Opinions on this movie?

Opinions on this movie?

probably the best video game adaptation ever made

high praise

What did he mean by this?

Not as good as the games, but decent stand alone movie

I loved it. It mde me smile because is somehow very "feminist" not in the tumblr sense, but because if features many archetypes of women and 1-2 male roles covered believably by females.

AFAIK, the males were added as an afterthought. Still how everything works in the movie is not perfectly clear to me, and some of the creatures had a different meaning in the context of the game (why the nurses are "hot" as an example).

Still, solid.

As far as game adaptions go, its probably the most accurate in terms of tone and style. Bugged me that they didn't go with accurate canon enemies and shoved in pyramid head and stuff, but I guess they needed that for it to sell.

The sequel was total shit

Did the loli get raped by the janitor?

the story had nothing to do with silent hill, but the visuals looked great.

>my dick



the creatures had no meaning whatsoever.
and the nurses were hot because all nurses in non team silent silent hill games are, since people don't understand how monsters in silent hill work.

He hasn't seen Animal Crossing

>an evil cult is using a little girl with psychic powers as vessel to give birth to a demon god.

>crazy christians are burning a little girl because she's a bastard. the girl survives and is given evil powers by the devil so she can have her revenge.

yeah the people in charge of the movie had no fucking clue what the game was about.

is that jodelle?

they got the spitting image of James in Sean Bean and they fucking did NOTHING with him

the game plot does not sound like it would make a good movie plot

first half is great, second half is very shit.

ending almost made up for it

the summoning of a fucking demon god who turns our reality into a living nightmare doesn't make for a good horror movie plot but 'the devil VS crazy christians' does? come on, don't bullshit me.

He wasn't even in it originally.

>When the script was finished, a studio memo was sent to Gans and Avary that voiced concerns about the lack of a male presence in the film, since the original story contained a nearly all female cast. Gans and Avary added Christopher's character (named after the director)

at least she got the bad ending as she failed to save Cybil

He's entirely right, we can love the games as much as we want but at the time the movie came out trying to sell the "full" plot of the first game wouldn't work or be too risky to put in theaters.

It's easier for moviegoing audiences to think about some weird offshoot of puritanism mixed with witch girl than the entirety of the Order's cult and beliefs.

Maybe today they could try something closer, but for a one-off film the changes made for the movie were good if not as unique as what the game presented.

There are already a lot of assumptions to be made when psychic children are involved. Take the movie Carrie, for example, which spends almost its entire length building the premise that its protagonist is psychic. Now imagine having to get your audience to buy into the whole psychic girl thing, and then having to explain that there is a cult that wants to use her as a vessel. How do they know she's psychic? Does the cult itself break any supernatural laws? AND THEN you have to explain that a demon god, which requires even more explaining and world-building, is using the psychic girl to birth itself in this world.

It's a recipe for exposition overload, where you spend the entire runtime trying to convince the audience of each of these supernatural elements. Where exactly does the character development happen in all this? You'd spend too much time jamming the plot down their throat to have any sort of meaningful character arc.

But crazy christians burning a little girl because she's a bastard? That's a premise that everyone can already get behind. That sort of thing happens every day in real life. And what better way for the devil to get his revenge on these religious zealots than to give said girl supernatural powers? Makes sense to me.

What are some other good horror movies about cults and the occult in general? I fucking love that

my favorite.

how the fuck were you supposed to figure out you can save her in the game?

that cave story game had another bullshit thing like that

house of the devil
kill list

yeah, I guess you're right. the game's story is actually really complicated at first and figuring it out is part what makes it so great. this probably doesn't translate very well into a movie.
but turning a mysterious demon into the literal devil was not very creative. evil little girls with magic powes aren't either.

I still need to play the games, but it's one of those things where I want to enjoy it as much as everyone else remembers it and I know it can't live up to the hype. Hopefully they do a proper remake of the series some day, and fuck Konami for dropping the ball on Silent Hills.

>A man looking for his daughter or redeeming himself to the memory of his past lover.
>Needs to be feminist.
Nigga what?

Not really horror senpai

yes :3

i love the part where the razor wire tears shit up at the end. gives me chills when the church organs kick in.

Sean Bean character was an afterthought. Look it up.
Not "feminist" in the tumblr sense, but as conceived: all female archetypes + roles like the policewoman one that are generally assigend to men.

In the first game nurses are not hot. In the second are hot because sexual frustration has a big role.

But is fine - the scene is fantastic and they needed dancers to pull it.. and dancers tend to have a fantastic body.

yeah everybody seems to have a big boner for silent hill 2, this is why all nurses look like sh2 nurses.



that scene where pyramid head rips off that girl's skin and throws it at the door of the church is fucking awesome

i don't care how little sense him being in the movie makes

Actually the movie could have been more feminist without the father's progression through the movie. On one hand it ruined the pacing and on the other hand it ruined the matriarchy (and on a tumblr feminazi basis).

Otherwise it follows the source material without being a good movie. The pacing is like a videogame (go from a to b, fight bosses).

Good points for the atmosphere and the lack of useless jumpscares.

I wanted to fuck the cop

is there a fan cut that excises the parallel narrative with sean bean looking for radha mitchell? i feel like that would improve the movie by 100%

literally trolling

You could really easily do that yourself

Good adaptation. Could have being kino if they decided to keep Harry played by Sean Bean and have him as the MC, change the cultists to full satanic cult like in the game, Dahlia as the main antagonist and no piramid head.

Parts of it are corny to the point that it's embarrassing to watch, but first post=best post As bad as it gets in places, I really like it. It nailed the atmosphere of some of the games in places. It forgets itself here and there but overall it stays pretty true, I thought.


Closest thing we ever gotten to a decent Lovecraft movie also.