Hollywood is crawling with outsiders and foreigners, and if you kick 'em all out...

>Hollywood is crawling with outsiders and foreigners, and if you kick 'em all out, you'll have nothing else to watch but football and mixed martial arts, which are not the arts.'

...And just like that, Sup Forums was blown the fuck out. We finally won, bros. The war is over. Sup Forums just made Sup Forums it's bitch.

>THE arts


>...And just like that, Sup Forums was blown the fuck out. We finally won, bros. The war is over. Sup Forums just made Sup Forums it's bitch.

is you libido bigger now

But sports aren't art. I don't see what the issue is here.

is it true there were no movies before there were hispanics and indians in everything?


hollywood genocide when

someone make a webm with the hitler speech in the background

If nearly every actor in Hollywood died, not many would mourn their passing, and more, the world would carry on like they never existed.

To be fair this is true with everyone

Isnt mma full of spics and handegg full of niggers or something

Football and MMA, famous for being all white apparently.

>people actually believe that her speech was good

>all medics die
>all firemen die
>all policemen die
>no one would care
yeah, right

>Hollywood is crawling with outsiders and foreigners, and if you kick 'em all out, you'll have nothing else to watch but football and mixed martial arts, which are not the arts.'

That sounds like a line Will Ferrell would make up on the spot in a shitty parody film about fart sniffing, self-obsessed actors.

>if all people on earth died
>no one would be left alive to care about the dead

>what is independent cinema
>what is foreign cinema

I really wished she would have said videogames instead of sports. The outrage would have been so massive it would start Gamergate 2.0 where the entirety of Sup Forums conspired to murder her in her sleep for not liking videogames.

I don't think she's dumb enough to insinuate that interactive media isn't art.


>kick out old talent
>new talent springs up
I don't see the problem.

Ummm videogames ARE art, have ever played The Last of Us?

Then neither is acting.

>new talent
>only americans allowed


Of course acting is art, sports are just dumb grunts smashing into each other for the amusement of mouthbreathers

did she really say that? What an over-simplistic halfwit.

Also she forgot about the VFX teams in the West that aren't even getting paid for doing Hollywood films, and the ones overseas that make $5-10 an hour and sometimes don't even get paid due to Hollywood accounting.

Jesus Christ last year people were trying to out the Hollywood pedos and this dummy actually thinks Trump is deporting M Night Shamalayan because he's brown.


I was talking more about the illegals if there are any, Streep thinks they'll kick out legal immigrants too I think.

You give her way too much credit then, considering she attacked MMA on the grounds of diversity.

>This is not a cheer-ocracy, I am the cheer-tator, I will make the cheer-isions around here, and I will deal with the cheer-onsequences.

What did she mean by this?

Yeah, it's not like Football and MMA exist outside the US, Meryl.

To be fair culture does not exist outside the US.

Acting is used to get a point across. Sports are just retards smashing into each other at high speed. Though Meryl Streep shouldn't have mocked sports fans.

Go fuck yourself

acting is mere performing
actors are cattle
learn your place streep

Isn't she from New Jersey? Not that foreign.