I'm trying to think...Has Disney ever made a great movie that WASNT a re-done story? And Pixar movies don't count

I'm trying to think...Has Disney ever made a great movie that WASNT a re-done story? And Pixar movies don't count

Every one of their famous movies are unoriginal stories retold through animation. Aladdin, Lion King, hell, even Bambi is based on another story

Have they ever had a great original idea?

This one.

Trick question, there's no such thing as an original story. Everything has already been done.

I directly I guess, but most I'd not all Disney moves are adaptions or retells

Tell me a story that Godfather copies. Or Usual Suspects, etc

beaty and the bast

It doesn't matter if the story is original, it's all about executing well. It's not like an original story is going to impart some world changing wisdom. People just want to be entertained. Do that and it doesn't matter how often your story's been told.

Usually original ideas have been given to the theme parks.
>Pirates of the Caribbean
>Haunted Mansion
>Country Bear Jamboree
>Space Mountain
>Big Thunder Mountain
Zootopia and Wreck It Ralph were both original, however. So was Lilo and Stitch.

Of all of those, Pirates and Zootopia are the only ones I'd consider as "great" and that's still a stretch

First of all, I don't think you understand how disney operates.
Remaking fairytales is their tried-and-true method.

Second of all, Wreck-it-Ralph was pretty awesome.

Well the argument wasn't about quality, it was about whether or not Disney has ever made an original film.

Lilo and Stitch was one of Disney's best works.

What is your malfunction?


>Has Disney ever made a great movie that WASNT a re-done story?
>great movie
>Not about quality

Why don't Pixar movies count?

Fuck your arbitrary guidelines.

Even if that were the case, what you'd consider "great" is a subjective matter that has nothing to do with this argument.

You're just not old enough.
>The Love Bug
>The Absent Minded Professor
>The Parent Trap
>Lady and the Tramp

Lilo & Stitch definitely.

Because Disney didn't make them faggot, Pixar did

It's subjective per person I guess but in general, I think the film watching community understands collectively what is and isn't great

Everyone must concede Godfather is great, even if they don't like it, because everyone else likes it

Disney has literally made 200-300 films. OP just hasn't been alive long enough to have seen many of them.

But then OP also dismissed Lilo and Stitch, so fuck him.

Just as you must concede that Pirates of the Carribbean, Lilo & Stich, Wreck-it-Ralph, and Zootopia (to name a few) are Disney movies that were well received and featured original plots.

The Best Selling Novel by Mario Puzo called
>The Godfather

that's based on a true story

he thinks the new cgi disney movies are pixar

pay attention to the fucking logos you animal!

>old shit


Lilo and Stitch is one the few animated kinos that exist, fuck you


Fucking Lynch

Wreck-It Ralph is the best Disney CG movie by far.

It's absolutely not an original story, though. Essentially just Iron Giant covered in video game and food references.