Hard luck Hiddleston

Bags the hottest, richest bitch in show biz. Does he get congratulated? Does he get to enjoy it? No. Because he wore a stupid t-shirt. So the internet now hates him.

Wins the Golden Globes. Does he get congratulated? Does he get to fucking enjoy it? No. Because his speech was kind of lame. So the internet now hates him.

Why does this poor schmuck have such hard luck?

Still gets to fuck Taylor swift. I'd say it's a win.

what t-shirt did he wear

that's what you get for being beta af

Granted. It is a pretty fucking stupid t-shirt.

>he wore a stupid t-shirt. So the internet now hates him

its too cringeworthy bruh

His relationship with Taylor Swift was clearly a calculated publicity move that didn't work out for him.

Not kidding. He wore a cringey t-shirt and tumblr shat itself.

>wearing a shirt to go swimming
Is he a tubby teenager or something?

what the fuck is T.S? am I missing something here?

hes a massive homo cuck and he can't even hug her properly in public, literally the worst PR disaster in years

Trans Sexuals

like taylor swift


He loves the author T.S. Elliot obviously

he loves transexuals?


tight sphincters

Ah yeah well he has money and got to fuck bitches and nothing about his appearance seems overly out of place yeah that's a fuggn shame innit poor bastard I'm weeping truly weeping this fuggn guy yeah he probably has to cry himself to sleep until he remembers to take a Valium oh noes what will he do poor guy oh noes maybe he can take a shower a really hot shower in a shower that works all the time because he can afford to hire a plumber when shit goes astray did you get that joke "shit" because "plumber" ha ha lol yeah woo that's Tom that's our guy he's one of us one of us one of us



and then he tried to distract away from the TS debacle with some unintentionally homoerotic photoshoots kek

>ha ha lol yeah woo that's
for you

Why would the internet hate him over the T.S shirt?

Because the internet is full of buttheads.


I don't see a problem with it. Just stupid enough to be kind of amusing.

So if there were actually one post in this thread that might have been made by the actual real Tom Hiddleston, I'd say it was this one.

Me too. Will he be my friend now?

It's hard being stupid, i speak from experience.

this post makes me uneasy

Isn't he a closeted homosexual?

Why do people in Sup Forums believe that?


I got second-hand embarassment from his speech, how smug can you be?

>Win award, come up on stage to accept
>"I know, I'll tell them about my noble vacation story and how important I am"

Jesus fucking Christ.

>Bags the hottest, richest bitch in show biz. Does he get congratulated? Does he get to enjoy it? No. Because he wore a stupid t-shirt. So the internet now hates him.

They don't hate him for the T-shirt OP, they hated the PR circus he embarrassed himself with. Finally people see him for what he is, a thirsty famewhore, that's what broke Tumblr, who before that, adored him.

>maybe he can take a shower a really hot shower in a shower that works all the time

They broke up after 3 months

What is wrong with taylor swift? Why can't she stay in a relationship for longer than a few months?


Taylor dumped him because she wants a manlier, more conservative man (who never get massages at spa clinics because thats literally cheating to her).

Why should anyone care?

That's not a t-shirt. That's a singlet. Why is everyone ITT calling it a t-shirt ?

She dumped him because he stopped her from taking the BBC.

Fucking kek

she's dead inside

You feeling alright, user?

I say!

I guess it's a taylored shirt

Met him in real life. He's an arrogant prick.

>Taylor dumped him because she wants a manlier, more conservative man

Yeah, that must be it.

Are you having a stroke?
Even Satan's nervous

but Sup Forumsbro this thread's confusing to me before now we officially liked him for being such a bro at cons and shit. tell me what I should think bro I don't wanna be some kinda pink donut eater

Underrated post

hard luck moar liek hard KEK amirite lel

This is great. Yet another example of how cancerous the far left is. Each time something like this happens, another person is closer to getting redpilled.

He looks like Gary Oldman there.

Unbunch your thong, Chachi.

>completely unimpressive actor
>pretentious cunt
>in love with himself
>was maybe okay in Thor
>I honestly had no idea who he was for years afterward
>internet loves him for no reason
>has never been good in anything
>gets golden globe despite being terrible
>is ludicrously wealthy and famous
>is on shortlist to be James Bond for goodness' sake
>gets minor blowback for his shitty personality finally coming through

the guy might be the luckiest actor alive, what are you talking about

will you stop being so goddamn autistic for once in your life

She's obviously addicted to being treated like a princess, and dumps you the second you start to get comfortable in the relationship or try to treat her as an equal.


Hiddleston is literally tumblr tier cancer, I'm glad he's getting shit on now.

Would still bang him, not that that would matter

Please tell us more

>People ITT believing he actually had something with Swift

It was all a stunt and he only embarrassed himself to the point of no redemption. She was lucky she dumped him.

It looks as if somebody had kidnapped a member of his family and they are forcing him to tank his career, holy shit

Because most "people" don't understand classy British actors with a high IQ and a playful sense of humour. The way people fawn instead over some lies and hysteria from Meryl Streep, who hasn't had a decent role since the 80's, is quite astonishing.

This guy is using his work with UNICEF (as admirable as it is, not complaining about it) to shield himself from his own idiocy, and that is something that makes me uncomfortable.

Someone please explain.
What exactly is it that tumblr is mad about with regards to his shirt?
What was the problem with his speech? Seemed fine to me.
It feels like only yesterday every teenage girl was schlicking to him. What happened?

Jake Gyllenhaal fucked her up by taking her virginity and then not even showing up to her birthday party the next day. Now she's a sociopath that just tries to use men to further her career. That's why Calvin Harris dumped her.

Hello Tom, how are you?
Stop virtue signaling in the wrong place, bring that shit up on your talk show appearances or interviews instead.

Don't get political because u can alienate viewers, no one cares what celebs think about that stuff anyways. Meryl Streep made a complete ass of herself which greatly overshadowed your faux pas, so few people will remember it.

Regarding his shirt:
Not just Tumblr, even the gossip newspaper were making fun of his idiocy and labelling their relationship as a PR stunt. The shirt just made him look like a fucking idiot.

For the speech thing:
See > What happened?

People just found out what he has been hiding behind his media persona for the last six years, which was a representation of somebody defined by his talent, manners and intellect. He kept his personal life apart from his professional job and did a decent performance for it.
Then he entered the yellow press maelstrom by the hand of TS and what was lying underneath him showed up: that he is thirsty famewhore that only wants to boost his career with bad PR shit and not talent.
Plus, every movie he touched since probably Avengers, tanked.

His speech which he has no apologized for, was completely irrelevant and teeming with smug self-satisfaction

>ay people love me in south sudan, im there because im s unicef superstar and a great person im general, the relief workers bingewatched the night manager lmao

what happened, what did he say?

hes a selfish prick

>GOLDEN GLOBES: This foreign born A list dual threat actor not named Benedict regaled his table with multiple stories of himself. The Golden Globe nominee/winner spent a good 15 minutes telling people about where he acquired his cufflinks and showed no interest in anyone other than himself. Tom Hiddleston


Nightmanager was fucking great desu

> regaled his table with multiple stories of himself. The Golden Globe nominee/winner spent a good 15 minutes telling people about where he acquired his cufflinks and showed no interest in anyone other than himself.

Is that true? Holy crap.

why are actors suddenly doing le pepe pose?

Honestly, not even Laurie or Colman saved that show for me. Couldn't get past episode 3, watching Hiddleston delivering such a horrible performance was too much.

>schizophrenic ragtime

why does she only fuck black men or white women? does she hate white men? I dont get it.

>I'm not quite sure what to make of this, but several separate people swear they overheard this B-list actor repeatedly jokingly he'd use his award statue on his girlfriend as a sexual apparatus if he won. Fortunately he didn't win. Hugh Grant

>Taylor Swift
>fucks like a dead fish
>has the body of a teenage boy with tits
>a win
Yeah, okay.

>Still gets to fuck Taylor swift. I'd say it's a win.
They never had sex.

Doubtful. She fucks quick
You have shit taste desu

Guy even had his mother involved in the whole stunt with Swift, he deserves any backslash he gets.

>Cumberbatch BTFO because of racism
>Hiddleston BTFO because of classism

Is our beloved Eddie Redmayne next? What will he do, Sup Forums?

He was good in the underated gothic romance Crimson Peak. But the other actors with him were great, so he was the weakest link. He's always the weakest link. Even fucking Titcalf was better than him in Thor.

hopefully gangraped by niggers

Devil Wears Prada, biatch!

>She fucks quick
She's infamous for being so frigid that she's practically celibate.

I prefer fake-Taylor aka Chanel Oberlin in Scream Queens. She's the same, but less sociopathic and a little bit funnier.


He is cellibate too

Unless it's a plumpy asian woman. She's really into that.

She's a Pure Millennial. She can only enjoy CyberSex.

He dumped the brunette one once he became famous. She seemed a nice girl.

is Sup Forums tumblr now? i thought Sup Forums like asshole kek