This is my favorite actor

this is my favorite actor

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he singlehandedly transformed 99 Homes from flick to film

Can you separate him from his political views tho


Don't know his views. I don't know why you would go looking for stuff like that. Best to completely separate the man from his beliefs.

being unable to do so is the literal definition of autism

>mumblenigger : the actor

he seems autistic and it shows in his acting

He was hilarious whenever he was paired with that mumbling irish in Boardwalk Empire

Imagine if michael shannon was the main bad giy of the new ghost busters movie. It may have actually been the least bit servicable

This. Tom cruise and mel gibson are my two favorite actors and I disagree with all their political views

Hell roman polanski raped a 12 year old and I still can't deny the dude is a fantastic director

it wasn't rape-rape

>character actor: people of mediocre talent and mediocre looks, but who are needed within the industry to fill a particular niche that calls for a mildly competent, but unattractive, casting choice.

>see: this guy; paul giamatti.

Who cares he's great


It was more like statuory rape

greatest trio of all time

shannon is fucking hilarious

This is my favourite movie... I dont know why but it is.

He managed to be good in Man of Steel, I will always hold based Van Alden in high regard

This guy's a handsome man

its a very good movie

Shotgun Stories
Take Shelter
Midnight Special

and of course based Van Alden

I love him.

Shotgun Stories was cool, I miss having cable and finding random favorites on IFC.

Statutory "oops, missed the hole, no lube tee hee hee" anal coke filled rape.

I too enjoy the films of william h macy

he's clearly good looking

>Midnight Special
I loved all of the other ones, but MS was seriously disappointing.

She was drugged and still said no at least once.

He was great in kangaroo Jack

Are you kidding? That's statutory as far as Sup Forums is concerned. Real rape is only if u kill the girl in the process. It is known

based as fuck

my condolences

>How uncomfortable you would be making a movie without Michael Shannon around?

>He's going to be the lead in my next one, so I won't be able to answer that for a while. I've got one after that that he might not be in, so we'll just see if it crashes and burns. I love Mike, and I love working with him. We suit each other, I feel like. My words some good coming out of his mouth. We get each other, and we like working together. We respect each other. As far as marking a movie without him, I'll cross that bridge when I have to. At some point I'll have to, and hopefully by then I'll have learned enough to take care of myself. Even in "Mud," I remember texting him on the first day because he wasn't there. It was the first time I had a first day on a film shoot and Mike Shannon wasn't there. I was like, "I miss you, man." We did the lion's share of this movie without, and then he showed up, and it was like my big brother showed up. He starts making fun of me in front of the crew.

He's good pleb filter. His range is the most limited thing I've ever seen and every movie he's in is the definition of mediocre. People that love him are the same people that list Breaking Bad as the best tv show of all time.

Hheeeh heh heh

this is my favorite actor

that's a bit gay


This, made it pretty entertaining.

This, didn't like that too much.

Cool. As you're sharing, how big is your dick?

He was great as elvis, or that cancer ridden cop in nocturnal animals

good choice user

will watch


Is he still doing anything worthwhile? I basically only know him from nip/tuck.. and FF (yikes).

>not Charmed

You gay or somethin homie?

He still drugged and fucked basically a preteen

Shit, I was just about to post that. Yes, nip/tuck, FF and Charmed. Now, back to the question.

>Now, back to the question.

Not really. He keeps voicing Dr Doom in stuff like James Woods does for Hades, which is kinda sad for him but personally very satisfying.

He was great in Groundhog Day

steinbeck with robots

Shannon is so great he even makes scenes from Lets Go To Prison watchable.

Quite an impressive feat indeed.

He's the greatest.

What is it?

Me again. No seriously, he was in Groundhog Day:

>ywn be bffs with Michael Shannon

>watch nocturnal animals
>this is uncomfortable
>he appears
>instant kino

how does he do it

Michael Shannon was in Bad Boys 2