The emperor is not as forgiving as I am

The emperor is not as forgiving as I am

>tfw you're in charge of a larger battle station than Grand Moff Tarkin, but you're just a Moff
The Emperor kind of fucked him on that one.

That means the current Grand Moff was being cucked out of being commander of the Death Star 2.

Sheev was pretty forgiving when Anakin beefed it on the volcano planet. He could have just nudged that failure into the lava but didn't. He was a good friend.


There can be only one?

I'd imagine the Grand Moff wouldn't want to be on the station considering the last GM blew up with the last one.

And he wasn't at the Battle of Endor either? What the fuck was he doing that was more important?

Running shit on Coruscant? Star Wars' focus is always tiny for such an enormous setting. The Death Stars are supposed to be secret projects, but there must be hundreds of secret projects going on. It's not like that Imperial fleet at Endor isn't the only one, it's just a handle of ships and one dreadnought. Maybe Palpatine himself was overconfident in his trap and should have brought more?

>What the fuck was he doing that was more important
He fell into a nest of gundarks

Apparently there can be numerous Grand Moffs in charge of various shit. Jerrjerrod just got cucked out of the title.

Moff means regional governor, literally nothing to do with ships or death stars

What was Jerrjerrod governor of?


So I'm still in command?

Here's something I don't understand.

>at one point, everyone but Darth Vader and the Emperor is on the fully operational Death Star

>they don't just blow up vader and the emperor and take it for themselves.

Palpy could probably sense any possible mutiny. He was fully plot armored from everything because of Luke and Vader. Dat destiny.

And do what? stop a giant space lazer?

He would probably sense it beforehand and dip out before they charge it up.


they highly respect authority.

the force is with me
I am one with the force
the force is with me
I am one with the force


Master switch, describe,
what are we looking for?
What does it look like, the master switch?

how did he locate it if he's blind

He used the force duh, it was with him

>Tho I'm thtill in command?

Wee these guys supposed to be force sensitive?
I don't remember this at all.

Not really. The Empire can't afford to bring in too big of an army and fleet because they are already spread too thin keeping order across the Empire. Return of the Jedi makes it clear that they are running low on men. They say so in this scene.

Also there was a fuck ton of Star destroyers that didn't even engage in the battle really.

It was a deleted scene. I don't think they know the force, but they don't look like they should be fucked with anyways.

-Chirrut! Chirrut, don't go. Don't go. I'm here. I'm here. It's okay. It's okay.
- Look for the Force,
- Chirrut.
and you will always find me.
- The Force is with me.
I'm one with the Force.
The Force is with me.
I'm one with the Force.
The Force is with me.
and I'm one with the Force.


His overconfidence is his weakness

Why didn't the Germans just kill Hitler and take over Germany for themselves

Tom Cruise sure tried.

That was bullshit. Why not just shoot him in the face