User hellpp i saw a cockroach!

>user hellpp i saw a cockroach!

hid in the discord

get outta my house, you dumb bitch!

Wait, that isn't jordyn...who cares, fuck off


you're ugly and stupid! fuck off!


don't worry honey, we're leaving Turkey

tfw no agniya gf

Should cunnyposters be exterminated?

(Yes/Absolutely yes) ?

travis bickle was one though



He literally risked his life to save a child prostitute you dense motherfucker.

Cunnysseurs are all great people, though


literally alpha-male bros

>he wanted Jodie Foster all to himself
Really made me think.

well, jodie was prime cuncun

so it's only natural

pic semi-elated

she's 7 years old

your point?

>tfw you'll never have your own daughter


this pic is really old, tho, right?

friendly reminder pedos are trump supporters from Sup Forums

Is that Chloe?

>le pedo maymay

you need to go back

