Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace

>Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace
>"Right off the bat, everyone thought the title was a joke. EVERYONE."
I didn't. What exactly is so wrong with the title "The Phantom Menace"?

Other urls found in this thread:

>taking jokes this seriously

It's sounds silly.

How so? Which part of it is silly?

>Hold on, I'll make a 10 minute video on how much of a retard you are

The fact it was never marketed as "the phantom menace" until after the premier kinda strongly suggests that everyone thought it was a joke.

>Star Wars: The Absence of a Villain

Probably the phantom part. The title as a whole doesn't sound very science-y or adventure-y. I guess it just doesn't stick as well as the other films. Also, the title just doesn't really make sense to the content of the film. Sure, Palpatine appears on a hologram for a few scenes, but he's not a ghost, and he certainly isn't the most interesting part of the film in any way.

For the longest time I thought Darth Maul was supposed to be some kind of ghost or demon because of the title. I also thought the Emperor was supposed to be like the Force equivalent of Satan.


t. Red Letter Media Drone.

Sounds like a bad sequel to The Phantom of the Opera.

They had to market it as "Episode 1" so people would know it's a prequel.

ok, I have to ask:

what WAS wrong with its face?


Because you were four years old you fucking retarded fetus.

And what were the themes of the prequels?


Science fiction, feminism, mind control, character development, and deep plots.

I agree with jeremyjahns that attack of the clones should have been called shroud of the darkside.

Well the plinkett reviews are pretty kino. They're more entertaining to watch than the actual movies. RLMfags are ready to jump on any grenade....

The "phantom" menace was Palpatine; who the audience already knew as being evil/

Worst twist ever.

Just a little perspective for all you nine year olds. I'm old as dirt and when that title, and Attack of the Clones, got leaked to the public everyone online was like "Haha there's no way they would call it that!" If you don't believe me go back and look up the video of the reporter telling Ewan McGregor that the second film will be called Attack of the Clones. He doesn't believe him.

If you're a prequel apologist you should fucking kill yourself, because you have a very very hard life ahead of you and sometimes dead is better.


I don't hate the name but thinking back to the ot names it definitely sticks out in a bad way

The whole movie is about darth maul tracking and following Obi wan and qui gon

It's funny that you have to tell people that because he didn't actually do anything of consequence until the end, so was he the phantom? maybe Palpatine was, it's a shit title so it's hard to really know.

What a shame TFA review was so fucking disappointing.
Just like the prequels.

dere in de vendiladion sheft

>The new hope was Luke
Worstest twist ever

Phantom in this case meaning manifestation. Darth maul is shown as almost having no thought besides bloodthirsty hate for qui gon he wants to follow him to the end of the world and kill him he doesn't appear to be sentient besides that because it's not really outright explained why he is so driven. He's just a manifestation of hate

Palpatine was the phantom menace. Maul is a nobody in the film so they can have the sword fight at the end.

>Leia: Luke, you're our A New Hope

wow really



>named the whole movie after a guy that did nothing til the end of the movie


do people actually think this

Maul killed qui gon which allowed him to basically rediscover the force ghost technique, through this act he was able to teach it to yoda and Obi wan and that led to Obi wan being able to guide Luke from the grave which basically resulted in Luke saving the day at the end of episode 6


The cat-rape scene was a bit over the top

George was The Phantom Menace.

The point I was making is that maul isn't a nobody if you think about it he's actually one of the most iconic Star Wars characters


No, it was actually the other one.


Don't know. I thought both were just okay.

even as a seven year old child, when I first heard attack of the clones I thought it was a terrible name.

"Phantom" meaning hidden or secret. The reason Palpatine is so threatening to the Republic is that they never even saw him coming.

>it's all a joke

Then why should a 70 minute visual essay be watched? Because it's funny when the guy makes a dead wife joke and then says he shit himself due to bad pizza rolls?
There's jokes in the reviews but you have to take it seriously. It's like comedians stand ups. They don't mean the shit they say but at the same time there's a truth to what they say.

I always thought the title was because of Anakin, he's introduced here and then turns into darth helmet when he grows up

Nobody said it was ALL a joke, you fucking idiot. We're talking specifically about Plinkett's comments towards the title of the movie.

It was so intentionally campy it's like a high school freshman was asked to make the goofyest movie title he could possibly think of

>The story of how Palpatine used a mid-level political crisis between a backwater planet and a merchant consortium to become chancellor has its own movie
>The story of why the Galaxy still seems to be exactly the same as it was during the Empire thirty years after RotJ is relegated to a book

Really makes me think

Well, "Phantom" can imply that something is either very elusive or that something isn't real at all, in this case a "menace".

So, you have Palpatine, who is a menace but nobody realizes, that uses the crisis, which seems like a menace but isn't really, to take power, so both Palpatine and the Naboo dispute are both "Phantom Menaces" in their own way. But in addition to that, you also have Darth Maul as a Sith threat that appears and then quickly disappears like a phantom, and Anakin, who's fate to eventually become the menacing Darth Vader haunts the rest of the movie.

It's not a bad title, just different than the ones that came before. It really is too bad that the movie is shit.

> This is the perfect way to end this first film, this "Beginning." What surprised me most is how intimate it all is. This isn't a sprawling epic... yet. This is the groundwork for the next two films, and Lucas has tipped his sympathies early on. The new technology is nice, but these films feel more like your average indie than a studio action blockbuster. Yes, there's a space battle here. Yes, there's a lightsaber duel of monumental proportions. But this film ends with the people, and the most fascinating thing here is the place they seem to be heading. You thought it was hard waiting for this one? The three years to EPISODE 2 is going to kill you.

> In the end, there’s so much more that I think and feel about this script that I’m going to have to cut it short for fear of crossing some line and saying too much. You have to take these next 130 days or so in stride, friends. The wait is almost over. You are going to be rewarded for your wait in ways that you can’t imagine. If you’re willing to let Lucas take you back to this magical place he’s created, you’re going to be transported all over again. I hope my words here help make this last stretch bearable. I hope my words here rekindle your flagging faith in the film. Most of all, though, I hope my words here reach the eyes of George Lucas so I can be among the first to tell him, from the bottom of my heart...

> ... nice job.

I do

can you believe this entire scene is CGI??!?!?!?

You didn't really read his post, did you?

Article + adjetive + noun

Phantom = adjetive

Everyone was expecting a super cool title like "Balance of the Force" "Rise of the Dark Side" "Fall of the Jedi" etc. because nobody understands Lucas at all

Because there wasn't an evil ghost villain, didn't even fucking make sense.

what is the phantom menace anyway?

I actually think that RLM's 70 minute Phantom Menace "review" might be the first documented event of internet autism.

The patient zero of autism.

We need to study it, preferably without the hazard of actually having to watch it. Maybe we can begin human trials.

The total absence of danger in lightsaber duels

Attack of the Clones is also a stupid name. It sounds like a 50s B-Movie

They took phantom to mean a literal ghost, like the villain was an apparition

Jedi deliberately try to avoid making any confrontation lethal because of their moral code of honor. As a result, they generally try to tire out or disarm their foes rather than actually maiming them.

Only after Obi-Wan witnessed his master being impaled did he resort to lethal tactics and attempt to kill Darth Maul. Yoda and Mace Windu later lamented the mystery of the encounter and not knowing who the Sith was, or if he was the master or apprentice. Had they been able to defeat Darth Maul without resorting to killing him, they might have more answers.

I don't get how a children's movie is confusing grown ass men but ok.

is there something in darth training about letting your opponent pirouette before resuming a fight?


>first documented event of internet autism
are you 12?

Darth Maul's intentions should be clear - he is attempting to wear down the Jedi by inducing fear. A Jedi is impossible to kill, as Anakin said, because they are protected by the Force. It guides their movements and it subtly influences all things. For a Jedi to be defeated by a Sith, they must first lose their focus and calm, then the Force cannot protect them. Inducing fear is the best and most direct way for the Sith to break their calm.

Darth Maul, being a gifted fighter, knew that he could not take down a Jedi Master and his Padawan physically without first defeating them emotionally and compromising their connection to the Force. To that end, he was using stunts, brutality, and his terrifying mien to wear them down. When he isolated Qui-Gon, he was frightening him by showing him that he would not be rescued by his allies, as he was on Tatooine. Qui-Gon attempted to meditate between the energy fields to calm his nerves but Maul paced instead, trying to break his calm and make him lose his nerve. Ultimately it worked and he killed Qui-Gon.

It backfired however - the rage caused Obi-Wan to let go of his fear and embrace rage, so he killed Maul.

>first documented event of internet autism
Sorry but that title is held by another paragon of autism who came far earlier.

but I thought a jedi was impossible to kill

is this extended universe stuff clashing with the prequels?

You're a retarded faggot and you should probably kill yourself.

>Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace

Should have just been

>Star Wars: The Phantom Menace

It's a retarded oxymoron meant to convey the idea of:
>"The fake threat."
>"The illusory danger."
>"The feint."
and it just sounds like a fanboy wank title. It just does. If you don't understand it, that's probably because you're a fanboy wanker.

My point is that it's pretty hard to reasonably criticize the fighting style of superheroes who literally can see the future.

Literally Plinkett on Sup Forums

Shroud of the Darkside? Sounds like covering for your backside, or TP for my underside.

That sounds like a bad Magic Unglued card. Pretty terrible, just like Jahns.


Really you fucking newfaggot?

I want eleven year old prequel apologist future NAMBLA members or victims to fucking go back to /r/ImWithHer and Sup Forumseddit. We need to build the firewall.

Le mad ?

I remember thinking it was a joke because everyone knew who the Sith and Emperor Palpatine was. There was no "phantom menace."

le kill yourself permie

:20 that droid getting ran over looks so fucking bad.

>Shroud of the Darkside
Sounds like a Transformers sequel

Those sound horrible

>people still post this shit like its an argument

I thought Attack of the Clones was way, way dumber desu.

I love how anally devastated RLM has you fucking Starshitters. It's just like when they called the first Captain America mediocre and you fucking neckbeards lost your minds. Hopefully they keep making fun of you and we get another sketch out of it like when that happened and we got Plinkett getting the GET OUT JEW brick thrown through his window.

>Reporter tells Ewan McGregor that's the name of the second movie
>Ewan McGregor doesn't believe him and gives him this weird look

>tfw nobody has anything left to try and say after this latest video and eventual mashup vs the REAL shit that takes place which they were shitting on
>all the things ppl try to vaguely strawman them as doing being done for real by all the other shitty channels

also they directly attacked all the faggots bringing up AT-ATs arent in RO th-t-t-there AT-ACTs! with the mythos segment

>I'm blue da ba dee da ba die

I'm loving how worked up Sup Forums is getting over these RLM videos. Shitposting potential is at record highs and everything is high energy as fuck.


forgot how bad the prequel duels were

Phantom Menace was a fine title and I don't remember anyone thinking it was shit.

Attack of the Clones was the one everyone had the "...fucking seriously?" reaction to.

This is all head canon.

Just watched TPM yesterday.

Extremely comfy movie

>positive portrayals of Columbus
The fuck did he do wrong?

he's literally a rapist you fucking mong.

I mean maybe you haven't seen the movie in a while but it doesn't take a genius he's the phantom menace the whole movie is about qui gon and Obi wans attempts to escape him in order to keep anakin and padme safe