Who should play him in the inevitable biopic?

Who should play him in the inevitable biopic?

Daniel Craig


Why do the good guys always lose?

Idris Elba

Moe Howard

Paul Dano hopefully.

I don't know but I'd be open to some artistic liberties being used with the story.

Anyone on this website

Now this I like

He might be able to pass for Bowie in a few years, I'm sure someone will make a biographical drama relatively soon.

Shooting up a church was cowardly.

Breivik is a real hero


>They promised him a lethal injection
>He got one

What did he do? I can't remember.
But yeah, regardless of racial issues, shooting anyone up in an area of peace is the biggest dick move possible

breivik was like a commando, tactical as fuck

Wow now all I want is him in a Bowie biopic.

>tactically mowing down unarmed teenagers
Yeah, real strategic prodigy.

Fucking bastard should be tortured. He shot innocent African Americans in a church of all places. White nationalism doesn't deserve to exist.

Ted Kaczynski was the real hero. Breivik literally plagiarized his work.

Name one person who mowed down more unarmed teenagers

If it was easy anyone could do it

Ted Kaczynski's cipher had a team of the FBI and government contracted's best mathematicians on the case to try and unravel his manifesto and they still couldn't piece the whole thing together.