That scene where he walks through the plane full of sleeping reporters as his speech on God and peace plays over it...

>That scene where he walks through the plane full of sleeping reporters as his speech on God and peace plays over it with 'halo'

>That imagining of the qt Icelandic PM dancing that Pious thinks about while 'Senza en Perche' plays

>The "God smiles" speech

Was this series meant to make me feels massive feels? Because it worked.

Wtf I love catholicism now

Other urls found in this thread:

I was in mpressed and i usually ridicule tv

WTF? I love fucking little boys now!

I know it triggers people when this show is compared to House of Cards, but it really feels like a House of Cards with three-dimensional characters and an attempt to create something beautiful rather than purely edgy.

Where can I watch this show online?


Killl yourself

Did you suddenly convert to Judaism?

Except it's nothing like house of cards, and to compare it to the young pope is an insult to the actual storytelling of the young pope.

Its really hard to find online since it's not out in America yet and is being purged when uploaded.
I think its out in Us on 20th of January. It should be easy to find onloine then.

The whole first season was released on blu ray by rarbg. It's literally everywhere there are torrents

Does it include subtitles?

Young sister Mary gave me a fetish I didn't know I had.


I bet her asshole was hairy as hell though



look for

The Young Pope S01 720p BluRay DTS x264-REWARD

You're a big guy.

He's a big Pope

That scene where he swore at the pope was incredible.

Do you feel in charge?

How hard will this show be memed?

I think very, and then we'll all develop contrarian opinions, deriding those who only enjoyed it after it aired

You mean Greenland?

the identical scene later when he kisses his shoe

>fetishizing the Vatican
>admiring people who, for hundreds of years, have been slowly and steadily stealing the wealth from the poor, alongside the British Royal Family and the Rothschild Family
>admiring absolute scum

Wew lad. Sure is edgy as fuck in these here parts.

not sure if better subs are out now, but a few weeks ago the only english sub was fine for like 30 minutes then it got out of sync and I had to constantly adjust it


>Voiello, don't... Its not worth it, man don't!

Must be sad to live life without beauty

Aye same thing really

>Sup Forums fights for justice, now

Full circle. Who'da thunk it?

>**Blocks your path

Voiello best cardinal

>wanting to watch kino about ugly poor people

The circle of polreddit desu


I'm tempted to watch it, but if it's just another subversion of Christianity with the same tired old tropes, I'll give it a miss.

What's it about? ie. is the pope a swearing womaniser or is he actually a pious man but just unconventional?



*tips fedora*

The Pope is a hardcore traditionalist who wants to take the church back to its roots. The whole point of the show is him reconciling his faith with his conservatism and the needs of the church as a modern, public institution.

It's incredibly well balanced.

Hes a fucking saint

And there it is. The "fedora". Right on schedule.

You are the cancer that destroyed this place and is now proceeding to destroy humanity. Everything you touch, is shit. YOU are shit. Everything you will ever amount to, everybody you will ever know and everything you will ever do, will be shit.

You rob everything of its integrity and you spew your "buzzwords" as though they're gospel. You brag about accomplishments that aren't yours to what passes for your "friends" and they reward you with empty applause. Empty. Like everything else in your life. You have never possessed one ounce of dignity, honor or self-respect. Others do not respect you. In all likelihood they will NEVER respect you.

I do not wish death upon the likes of you. I do not wish for you to end your vapid, hollow existence. Instead, I revel in the knowledge that, with each year that passes, you will descend more and more into the despair and depression that will inevitably follow your teenagehood. I wish I could be there to see the look on your face as the revelation hit you. The revelation that you are nothing and always have BEEN nothing. I wish I could be there to tell you, "I told you so" with a wry smile on my face.

That this will never happen, is my only regret. Enjoy what passes for your life, child, because in a few years when adulthood hits you with full-force, you will not even be REMOTELY prepared for it.

He's pious as fuck. His name is pious xiii. He has doubts about god though and at times get egotistical but he always appeals to god he's not an edgy young contrarian or anything.

He's shown to be. Legit miracle worker and I think he more so doubts himself rather than god. Everyone else sees him as a genuine saint.

Its beautiful television and Normie's are in for a shock if they think hes gonna be edgy and subversive.
Listen to his words in this teaser

this show is too kino for HBO, half the audience will turn it off after the first scene

The cardinals compromise on an unknownen candidate, who turns out to be a weed smoking liberal moderniser

if you're anything like me you won't enjoy this garbage

>The Roman Catholic Church is the largest non-government provider of health care services in the world.[1] It has around 18,000 clinics, 16,000 homes for the elderly and those with special needs, and 5,500 hospitals, with 65 percent of them located in developing countries.[2] In 2010, the Church's Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Health Care Workers said that the Church manages 26% of the world's health care facilities.[3] The Church's involvement in health care has ancient origins.
>A quarter of the 100 top-ranked hospitals are Catholic. All these institutions are subject to the oversight of a bishop or a religious order. The Economist estimates that annual spending by the church and entities owned by the church was around $170 billion in 2010 (the church does not release such figures).
>463 million of which was directly to "national charitable activitis"

So you had this saved and were fishing for fedora tips I see

>reading that wall of shite

I might give it a shot then. A nice change of pace from the same stale "LMAOJESUSFREAKS" shit that's permeating media these days.

maybe this will work

This trailer is why people think its similar to House of Cucks

Well said.
How do you upvote on this website?

It's nothing but positive in its portrayal of people's faith. No faith shaming here.



I'd say it openly mocks shows like House of Cards by making you think Lenny is the typical power mad anti-hero when he's really just a sad little boy who has buried his humanity so deep he's unsure how to share it anymore

>I became a priest because I'm incapable of dealing with the loss of human relationships

This fucking show made me feel in a big way.

Young Pope really wasn't anything great. It had the same problems most of the latest Sorrentino's flicks had, and some new problems as well.
Sorrentino that doesn't direct a good movie since Il Divo and a great movie since L'uomo in piu.
I noticed Americans liked it much more than Italians, the exotic charm must be one of the reasons.

im interested in what you thought its problems were

Girl look at that body


Nonwhite detected

What a fucking moron you are


My only problem with it was some of the pacing from scene to scene was weird, and the dialogue was odd at times.

i thought it was good. the only problem if any is the electro type background score they had. it reminds me of this spanish porno i watched

1% of the general male population is a pedophile, and fraction of that ever molest a child. There are 100,000 Roman Catholic priests. Proportionally, there are fewer pedophiles in the clergy than in the general population. A child is ten times more likely to be molested by his/her public school teacher than his/her Roman Catholic priest.

The bad thing isn't that some priests molest children. That's just mathematically inevitable when you're dealing with a sample size of 100,000. The shameful thing was the systematic covering-up and hence enabling of predatory pedophiles by the Church hierarchy. But to be fair that was how sexual indiscretions were handled in ALL major institutions prior to the 1980s. The Church has paid damages to proven victims and corrected the problems with how they handle such cases.

The Church (and often even criminal investigators) often have no way of determining the truth of such accusations, and so erred on the side not ruining a man's life and career. Keep in mind that a few priests have been falsely accused a few have been wrongly convicted. This moral panic needs to die. There are other institutions far, far worse for the sexual abuse of minors, like the homosexual scene, Hollywood, or certain political organizations with a penchant for pizza. The media only continues to beat the dead horse of the Catholic Church because it's politically expedient.

deep feelings but better expressed more subtlely I think.

I quite liked that touch actually, it was a leit motif that ran throughout the show, and wasn't a tired cliche

I like that a show about the oldest institution on the planet used "modern" music so extensively, like the remixed version of All Along the Watchtower. Old is new but still the same old thing

>or certain political organizations with a penchant for pizza

I don't hear an objection

Latest Sorrentino problems? Excessive camera work to hide the poverty of the writing, clumsy attempts at social commentary, artificious dialogue that tries to hard to nail memorable quotes, meandering narrative, questionable music choices.
As for the Young Pope, the overblown direction wasn't that much of an issue, but the problems in the writing department were multiplied. Sorrentino needs a good writer to keep him in check and has needed one for quite some time, but after everyone started calling him a genius after the Oscar there are zero chances of that happening.
Yes exactly

This is pretentious, meaningless pseudo-patrician catholic garbage

bait for the uninformed. italians love it

>t. wikipedia (((sources)))

no i get that and i loved the score in the knick too. just this score reminds me of this porno

This. Sup Forums liking it is a red-flag.

Normies on Facebook maybe, not the intellighenzia.

The Economist, actually.

Half the episodes had a co-writer though

I really wish The Knick's writing was as good as it's score and cinematography. Everything about it seems so overdone


The scene with the Marketing director and everyone saying, "good" at least four times during the shot was just bizarre. Who the fuck read that out loud and said, "Yeah... that works."

Further, the show utterly fails to keep any sort of realistic chronological timeline. Between the first delay of his homily, and the actual homily taking place we are shown multiple shots at various times throughout different day/night cycles. Yet the viewer is told that only one day has gone by. Mistakes like this make the show feel as if it were done during amateur hour.

This website is really good, all the episodes are 720p so not completely HD but it has subtitles for the Italian as well

They didn't tell about genocides and shady dark things? That's right. Even in your favorite show we see their precious hospitals and how they work.

Is everyone watching this through torrents?

>24 cathocucks shilling their pseudointellectual memeflickshow

>tips fedora

>larping that you know anything about some italian intellighenzia on a chinese rice recipe swap board

So did La grande bellezza, but I specified a good writer.

It's been on streaming sites for months.

what country did he visited in africa?


Pick one. They're all the same shithole.

>Says the guy who worships a devil worshiping, goat fucking, slave owning, war mongering, pedo false prophet

A fictional country, and made them a fictional flag and fictional dictator

>This is what they do now.
And then you'll go and complain about white guilt, right?

This evil white christian show is so offensive to us lgbt people and our Muslim brothers. Please delete this thread at once before i report you for hate crimes

Apply yourself



Will I like this show as a devout Catholic?