's talking about in the show, since he was a news reported for Baltimore Sun.

Alright then.

Depends what you prefer, The Sopranos is the epitome of the idealised media gangster show. It is far more escapist in the same way as Breaking Bad, just done to a far higher level. The characters are better drawn and the plot is far more consistent with the much more fantasy world they create. It's amazing, but the characters feel like just that to me, characters.

The Wire is pretty much the most true to life depiction in fiction of anything in television. It shows you the corruption within literally every side of the drug trade, and all the lives it affects negatively, aside from one meme character, it doesn't let anyone off from the dealers to the police, to the politicians, and shows how they're all complicit in an incredibly weaved narrative that weaves all its strands together in a way that something like GoT could only hope for. The downside of this is that it can be pretty slow burning, just like real life, there's a lot of just showing these people for who they are in a very deliberate way so a lot of people who don't like character exposition find it boring.

I much prefer The Wire, but I understand why others don't and will find it pretty boring.


The Wire was watchable enough, but in hindsight I realize it was just propaganda and ideology, hardly realistic, like all "social realism".

Elaborate, please.

>it's an another "McNulty gets drunk and fucks a random girl" episode.

Was 2nd season the worst season of the show?

Why would you say that? It featured one of the best characters in the show, Frank Sobotka, and has shown well the struggels of white working class, not to mention that it enriched the world and introduced the Greek.

After the 1st season i was all in that nigga hype. It connected me real well to the hood. But then it suddenly switches to the docks, and i cant say i liked it.

You know what you are? You're a vandal. You are vandalizing the board. You are vandalizing this thread. You are a Hun, a Visigoth, a barbarian at the gate, clamoring for noble Roman blood and what's left of our bump limit.

Watch it again, many people tend to look on it differently when they rewatch it. I can understand your point of view, I was of the same opinion, but when I started thinking about it and as the season went on, I really learned to appreciate it. It was a somewhat wierd change, but that's not to say that it was bad.

The scene where you see Rawls getting out of a gay bar was hillarious.

Nigger propaganda

We don't need retards like you in this thread, fuck off, faggot. Not only are you severly wrong, you also fail to provide substantial evidence in order to prove your claim.

i just rewatched the whole series and i noticed that really all police characters knew that rawls was gay, they always subtly react when he says some gay shit about asses or whatever
also that moment when daniels gets deputy position and receives a call asking for bill he grins like an idiot

Spot on, my man.

I'll never watch the Wire, because it's too fucking hyped for me. People say it's the best show of all time, I know that's bullshit on it's face.

Plus I don't really like watching niggers chimp out.

Then don't. No one here is forcing anyone to watch the show, we're just discussing it. And the hype, I assure you, is very reasonable and makes sense, which you'd know if you've seen it, but we can't really have that conversation, now can we?

I'm also here to discuss (not) watching it.

Sopranos is another example of an extremely mediocre show propped up by the hype machine. I have no idea what America's fascination with criminals is. Must have something to do with the lack of mandatory philosophy courses in primary education.

Did Rawls hate McNulty so much because he knew he couldn't get his hands on that prime Irish ass?

The problem with you being here is that your opinion isn't really proved by anything, since you haven't seen a single episode, let alone a whole season to have a basis for it. This user made a solid post on why many love it.

Nah, he hated him, as did many, because McNulty didn't obey orders and did what he wanted most times.

i don't know about mcnulty but he definitely wanted to fuck daniels

lol probably cause Mcnulty was a disrespectful and insufferable prick more than anything else

The wire is tv kino. I love how Lester rubs the win in marlo's face in the end. He might have lost his job but he ended Marlo's reign for good ( yes I know in the end he kinda goes back, but you damn well know his fear factor and respect in the hood is non-existant in his final scene)

I love how McNulty rubbed it in Stringer's face when Omar testified.

The Greek is the GOAT of all time villian.

Police didn't even come close to catching him

>not posting superior version

I wouldn't go that far, but he was great, I agree.

>I'm not even greek
What did he mean by this?

>Plus I don't really like watching niggers chimp out.

surely you like chimps getting beat up?

>daily wire threads on Sup Forums

I thought you fags didn't like the "nigger ghetto drama"

>beliving memes
It's my favorite show, and I'll even say it's the best there is.

I felt that way too but then I rewatched the show a year later and now I think that S2 is the best.

There would be no point even attempting to describe how impressed I am.

oi senpaitachi are there more shows like the wire?

The Shield would be a great place to start, but check out Generation Kill, too.

Well shit.

Sup Forums was wrong

How come none mentioned Prop Joe, so far?

he was behind seven proxys

There doesn't seem to be an "El Alambre!" in Mexico, which disappoints me.

>generation kill

How is that anything like The Wire? Other than the fact that they're both on HBO

David Simon was on it.

David Simon was making it. Also it has similar themes to The Wire, like people getting screwed because of the ideas of higher ranked people.

Prop Joe was pretty fucking based. Was legit sad when marlo had him killed. I liked how none of the newspaper guys had any idea who he was, except a few veteran reporters, so the completely mixed the significance of what happened

Shows that he was doing it right if so few people knew who he was

>Keep it boring String. Keep it real fuckin boring

He truly was based.

how fucking new are you.

Watch Generation Kill if you haven't. Generation Kill is to war tv/film what The Wire is to the drug trade tv/fillm.


so we can all agree that seasons 1 and 3 are the only good ones right?

Package up my ass, Gump!

This was the most competent nigga on the show.

No, but most of us can agree that your taste is shit.

I just saw the first season, and 2 episodes of the 2nd one, which was boring. When does it get better?

>I know shes a "real gangster" and shit
Elaborate on this pls

Bah for one, sell for tu

If you don't like it after watching a full season, you never will. Drop it and watch something you enjoy and stop wasting your time.

She was an actual crack-baby turned drug dealer who went to prison for killing a nigger.

which character is you irl


Continue. The Wire is my favorite show and I had to basically force myself to watch through the first season (I still think it's way too slow in the first season).

After you finish it, you will find yourself watching random wire clips for hours on youtube.

Favorite scenes?

>Cheese's interrogation
>McNulty's drunk driving
>Colvin's speech to Carver about what real police job would be
>Avon and D'Angelo hospital scene
>Slim shooting Cheese
>Bodie and McNulty on the park bench

>Colvin's speech to Carver about what real police job would be

even better after seeing carver actually learning how to handle the hoodthugs

i honestly like 2nd season best. maybe because as a white slav I empathized with pollacks better than ghetto blacks. and the story was interesting in the way reality is; not spectacular, not romantic, just happening. And also, I think it tied with all the plot-lines nicely and helped explain how chain of corruption and crime destroys a city.

If you read then I'd really recommend reading both homicide and the corner, they're great books, and you see some characters and situations that clearly influenced the wire in them.

Seconded. They are two of the best non fiction I've ever read.

The Corner is kind of fucked up. The main drug dealer who we're supposed to relate to the most tortures cats for fun.

>Omar's testifying
>McNulty gets anaylzed
>D' commenting on Gatsby
>McNulty calling D's mother to tell her he was killed
>D teaching Bodie and Wallace chess
>Daniels telling Burrel to fuck himself

A life, Jimmy, you know what that is? It's the shit that happens while you're waiting for moments that never come.
i cri evertim ;_;7