I think it is time we informed the Senate that our ability to use the Force has diminished

>I think it is time we informed the Senate that our ability to use the Force has diminished

No really, what did he mean by this?
They literally couldn't use the force anymore?

Other urls found in this thread:


Why do you have to tell the senate. What is the point of this dialogue if they never tell the senate anyways. At no point do they use the force to help the senate so why tell them. Why does Yoda support lying to the senate that pays their bills?

The Force was balancing. When there are no Sith the Jedi are extremely strong. As the Sith become stronger the Jedi's power weakens until they are at a 50/50 balance.

Anakin becoming Vader brought balance to the force as the prophecy foretold.


Why did they have to tell the senate?

They were a religious organisation with no affiliations to the senate outside of their own self imposed peace keeping

The Jedi had forcefully invaded the republic and as such made it crumble from the inside with their meddling

Sheev did nothing wrong.

From my point of view, people who don't simply scroll past the threads which don't interest them are massive faggots

He means that they had become too complacent without the Sith. They were training for essential peace and bodyguard missions instead of life and death missions. The Dark Side from Sidious was clouding the Force as well.
That is not what the Prophecy is about. The Prophecy was destroying the Sith. The Dark Side and by proxy the Sith corrupt and twist the Force into something grotesque. When The Force is twisted, everything in the Universe becomes twisted and a shell of its former self, as The Force is within all living things.

> Pay Samuel L Jackson's salary for three feature films
> Every single bad ass thing his character ever does is outside of the films

What did George mean?

A sith, lord?

They ran out of midichlorians.

>That is not what the Prophecy is about. The Prophecy was destroying the Sith.

That's what the Jedi thought it meant. But one side having all the power is not "balance". The Jedi being all but destroyed so they have equal numbers to the Sith is balance.

The Jedi were arrogant. I can't believe you didn't get this.

> Believing this Jedi propaganda

Why didn't the Jedi just mind control both sides to stop the war?

The prophecy was fulfilled when Sheev and Vader died and Luke became a grey Jedi

assuming star wars ended at 6 like it originally meant to, what the hell does that mean when Luke is the only remaining Jedi after killing the emperor and Vader dying?

No, that is literally what the Prophecy is about. Its been confirmed. It has nothing to do with an equal number of Jedi or Sith. Its straight up destroying the Sith, which Anakin/Vader does at the end of RotJ.

Even if it was about equal Jedi and Sith, then Anakin/Vader never once accomplishes it.

>Kanan, Ezra, Obi-Wan, Yoda
>Vader, Sidious

Or when he kills Sidious


There has and never will be an equal number of Jedi and Sith.

Mind control doesn't work on Sith lords or space Jews like Watto

You can always find a well-moderated variety of discussions on redditDOTcom, senpai
Best of luck!

Clearly they could still use the Force to do pointless shit like bending spoons and making Yoda do a backflip.

I think the point was that they couldn't sense anything in the senate like they could before Sheev went into power. The dark side has started to cloud everything.

I imagine the reason they would want to share this information with the senate is because if the dark side is clouding everything, then that means there's something wrong in the senate and that they should be made aware of it.

Star Wars was never originally meant to end at Ep. 6. Lucas had a prequel trilogy and a sequel trilogy in mind back in the 80s. The prequel trilogy spanning young, teen, and adult Anakin's life. His sequel trilogy, we never found out what it was going to be about.

>Its been confirmed.

By who? Where and when?

>Kanan, Ezra

No one cares about the EU

>listing EU characters

Ok, now that explains your posts. Ignoring you now.

What happens to Jar Jar after ROTS?

the sith are not dead and the chosen one is a skywalker, not necessarily Anakin or Luke

count dooku was probably draining all their midocloriens.

>I think we should inform them on the droid attack on the wookiees first


I have about as much respect for Star Wars as I do for the dogshit on my shoe. It is Reddit. It is video game hot pocket. It is capeshit. It is cheeto dust. I'm literally screaming right now and slamming my arms down on my desk just thinking about it.

It is the most depraved video game infantilized man child degeneracy. It is saturday morning cartoon. It is non-neurotypicality. It is memes. It is video game. It is SJW. It is TGWTG. I am seething.

By George Lucas himself.


I think Lucas had an idea that the Jedi would slowly decline due to their own complacency, helping to explain why they were destroyed so easily. It was a good idea, so naturally he completely abandoned it in the next two movies.

Am I alone in finding the Plinkett prequel reviews to be """"""""""""comfy""""""""""""""?

twice the pride,
dubs the fall.

Not EU, just extra 'content'. Whether you like it or not it still exists as canon.
Lucas already said Anakin was the Chosen One. And they've gone on record to say Snoke, Kylo, and the Knights of Ren are not Sith, just Dark Side Users/Dark Jedi.

The review parts yes, all the sketch comedy parts are painful to watch.

No it doesn't. If it's not in the 4 through 7 or Rebels it's not canon.

>After principal photography was complete in 2003, Lucas made even more massive changes in Anakin's character, sharpening Anakin's motivations for turning to the dark side. Lucas accomplished this "rewrite" through editing the principal footage and filming new scenes during pick-ups in 2004.[22] In the previous versions, Anakin had a myriad of reasons for turning to the dark side, one of which was his sincere belief that the Jedi were truly plotting to take over the Republic. However, by revising and refilming many scenes, Lucas emphasized Anakin's desire to save Padmé from death and submerged many of Anakin's other motives. Thus, in the version that made it to theatres, Anakin falls to the dark side primarily to save Padmé.

Fucking Lucas.

>"so the prophecy is true... from a certain point of view"


The Sith is a dead religion dude, it's been confirmed these new niggas ain't Sith


So Kanan and Ezra then?

Absolutely not my good man. I throw them on when I'm cooking/drinking in the winter for the ultimate comfiness.


>their own self imposed peace keeping
They didn't impose it themselves, the senate accepted it and even needed it.
>The Jedi had forcefully invaded the republic and as such made it crumble from the inside with their meddling
what the fuck are you going on about
The Republic was doing fine, then Palpatine made what used to probably be a peaceful movement (the separatists) into a boogeyman to cause a war that killed millions to get himself into power. Had he not been around, none of this bad shit would've happened.


He fell to the dark side to save the one he loved, he came back to the light to save the one he loved.

>tfw too intelligent for Force impotence

no he sounds like a massive faggot trying to eat an orange without peeling it..

>It was a good idea, so naturally he completely abandoned it in the next two movies.
It's amazing how every time George had a good idea with the prequels he would abandon it.
>let's have dark side magic speed up Sheev's aging
>on second thought, fuck that. Let's have it be his face gets melted by lightning. That makes more sense.


>But one side having all the power is not "balance".
The force is in flux (=not balance) when it is overused or misused. When it is only used when necessary and used in harmony with itself and the user, it is in balance.

Sheev was fed up with he corruption of the galaxy he saw while travelling with Plagueis, the Naboo blockade was the last straw for him and he used it to set up his master plan of a clean, peaceful galaxy.

The most powerful tool of the Jedi of the old republic was their ability to predict the future. They went minority report over any major shit that happened.

What Palpatine did wasn't cutting them off though. He started to strip the forecasts off some details. He upped his game over time until the Jedi only saw useless shit and failed to predict the major threats.

It appears the senate relied on the daily Jedi forecast. It was their obligation inform the senate that from now on, they have to rely on other sources.

>Sheev was fed up with he corruption of the galaxy he saw while travelling with Plagueis
The fucking what now
>the Naboo blockade was the last straw for him
He caused the Naboo blockade by controlling the separatist from within, it's literally in the movie that you probably didn't watch

But how on earth could a millionaire in the star wars galaxy die in fucking childbirth? It's a universe where losing a hand is no big deal and you can get a perfectly functioning new one on the cheap in a day.

its never stated in the movies who is the chosen one and therefore Disney can do whatever they want with it.

Also even if they are not Sith, doesn't mean that Sith won't appear in next two films.

this actually does make some sense BUT how exactly does killing literally almost all of the Jedi count as "bringing balance to the force"?

I think what he really meant was that the Jedi themselves were becoming corrupted transforming from noble warriors who lived simple lives into an elite upper caste and essentially tools for politicians
because of this the force itself was beginning to abandon them

>The Jedi had forcefully invaded the republic

The Jedi founded the republic.

That makes sense as well and there's nothing to say both ideas aren't correct.

Are you autistic? Go read Obiwanipedia

Jesus Christ, George is even dumber than I thought.

>doesn't mean that Sith won't appear in next two films.

You don't know how one becomes a Sith do you?

You misspelled to*.

>Are you autistic?
>Go read Obiwanipedia

she lost the will to live because she read a copy of the script

Neither do you. Whatever you think of it is not canon now faggot

>Neither do you

Yea i do bitch.

are you pretending to be retarded?

he does it again

>BUT how exactly does killing literally almost all of the Jedi count as "bringing balance to the force"?
>anakin and sheev kill all jedi except for obi and yoda
>2 sith, 2 jedi

No, I really don't get it. Can you explain to me how a rich, famous person in the Star Wars universe dying of childbirth was a remotely believable possibility, given how ridiculously advanced their technology is?

>By George Lucas himself.

Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy, that's how. Its literally death of heartbreak, stress of the heart which can physically damage it and cause it to fail.

It has nothing to do with her being rich or famous, considering they were on some random ship in the middle of the Galaxy that had a basic enough Medical Droid, and the kids had to be kept secret, which is why the entire thing of "She was pregnant, but they died with her."


great dubs kid, that was one in a million