Tfw know more about Star Wars canon than anyone on Sup Forums

>tfw know more about Star Wars canon than anyone on Sup Forums

name the lost twenty in chronological order

Then guess who I am.

>mfw I don't care


Who is Luke Skywalker's father? (only true fans know because they've seen the movie)

That's not something to be proud about.


EU isn't canon anymore

I said canon, fagtron

Explain the differences in characterization and personality between Luuke Skywalker and Luuuker Skywaler using specific examples from the text

I said canon, fagtron

so youve seen the movies huh?

Tell me about Bigger Luke.

Is Kuat still as interesting of a place in the new canon as it was on the old? KDY had some seriously messed up politics and there was always an interesting interplay between this seemingly 3rd party giant shipbuilder and the Empire / New Republic, I have no idea if this still exists in the new shit and I kind of doubt that it does since everything in new canon seems to be really stripped down.

What about his cloned doppleganger, Biggger Luuke?

Tell us everything about Sha'a Gi

What is Yarael Poof's fighting style?

Who is Kylo Ren's grandmother?

Checkmate, atheist.

Star wars is shit, grow up

>says the 35yo Man on a Japanese image board

LMAOing @ your life

Padme you stupid fuck

This is a place for mature fans of the cinematic arts

Yes Batman v Superman is kino.

ie, you're a bigger manchild loser than most of Sup Forums

Did the Emperor Palpatine Surgical Reconstruction Center have the best medical equipment in the galaxy?

Could they have saved Padme's life?