My powers have doubled since the last time we met, count


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You should check these jedi scum

Anakin is full of shit, according to the Clone Wars cartoon, they'd met just a few months before.

only movies are canon and Sup Forums is for 18+

but my powers have tripled since the last time we met, prince

He forgot after he fell into that nest of gundarks

so Jedi canonically have power levels ? like in anime ?

midichlorians senpai

My digits have doubled since the last time i post

good, twice the pride

dubs the fall

I'm convinced George at some point caught an episode of DBZ and thought "this is what my series needs!"



this was his third attempt to get dubs so it's really not that impressive

The Empire really are nazis

If only they also had varied force powers like in anime instead of just different forms of telekinesis with the occasional sith lightning. Would make things more interesting.

i-it's true! third time is the charm! witchcraft is true! wizards exist! i love you, draco!

So, he was telling Dooku to count his powers to prove they'd doubled? Seems unnecessary.

>not using saiyan eyethingmajig to view power level

donkey detected

>Dooku confirms that he is Tyranus
>Obi-Wan knows that a man called Tyranus was involved in hiring the Kamino cloners to create an Army
>Knows that Sifo-Dyas was involved in all of this too, and came to this planet precisely to investigate
>Dooku brings up that he already told Obi-Wan what's going on in Geonosis
>Obi-Wan calls him a liar
How can one man be so fucking stupid?

It was pretty bad. However, Dooku wanted to turn Obi-Wan to the dark side.... all while Palpatine was okay with the Jedi becomming paranoid and suspicious of the senate... in order to spark tension between himself and the Jedi council... in order to paint himself as the victim...

plans within plans

it's so painful to see how much the jedis are dumb.

>0*2=0 young jedi

what did dooku mean by this?

Yeah, and just a little over 100 yeas ago this faggot decided that Humans needed to be divided into intelligence levels, and whitecucks will eat it all up because its a good way to call niggers stupid.

But when a similar idea is presented, retards, especially ones in this thread, are flabbergasted at said system which determines/measures force capabilities and the notion that some beings are naturally better at utilizing the force than others.


I always found it weird that white supremacists would have no problem saying that Asians and Jews are smarter than them.

Most people are smart enough to not bite the statistics that fuel their ideology, even if racist

Facts are facts. We're not leftists, I wont argue with it just because its not ideal for me.

it isn't that whites are exclusively brilliant, its that niggers are fucking worthless

Wasn't that like yesterday according to TCW? did he enter in the hyperbolic time chamber to train since then?

Lel. You do realise you go against anything common sense, testing and science have found out over the last 100 years?
Theres a reason blacks lived in mud huts and had nothing but slave trade and cattle to work with when they were sitting on the most precious goods in their soil.
Whites came and we were already so advanced compared to them.
Why wouldnt it be like this?
Look at the colonial infrastructure they left behind everywhere in africa.
Its all broken down, parts stolen, rusty, nothing really works anymore.
When the blacks were there when it was builded, helped build it and saw how it was taken care of and how it was worked.
Doesnt that tell you something?

>Literally the most fertile land in the world with minerals and shit that will make rest of the world kill each other for it
>Only invent stick and cow-blowing
>"They're smart! IQ is a myth!"

What about the droid attack on the wookies?

>white supremacists
>because he exclusively hates blacks



You're the Sith Lord!

This is where the dubs begin

>NO? really, after all these years, srly, after I even told you the story of Darth Plagueis, something not even high level Jedi know about you realize it now? are you dumb? I'm starting to regret chosing you as my apprentice

Each race has its attributes and faults. Us blacks may be inferior in intellegence but we definitely make up for that when it comes to athleticism and physique, something that whites don't have.

But the huge majority of top ranking athletes in the world are white

Yes, and? Anakin being a cocky braggart is true to his character

>Us blacks may be inferior in intellegence but we definitely make up for that when it comes to athleticism and physique, something that whites don't have.

Most of your race are skeleton manlets in Africa. The only reason you're able to have muscles is thanks to being transported to America to be used as tractors.

white people are literally a cancer and the enemy of all real humans

no race has ever been such a destructive force for genocide, racism, sexism, slavery, murder and nature killing


>no race has ever been such a destructive force for genocide, racism, sexism, slavery, murder and nature killing


Things that move civilization forward, right?

Back to the gubment cheese line you coon.

why didn't Dooku use force lightning to disable Anakin's mechanical arm?

Is this irony? it sounds like irony

>that fighting stance
man dooku is based as fuck

because not all racial realists are white supremacists you dolt

Doku is one the best parts of the clone wars tv show desu

>Thanks to Anakin and Obi Wan that Minister whatever dies
>They aren't considered the bad guys

your face is irony, faggot

What was he count of?

It wasn't a title. It was his name.

>only movies are canon
>and Sup Forums is for 18+
Daily reminder that kids born in 2000 will be old enough to post here next year.

>Literally hack each other and rape childs add nauseam
>Literally sold their own people to slavery
>Ligerally genocided entire tribes
Are you color blind? seems like you're confusing black and white

>that arc where they're trapped alongside him by pirates and have to work together to escape

forgot pic

>The blind Doku fight
>The Doku and Ventress and Savage fight

Please leave.

watch me do it first try



it's not fair :(

that's because the slave trade was a selective process based upon physical strengths.


if dubs ill kill myself

Here's your (you)

Well you always were an idiot then. The image isn't about white supremacy, it's about reality based upon statistics. The fact that you can't handle it and project racism upon the truth show that you are still in fact and idiot.

Do it anyway

> Pay Samuel L Jackson's salary for 3 high budget movies
> Every single bad ass thing his character does is not in the films

What did George mean by this?

The count has fallen.

If trips I hand myself while fucking your mom


Ki-Adi Mundi has girls lining up to be impregnated by him because his species is dying out. I'm sure he won't feel the need to go to a strip club.

show me dubsfather, and I will finish what you started

>white supremacists

That's where you're wrong kiddo

>Literally the most fertile land in the world with minerals and shit

How does one draw conclusions from facts?

Is it possible for me to get repeating digits?

Not for a Jedi

Arise, Lord Dubs

*cauuughhh puuuuughh*
Where are the digits...
Are they repeating?

It's impossible
they were dubs




Good friends, you need to settle down now.

Nobody likes playing as Orcs and thats what black people are irl


you were right about me Luke
I could get the dubs afterall

Ironic. He could check other's dubs, but not get dubs himself.

fu i totally got dubs

you wouldnt know dubs if it hit you in the face

How do you quantify power?

What's with this Dragonball Z shit in my Star Wars?

sorry, i don't speak baboon

you are talking farm equipment

Your overconfidence is your weakness.

Someone has to teach him the way of the Dubs.