Do you respect actors/actresses more or less if they've done a nude scene?

Do you respect actors/actresses more or less if they've done a nude scene?

depends if I love them or not

Don't have a waifu anymore, so I'm indifferent to it now.

Jesus Christ what the fuck happened to ASR

Probably less, unless it's someone who's already a whore.

If they can act, why should it matter?

I really don't care about that at all, sounds like something a dumbfuck would care about

I like i-Zombie threads much much less (don't even watch the show but look at webms in the threads) because of that webm from the other movie where the main actress gets fucked by a Chad at a party like a slut.

ASR should do a nude scene where she's stripped of all her clothes by a sexy tall girl

And then what?

Makes no difference, but I would respect them less if they refused to do one

after she's taken off her push up bra, the tall girl would laugh at how small ASR's breasts are and at how short she is

But short girls are the best and that's just truth.

And pinch her nips and stuff?



no. all short girls are insecure about their height

pinch them and pull her up by them so that she has to stand on her tip toes

>short girls are insecure about their height
Yeah I know a few. But so are tall girls. A six foot girl I know hated being that tall and was sick of guys asking her how tall she was and knew she made manlets uncomfortable and didn't like it. Girls are just insecure in general.

But short girls are cute as fuck at least.

Depends on why they did it. If an Actor goes nude because it makes sense or improves the scene then i gain respect for the actor because it shows that they care about their work more then their modesty, where as if an actor goes nude in a scene just because the director wants to use it as selling point then i lose respect for the actor because they did it for money and attention. Kate Winslet went nude in The Reader because it enhanced the story, their relationship was one of physical and then emotional depths, likewise the scene in titanic was also good because it made sense. whereas you have kiera knightly in the Jacket taking her tits out and it makes no sense and doesn't do anything for the movie.

Shirt girls are for pedos, tall girls are for cucks, normal girls are for normies.

Since most of them don't do it artistically and just do it for a paycheck. Less usually

See dadarrio and kstew

i don't understand the context of the picture? are they famous people who went nude? are they famous mimes who went normal?

>True Detective wasn't art

>tall girls are for cucks
what do you mean? black guys like short girls with big asses mostly, i never see a black guy with a tall white girl

This, women are a meme

>tv is art
Listen bub her getting her tits out wasn art it was standard HBO


More. A) it's brave and probably something I wouldn't have the balls to do personally and B) I get to see their tits

>what do you mean?
If you're into tall girls, you like girls who dominate, you like them strong and huge. So you're a cuck. Of course that doesn't apply to girls who are tall, but still shorter than you

i like short girls because i can pick them up, i like tall girls because they probably have long legs with big feet and i like girls with abnormally hairy arms because they have strong pheromones for smelling

none of that makes me a 'cuck'.... even if you liked a woman with rippling arm muscles and impressives calves fuck you in the ass with a strap on, technically that wouldn't make you a cuck

More if they are some kind of sex symbol.
Teases like Allison Brie who have made her whole carrer around their whorish image and never showed the goods are fucking cancer

On the contrary I absolutely love and respect Eva Green as an actress

>>But short girls are cute

i find they are especially cute when standing next to a sexy tall girl and looking upwards to them

>Alison Brie
i'm ready for her nude scene in her new wrestlin show

I want ASR to be looking up at me :(
Too bad it's like 6 years too late to see perfection.

>all of that ass packed into a fun-sized qt
Y-Yeah she can look back at me.

i laugh every time at this webm, she's struggling so much to get on that chair
i want to see mew give her a helping hand and lift her up


Unless its simulated sex scene with non-whites.

i don't respect actors or actresses




More Asr plz


>implying I respect them to begin with

i'd respect asr more if she got naked
respect her with my dick if you catch my meaning

Any porn kino like this?

those feet eww

yes, an actress cant be afraid of showing tits. If I was an actor i d be showing my cock and asshole all the time

ahh i remember this gif it was made by an old master, his name was bello, he was a good friend

who cares

all of them are literally whores for fame and money

Way more. A real actor must be promiscuous as fuck to do any kind of role.

wait, so you're telling me other people actually give a flying fuck about these dancing monkeys outside of a movie?

pretty sad and depressing to care about someone who plays make believe for a living, but hey whatever gets your dick hard right?

why watch porn when you can use your imagination?


I'd love to see Annasophia Robb raped by Karlie Kloss. None of that gay masculine strap-on shit, though, proper female on female rape with Karlie's legs pinning down Annasophia's arms and her arms holding Annasophia's thighs apart while she goes to town with her mouth on Annasophia's sweet hairy mound. And Annasophia hates it at first, then she orgasms, then she hates it some more, until Karlie pulls her mouth away and Annasophia finds herself wanting more.
Then Karlie inserts her long spindly fingers inside Annasophia's pussy and ass hole.

Is there any though

Barbara Palvin won't get nude but got fucked by Justin Bieber. I hate her now.


In a movie like Under the Skin or Mulholland Drive? Sure.