What are some other films that should be added?

What are some other films that should be added?

How many times will OP post this? How many times will OP tip his fedora? How many times will he not add his favorites?


anything by Wes Anderson and Kubrick.
And don't forget Cameron.

All of them

Film is a pleb medium

>anything by Wes Anderson and Kubrick.
fucking this

>OP has no way to interact with people other than to shitpost

Thanks for the rec list

Would it just be easier to use the images of the director if it's going to be more than 1 title?

Mad max fury road
John wick
Edge of tomorrow


mad max

>Mad max fury road
This and Road Warrior

John Wick was shit. I couldn't stand watching it after he breaks open his floor to get his weapons stash. The whole movie was a cringefest. It does not deserve to be in the same lest as either of the other two.

in bruges
kill list
frances ha

>in bruges

>frances ha
delet this
hes on a whole different pleb level than the rest. he is so pleb he has to get his mom to help him get dvd and blurays out

Anything on this list

this and PTA, Villeneuve

those are all good movies though.

Can someone please trash this fucking thread and can OP just kys already.


Okay, so I get some of these, but Children of Men and The Social Network?

Am I a pleb?

No, the list is fucking stupid hipster-tier bullshit. OP is the real pleb.

>All these films are popular, yet with completely different people
>tips fedora

I like most of these they are good or great thanks for the list.

Possession is unironically the biggest piece of pleb-core flick on that image. Nothing but an exercise in pseudo-psychological interpretations

Do you have more plebcore collages like this?
They are good rec list, I enjoy most of those films.

>there are people that like into redditness
Jesus christ

>possession is the biggest piece of pleb core on that image
Christ its one of the few that don't deserve to be there


Are you people just constantly shitposting or do you literally hate amazing composition?

Still better than tfa or other shit of the like. And yes I know it doesnt say much. But JJs trek flicks were more star wars than his star wars movie

They sometimes shitpost sometimes have terrible taste. OP hates Kubrick though and loves Korine and likely Malick judging by his absense in the image.

Not OP but Korine and Malick are way better than Kubrick. (and kubrick is definitely not a bad director)

Thats laughable m8. Korine is shit. Malick is a parody of himself.