Theaters around the world are dominated by comic book heroes, ice princesses, apocalyptic love-struck teens...

>Theaters around the world are dominated by comic book heroes, ice princesses, apocalyptic love-struck teens, and whatever masterpiece Pixar is rolling out. It’s clear that cinema is as healthy as ever. Oscar-worthy directors, indie geniuses and foreign artists are creating stunning, boundary-pushing work. Since the turn of the century, movie lovers have been enjoying a second golden age. But which films are the best of the best? What are the top movies since 2000 to see before you die? Chris Stuckmann, one of YouTube’s most popular film reviewers (70+ million views) gives us his best of the best! In his book debut, Stuckmann delivers his list of the very best 50 Movies since 2000 – with that style and punch that YouTube viewers have come to love. These are the films you must see before you die.

How many have you seen?

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This guy is so full of himself holy shit. Fury of the Film Fan was right.

46. also didn't this guy give capt america civil war and deadpool an A+?

Yes he did.

>captain america
>the force awakens
I'd rather die than see those again.

What a shit list, 43.


and holy shit what a terrible list

>It’s clear that cinema is as healthy as ever

Its just the 50 most popular movies of the 2000s, completely uncontroversial

Just like his reviews, really. Just says what his manchild viewers wanna hear.

The only "community" more autistic than the Youtube movie reviewers is, possibly, TV Tropes

There's probably a Stuckmann TV Tropes page, come to think of it. But I ain't looking for that shit

For some reason, "Bucket list" reminds me of fried chicken

Oh, it's there.

>Adorkable: His love for movies and overall enthusiasm make him this.

What a terrible list

>Cache caught me even though it's been on my watch list for 6 years

I'm literally #1 out of 292 people that have done that.

is Trick 'r Treat really that popular?



Pedestrian list

Its not obscure, to put it another way

Nearly every movie on the list is an American production, and a huge financial success

I find it a bit Stuckmannizing of him to condescend to "film buffs" with such an entry level list

Not to mention its clear he is infatuated with "stars" like Gyllenhaal and Cruise. They make up half the list between them.

"Zod's snapped neck" memes aside, the guy really does have a very shallow appreciation for the art form. He was in the right place at the right time with his Youtube channel, and little more.

I will admit to being jealous that he has been published, and no doubt its selling lots of copies to his neckbearded audience. They can put it on the shelf next to their reddit letter media shot glasses

>no doubt its selling lots of copies to his neckbearded audience. They can put it on the shelf next to their reddit letter media shot glasses
I was with you until this part. First of all, I like Red Letter Media, but besides that, I don't think most of Chris Stuckmann's fans are old enough to have beards. I actually watched a vlog of one of those teen girls who get spammed on this board, and she talked about how much she enjoyed watching Chris Stuckmann.

>I find it a bit Stuckmannizing of him

he has the taste of a 68 year old academy voter

>you will never Stuckmannize Chris's hot wife

I have seen 47 of the 50 movies in that list.

Am i a pleb now?

29 and that's a horrible list. Some of those films I've only seen because someone told me it was good and they weren't memorable at all.

>They can put it on the shelf next to their reddit letter media shot glasses
RLM is good, though.

>White woman
>Beta YouTube BF

She will never be truly satisfied unless Chris let's her pick up some BBC at their local bsr

almost all of them are films I was dragged to by friends

Don't lie. Sup Forums doesn't have friends.

I have two, and one of them loves capeshit

Theaters around the world are dominated by comic book heroes, ice princesses, apocalyptic love-struck teens, and whatever masterpiece Pixar is rolling out. It’s clear that cinema is as healthy as ever.

This has to be a joke, right?

(mainstream) Cinema has never been as bad as it is right now

If it were anyone besides Chris, I'd be positive it's a joke.

who knew that the PG-13 action blockbuster and cartoons for children were the pinnacle of cinema?

Didn't you read? It's a golden age.


Who is this erection confection

It's honestly like he's still a child.

I think she does POV incest rp

Why do all the big Youtube critics only watch post-2000 movies? I highly doubt either YMS or Chris Stuckmann have seen over 20 movies that are pre-2000.

Both of them wanted to be youtubers so they decided to talk about movies. I can't call these guys critics, not even movie buffs, and yet they are the "critics" with the largest following. Shame!

It's what people want to watch. I believe the RLM guys have said as much. Avengers 17 is somehow still getting asses in seats and making youtube videos about them gets big views.

Fair enough but I'm not talking about their videos, I'm talking about their tastes. YMS for example has all of his watched movies on imdb and they are 99% post-2000. The guy hasn't seen the necessary films to call himself a critic or even a film buff, and yet he has a platform to talk about a medium that he hardly understands.

>and whatever masterpiece Pixar is rolling out. It’s clear that cinema is as healthy as ever.
this is what plebs actually believe

That's a really bad list, i've seen 40 flicks there.

Ah, yeah. My comment was completely irrelevant.

A lot of them are just nerds talking about movies instead of actual critics. I believe Kevin Smith and Doug Benson also host their own movie related podcasts, while just being nerds talking about movies. They can nitpick and talk about cool splosions, but there's not much substance to their videos. It's not exactly a gripe of mine, no one wants to be a gatekeeping faggot, but it is weird to see people elsewhere on the internet take TGWTG seriously.

>very best movies
give me a break

42. Many of them I saw in theaters with friends

>Theaters around the world are dominated by comic book heroes, ice princesses, apocalyptic love-struck teens, and whatever masterpiece Pixar is rolling out. It’s clear that cinema is as healthy as ever.

Is this ironic? I can't tell.


>cinema is as healthy as ever

>write a book recommending just about the most mainstream ever movies that about any westerner will have seen anyways
>people will still buy this
Fucking 'ell.


this list isnt terrible. it's just incredibly mainstream. of course, any list of any kind is going to trigger Sup Forums. im glad there will be blood got on at least.

I've seen 23, but i feel like they are probably the best ones on his list.

watch more movies pleb

I only really watch cinema these days. Movies are for plebs.

There's only like 5 good movies on that list

OP is a faggot, can't you tell from the b8 greentext? He is trying to trigger peope who have good taste in cinema, by pretending that he's unaware/totally oblivious to how shit Hollywood is now, with the reboots, sequels, and capeshit. It's mean to be "ironic". is really insightful.

>Most top film lists, such as AFI's list of 100 Greatest Movies, are heavily skewed to older movies such as Citizen Kane and It's a Wonderful Life, which kills my interest in them. As a self-styled modern film buff, I was thrilled to see this "bucket list" focusing solely on the last fifteen years, especially since it was written by a reviewer whose videos I greatly enjoy.

>I “discovered” Chris Stuckmann’s You Tube channel when sorting though movie review videos. He has been posting reviews on YouTube for years. What struck me most about his videos were his passion and his intelligence. >He truly appreciates movies.
>Chris Stuckmann is always fair, even to some less than stellar movies. The exasperation or hurt on his face is touching. Sometimes his reactions can be more entertaining than the movie that he is reviewing.
>This book is a good overview, especially for moviegoers reluctant to experiment outside of their favorite movie genre.

>Now, I am sick of the YouTuber book deals that seem to be sprouting up like weeds. Most of these people are in their mid-twenties and haven't done much of anything, let alone enough to fill a book. When I heard that Stuckmann was releasing a book, I was cautious. When I found out it was basically a collection of reviews, I got more excited. This is essentially what he does on his channel but a little more in depth.




23 and I can't say I feel bad about not watching more than half of the rest.

fuck off shill



Nice trips user! Thanks for posting, and remember, to get STUCKMANNIZED

Fuck capeshit.

46, The way the Bourne movies are filmed is shit so won't watch that

25. The list is really mainstream and almost entirely American.

Why do people jerk off these youtuber faggots again?

>dat list


46, but I counted the ones I turned off after 25 minutes because they sucked and ones that were playing in the background while I did other things.

Still better than horror movie fans on youtube.

13, that's a pretty plebby list.

I wish Jay could talk about the real movies he sees, but people don't care about those.