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If anything Bojack is Sup Forums

Secretly pounded


they're all good shows, stop being such a fag


Last night I archer bojacked your Ricky's Mort?

actually, all of them belong to mars

Bojack S1-2 are Sup Forums, haven't seen S3 so I can't make a statement.
Archer S1-3 are Sup Forums, 4+ is Reddit.
R&M is Reddit through and through.


haha he's got a horse's head so randum lol!!!! xDD

this desu

They are both Reddit as fuck

undeniable true

there has to be a 'chon 'toon

All three are good shows. And besides, Bojack Horseman is pretty much if Sup Forums was a celebrity.

Bruh watch the show atleast

you can't deny this

Venture bros is god tier

Season 6 a best

Still reddit, Xavier and mde are Sup Forums shows desu

i did. it was not funny: the show

>Justin stop making these threads
>it's actually him

go to 27:30 in he admits it

any other animated shows that are Sup Forums?

brak show probably.

Venture Bros. is too good to be Sup Forums. Maybe Moral Orel is Sup Forums

>Things I neither said nor implied!


>its a my website is better than your website episode

Sup Forums will never have a cartoon, as it is full of nihilistic cunts who are incapable of actually enjoying any form of video-based media.

The "chan" in "Sup Forums" comes from "channel," not the honorific "-chan."

all terrible shows
this if we're being honest

so he's a literal 4channer

How do we fix nu/tv/?

maybe aqua teen aswell

This is the Sup Forums show.

Reminder to get yourself tested.

Sup Forums is objectively better by default for its lack of upvotes.


that's not how i used it

reddit: the reply

(You)s with a funny reaction picture are bascially upvotes

Minions are facebook tier, mang

Do my (You)s carry from one thread to another?


firefly +8
siendfeld +0
BoB -2
Battlestar Galactica -2
West Wing +1
Last Airbender +7
King of the Hill -2
Didn't mention the +0s

I love archer and rick and morty. Haven't seen bojack though.

Who cares ?

>Sup Forums 2017
>not Reddit

u didnt get it: the show

You have to be 18+ post here

Minions are kino, maybe reddit is more your speed.


archer and bojack is lefty retard humour

Well guess I'm glad I don't care about internet politics and watch whatever I want





Have this fucking website deleted off the face of the web


the rick and morty subreddit has more subscribers than the other 2 shows combines

How does rick and morty not fall into that group? On the other hand, why do television shows apparently belong on the political spectrum now? Where does Friends belong?

He does it for a reason. He says he does it because where every other site will suck his dick for making Adult Futurama, he knows Sup Forums and specifically Sup Forums will shit on it just for the sake of shitting on it.

The key is finding people who hate it because it's popular, but in order to give credence to the theory they're not contrarian shitposters, will actually explain why it's bad and what could be fixed. This is what Justin looks for. Now, granted, he'd actually have to implement the changes which would make it a good show, but I doubt he will. Especially since the network forced him to make diversity hires to get the media off his back.

Reddit and Memey is a show I will watch and enjoy. I've not laughed out loud at any of it. It's enjoyable. It's not great. At it's best it is good, at it's worst it's just awful. There is so much they could do to fix it, but I doubt he'd actually bother.

1. Up the animation budget, Jesus Christ.
2. Artstyle is literally Bobs Burgers, but too late to change that
3. Stop making Rick burp all the time. It's not funny, it's annoying and is essentially dead air filler.
4. Stop doing entire scenes on improvisation. Interdimensional Cable 2 is 70% improvised. Don't do that. It's like a fucking blooper reel you've animated to. You're not fucking Pixar Toy Story 2 Credit Sequence.
5. Don't bring in potentially interesting situations and then NEVER bring them up again. The intro sequence shows a scene with Rick working with other Ricks and one dying. There is an episode about the Council of Rick. Why isn't there more shit involving them? It's a cool situation, use it. Evil Morty also.
6. Have character growth. Morty is a bitch for every single episode bar a couple where he shits on Rick then goes back to being a bitch. Rick being an asshole is fine, but what's the point of Morty as a character if he never improves in anything? Otherwise you could replace him with Summer as the 'moral balance'.

I could go on.

Eh ok Justin, sure please go on.

R&M is apolitical they've made dozens of jokes about right wing stuff

What the fuck? What's wrong with Venture bros? It's not even popular enough to be a reddit show


I knew Sup Forums was in here when I saw this thread. Only Sup Forums does this Company/Website War bullshit. The whole Marvel vs DC is literally Sup Forums fighting on another board because console war faggotry is banned on Sup Forums.

Didnt know you faggots hated Archer, but this is Sup Forums, i've been binge watching it for a few weeks and its been fun.

Pretty much everything decried as
or >>tumblr
was popular here first before it ever caught on there. But when reddit and tumblr embrace things Sup Forums has to be contrarian and start hating them. It's the reason the MCU was circlejerked here so much in its infancy when most normies didn't even stay in after the credits but now is shat all over.


>le depression
>le life is meaningless
>le buzzfeed

Only redditers will deny this

There's nothing wrong with it, this site v site stuff is pointlessly shit

you could at least make an effort in hiding your redditor ways

What is "right wing stuff"?

Mate, if you don't want to discuss Sup Forums topics, go to another board. You being here is down to you. You are your own prison. You can go in another thread.

I just explained to you why he makes threads. He admitted it on his PodCast. He also went to Sup Forums, so why don't you go into that board and shitpost? Or what about /fit/, seeing as he hired a drawfag from there?

it's not a drama series you fucking moron

>hurr Sup Forums
>knows what loss is

Nice way to out yourself.

>Implying cuckshit and everything associated with it isnt raping the corpse of this cancer ridden shithole

Sup Forums is the definition of a useful idiot

perpetuating company "rivalry" to boost sales of both

>Reddit Shows
Things I don't like

>Sup Forums Shows
Things I do like

There, summed up these entire fucking Sup Forumsermin threads.

dunno i'm just keeping this thread going for recommendations and (you)s

Does Futurama count if I thought post-movie it was total shit?

This list is bad.

Ok I'll go, Just tell me when season 3 is coming?

I like your honesty.

>watching """adult""" cartoons

Bojack, Archer, R&M, Family Guy, Simpsons, American Dad, Cleveland Show, F is for Family, Steven Universe (more adults watch this shit than kids), Home Movies, King of the Hill, Beavis and Butthead, Squidbillies, Venture Bros, ATHF, Robot Chicken, Sealab, Frisky Dingo, Space Ghost, The Maxx, Aeon Flux, etc, etc

All these things are reddit and forever will be reddit.

F is for Family was both Reddit and Sup Forums, depending on the episode.

Here, let me repeat myself, you illiterate fucking idiot.

is this the holy sextilogy of reddit?

Wow, upvoted XD

This entire post is reddit.

Kill yourself.
Next you'll say anime is reddit when it is indeed the basis of Sup Forums.


Genuinely hard to find anything I enjoyed on this, reddit or patrician.

It isn't a good show, either. Futurama had growth and that was exactly what Reddit and Memey is trying to ape. Doctor fucking Who also has growth and that is exactly what Reddit and Memey is also trying to ape.

The fact you think that drama is the only place for character growth (because you can't honestly be saying better animation and art style is a drama only thing) then you're fucking retarded.

The worse thing is, you're not the only person who I've seen say this utter shit. This is why Sup Forums is an impossible board to discuss stuff on, because you think that character growth, character arcs and development is pointless or for specific genres only.

The only thing that should be on the right is ATHF

Sherlock is Tumblr

The fact that you have the names of all these shows memorized just proves that you enjoy them enough to remember them. I mean nobody hates sealab then talks about it like 14 years after airing

Reddit was invented by people from digg and Sup Forums. This site is unfiguratively reddit you fucking literal redditor. Get fuckt.