There's something different about you today, Mr Laurio

>There's something different about you today, Mr Laurio
>Ah, yes, too much junk in your trunk
what did he mean by this?

How did he manage to pull the iron out of him, shouldn't he just hover like Wolverine

I'm gonna go out on a limb here and assume it's because of the following:

The guard had Iron in his blood, not Adamantium on his bones


Magneto wanted to pull the iron out, not make the guy hover.



The blood isn't attached to anything.

xmen was so good before they shat it up with Jlaw and grrrl power sjw bullshit

in the comics magneto pulls the same shit and rips all the adamantium out of wolverine.

he can manipulate metal. I dont understand what you dont understand

it wasn't

Honestly only about 4/9 X-men movies are any good

He could pull the iron in all directions at once.
That way the body stays where it is because the sum of all forces is 0

But riddle me this:
> guy gets lucky with totally out of his league 11/10 chick in seedy toilet stall
> gets knocked unconcious
> wakes up with major butthurt from iron injection
> goes back to high security job the next day as if nothing happened

Did you miss the part where she fucking drugged him?

He likely doesn't remember it at all

She roofied him so he wouldn't remember.

And that bazooka like syringe she puts in his ass?

>It hurts when I sit down for some reason, I guess I'll book a doctor's appointment, but first I have to go do my job that gives me money so I can not starve to death and also afford said doctor

Alcoholics get used to waking up with random bruises and pains they have no recollection of getting. He probably just assumes he let OP fuck him in the ass for a 6pack.

Is that from the novelisation?

The idea that alcoholics get used to waking up with random pains and injuries they can't remember is sourced from reality.

The idea that OP fucked him in the ass is sourced from OP being a faggot

>nails grow

>But riddle me this:
>> guy gets lucky with totally out of his league 11/10 chick in seedy toilet stall
>> gets knocked unconcious
>> wakes up with major butthurt from iron injection
>> goes back to high security job the next day as if nothing happened
This is normal life user. You go to work when you have the sniffles or don't feel good because you don't want to be THAT guy.

Xmen never reached the heights of X2 again.

First Class and Future Plants were good though.

>How did he manage to pull the iron out of him, shouldn't he just hover like Wolverine
He only kills breeders.