Wonder Woman

>This CGI is acceptable in 2017

>bullet vaporizes

It's a lot stupider that she's taking the time to watch the bullet spark off of her bracer. All they need is two guys shooting at her.


Not this one, that's why that one Amazonian dies from gunfire.


well they sure did a shitty job at trying to make Wonder Woman vulnerable with the way she flies around like Superman, was able to fight Doomsday and can break brick walls by flying through them

Anyone who had no idea who Wonder Woman was and saw BvS would immediately think she is super human.

You can be superhuman and not be bulletproof, dude. I hate that you're making me explain this rotten dogshit.

If you're strong enough to punch through steel without harming yourself it stands to reason you have at least a level of super durability.
Not the user but I'd agree that after the feats of durability we've seen DCCU Wonder Woman show already, WWI era rifle rounds should ping off her skeletal tits no problem. Blocking just wouldn't be a necessity, though I guess it's good practise in case someone ever does shoot something at her capable of hurting her.

It's good that the bullet shrapnel didn't fly right into her eyes and skin. Would have hurt for sure.

>You can be superhuman and not be bulletproof
So she can fly through brick walls and not get any damage on her skin yet bullets kill her?

At least in the Justice League show she would always deflect the bullets with her bracers. and she can bleed/be cut or scratched so it goes to reason she can be shot.

>people pay money to watch video game cutscenes...

someone post the webum of her swinging on the rope. I want to laugh my ass off

>and she can bleed/be cut or scratched
she fucking flies through bricks and doesn't bleed at all

Acceptale for a trailer preview released in 2016 you DUMB FUCKING PIECE OF FUCKING SHIT

You guys are seriously underestimating bullets here.

>The Wonder Shills are losing control

she can smash through glass windows and doesn't get any cuts...

so is she super human or what?

>so is she super human or what?
Yes, just not bulletproof.

still doesn't make sense

how the fuck is this movie going to be anything but dogshit

i mean i wanted to like the dceu but theyve already made 3 movies that are complete garbage and gadot is probably the most charisma-free actor ive ever seen. this will be even worse than suicide squad

Put on a quality leather glove and smash it through glass. You're not going to get many lacerations, if any. But it isn't bulletproof. There's nothing complicated about this, even a retard like Zac Snyder gets it.

the ass was flat

what wrong with that?

You're retarded.

A rifle bullet imparts about 160 jules worth of energy. While a wall can withstand several times that. It stands to reason that a person who can drive their body/arm through a wall without effort or damage can withstand a bullet hitting them.

A sledge hammer would produce more energy than a bullet just not as focused.

>i mean i wanted to like the dceu
I fucking love Suicide Squad. No not with the edit that we got from WB with the music video like editing BUT I fucking love the Suicide Squad cast in general and all the actors that starred in that movie.

Yes call me a pleb if you want but I so wanna see a sequel and am far more interested in Harley Quinn, Deadshot compared to the Justice League which to me are just too bland whilst characters like Boomerang were awesome in a fun way.

I did like Snyder's Batman in BvS but other than that, I am not at all interested really in the Justice League apart from the Aquaman movie because a horror director is making that so it will be intriguing to see.

I can hope that some day when the DCEU has finished and WB are looking back over their footage, they decide to release the original David Ayer cut of Suicide Squad where Joker abuses Harley and Harley decides to remain with the Squad after Joker returns with his face half burnt from the helicopter crash.

>just not as focused
You see the point, and you're pretending that we're disagreeing. Why?

You don't get it, bullets is her weakness, you can throw at her a fucking nuke or try to ram a lightspeed javelin into her and do nothing, but a bullet, that kills her, that's why he wears the braccers.

>you can throw at her a fucking nuke or try to ram a lightspeed javelin into her and do nothing, but a bullet, that kills her
I don't understand the meaning to this

It's because she's never seen a bullet before, retard.

>that's why he wears the braccers

Why doesn't she wear the bracers over her entire body?

In OP, she only got lucky because the shot was fired around her arm.

Yeah that makes the scene look worse than the cgi does. And when it cuts back out of slow motion she's already looking straight ahead again while her arms still blocking the bullet and it's jarring as fuck.

>Those shoddy transitions

So if you pull off the bracers would she die?

>captain boomerang
>leaves during the bar scene
>comes back

>tfw I'm mostly annoyed at the fact that Wonder Woman won't do anything but kill german footsoldiers
>WW1 germans
>poor bastards who were just as miserable as everybody else

I'm getting kinda tired of Germany always being the bad guy and nobody else never-ever did anything bad ever.

>the bullet wouldn't have hit her anyway
Also, why would I sympathise with a hero that kills conscripted soldiers in one of the bloodiest wars up to date?
I mean these soldiers didn't have a choice at all. And now some superhuman bullets can't hurt is killing them?

it would be extremely painful

Gal, action please

Fuck you

Fuck you too

She's a big gal

ITT: I will point out how things I have no idea about don't make sense

How about you google it to know why she "doesn't wear bracers on her entire body", stupid fuck?

For you

USA good, rest bad, that's how wars go, you fucking hippie



yeah I'd prefer Wonder Woman fighting Vietnamese Communists, now that's worth watching (Marky Mark as male lead)

>A rifle bullet imparts about 160 jules worth of energy
you are wrong.
you are also stupid

I think he meant, why doesn't she make a full suit of armor out of the same substance as her bracers?

Suicide Squad was the worst movie I've ever seen.

She's vulnerable to bullets because they have a phallic shape and thus can penetrate her skin and meat.

No, i'm not kidding. She can also be hurt by arrows, spears, tab attacks done by swords, daggers and shit like that. Anything resembling the shape of a penis can hurt her.

It's a magic weakness. Like her kryptonite. Anything that penetrates will bypass her defenses.

I refuse to believe this is real.


You have to be kidding yourself.

So Fantastic Four, Battle of the Five Armies is better than Suicide Squad?

I don't understand how anyone can like DC

It's just invulnerable people doing invulnerable things and then killing the invulnerable enemy with the McGaffun de jour.

It's actually so bad.

He hasn't watched those because he is a massive pleb

It''s a clever weakness so she can lose her virginity

his hairline is the most memorable thing about this scene

Then when a character isn't invulnerable the retards complain how they are weak or it doesn't make sense

DC has a huger boner for fascism and supremacy. Some people are into that.

Yeah, it's all about power dynamic.

She's hurt by phallic objects and she loses her godlike powers if bind by a man. Also, in some stories even if she hates you, if you manage to beat her ass, she'll change in an instant her demeanor to fall in love and slut for you, because of you awesome strength.

Is her face frozen from all the botox?

its bullemia

you actually gain weight from bulemia