Dat attention to detail

>dat attention to detail


Other urls found in this thread:


>the wizard outfit looks better than the Flash outfit
Fuck it, scrap Flash and have him be a quirky wizard.

>Aquaman is standing in the dark, flash is standing in the light
This is the first time they spoke as friends

Cyborg looks like a lazer pointer shined on crinkled up tinfoil

is Cyborgs crotch a Transformer?


Jesus Christ, look at those tryhards. Poor Ben.

Of course, the woman is barely covered. This is why me and my bf only watch Marvel movies.

what woman?




>After watching those costumes


The first Avengers movie has a fucking power ranger costume for Captain America and it was a decent movie overall

Feels bad to be a superfag

So is Blackborg banging Ezra's sweet little ass?

How do you "watch" a costume design?

why is filthyfrank cosplaying gandalf?

It's going to stink. Warner have secretly prepared a post-credits sequence to be added if test audiences thinks it's bad where Superman flies in, snaps all of their necks and then inserts a kryptonite suppository before shitting himself to death.
That way DC can mothball the whole of Snyder's aborted vision before rebooting it in a few years.

With my eyes, duh

He's high as fuck


>Nite Owl
>The Mannequin
>Serial Ropist
>Disney Dad

man, Ben must suffer next to all this freaks

It's going to be great. Don't let the alarmist Marlels get you.

Why Cyborg? I fucking hate Cyborg.

>gal gadot in the top picture
jesus christ its like she/they didnt even try to resemble wonder woman

oh shit nigga I didn't realize jason momoa was in this

Can't wait for this masterpiece to drop and olebs of Tumblr and Reddit and sjws marvel fanboys to hate it


>Why Cyborg? I fucking hate Cyborg.


Where the fuck have you been

what the fuck is that hat that aquatwat is wearing?

You faggots suck Snyders dick way too hard.

I miss Nolan

I don't pay much attention to capeshit, let alone DC capeshit

He really REALLY likes Holy Mountain

if WB aren't faggots and fuck with JL after fucking with BvS and SS then it'll be great

MoS and BvS are both great. Watchmen was borderline experimental for a blockbuster. He's our guy, whether you like it or not.

Sources of inspiration seem to be The Magnificient Seven and Seven Samurai. That's what I can gather so far.

They saw what photoshop did to Gal's face in that pic and still released it.

Wtf were they thinking?

Gadot looks like ass.


No, he's your guy and you're a fucking retard with terrible taste.

Batfleck and Aquaman will carry this.

Looks like someone's still butthurt Sup Forums took a collective dump on Civil War. lmao

And Ciaran Hinds

>MoS and BvS are both great.
Oh that's funny
>Watchmen was borderline experimental

Don't worry, next time, the Russo brothers will do better than C-grade television.

No, only DCucks did that. We had a comfy Civil War discussion thread a few days ago.

>attention to details

>5 cents was put in your account.


300 was great.

Watchmen was good. Almost great.

MoS was about as good as Thor.

And BvS was horrible.

Watchmen was not experimental - an experimental film would be something like Funny Games. Or Cannibal Holicaust.

Watchmen was a fairly decent adaptation of a goid comic by Alan Moore and Snyder was faithful. But BvS is a commercial exploit, the result if executive meddlibg with WB Execs wanting to catch up to Marvel.

I do wish Snyder did A Dark Knight returns adaptation. BvS does not count as it.

Winter Soldier was already pretty great.

is gadot wearing blue contacts?
i dont remember them in bvs

>MoS was about as good as Thor.
This fucking retard again holy shit.

I get it.

You want to shill the new Thor shit.

Nobody gives a shit about it.


Now leave.

Who's the villian?

Steppenwolf played by Ciaran Hinds.

Looks like al affleck regrets doing cape sjat

Oh shit didn't know that, pretty hyped now desu.

Althoug I still wish they would recast fucking Wonder Woman, no one would have said a thing.

>MoS was about as good as Thor.

Autism is disgusting.

No he doesn't. He wouldn't bother taking on the huge task of writing and directing The Batman if he didn't care about it. He can opt out of that any time he wants.

He's right, you know

Fuck the Thor 3 shit, I am just saying that the first Thor was pretty kino.

will there be consoles?

Holy shit

Snyder does it again!!!

Amazing! Marvel BTFO

How different is from the autists who keep saying BvS is capekino?

Hell, they are also shills: they are shilling Justice League AND the BvS blu-ray

>oh no, Sanjeev. They found out about our marketing stunt, what should we do?!
>just call them shills too it works
You can cool off now Sanjeev. Disney won't fire you.

>Now leave
You first, capeshit faggot

Jesus wasn't killed by "villains" read the bible.

>Comparing literally the best capeflick movie to Thor

>gets killed by jews

damn, that was a good one, Zack Raimi

Is that Rob Zombie as Aquaman

>its the same ol' Marvelpajeet insult post

You DCucks are predictable

>superhero movies after 2008
Pick one

doomsday = rome
eisen(((berg))) = (((pharisians)))

Why is the media so against DCEU?

>best capeflick movie
>not Spiderman 2
>or The Dark Knight

Fucking delusional

Because it's funny

Because it isn't good.

The only people who like it arw the contrarians on Sup Forums

He never even stated otherwise. What the fuck is up with journalists always attempting to slander DC? Every fucking article, some half-twisted truth presented in the wrong context. What the fuck is going on?

>He can opt out of that any time he wants.

>Every fucking article, some half-twisted truth presented in the wrong context.
Welcome to the mainstream media

> What the fuck is up with journalists always attempting to slander DC? Every fucking article, some half-twisted truth presented in the wrong context. What the fuck is going on?


Basically hate-filled clickbait

So how long are we going to say that Cyborg's costume is not the final version we'll see i nthe film?


So they were paid by WB all along

>For more than 10 months now, critics, bloggers and haters have been dragging Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice through the mud. In fact, they talk about how much they hate it more than they talk about how much they like other movies like Captain America: Civil War.

Can a Marlel please answer this? Why are you more obsessed with DC that you hate than the movies you supposedly enjoy?

>why is everyone bullying DC fans and our shitty movies WAAAH
lol pussies

white guy, jew, nigger, faggot, shitskin... seems about right

>DCuck site

Nice source

>Ben Affleck directing the Batman movie
Good. At the very least is not Snyder.

In comparison to Shillary approved, Disney sellout sites.


>The dark knight

If you put Batman in some generic thriller it doesn't make it a comic book movie, it makes it a generic thriller.

>borderline experimental