Dishonest films don't exi--

dishonest films don't exi--

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Stop spamming this shit

He isn't and he's right. What are you upset this isnt a "wow kino of the year I love LA La Land " spam?

I cant wait for this fucking meme to die

Dishonest threadmaking desu

He's right, though. Everything about this film screams "dishonesty". It's an affront to everything we humans have worked long and hard for, as a species.

>What are you upset this isnt a "wow kino of the year I love LA La Land " spam?

No, it's not even my favorite movie of the year. I want morons to stop spewing the newest meme which do not provide any discussion at all.

Define dishonesty or am I getting again?

Dullest flick I've ever seen since Harry Potter

dishonest filmmaking is where stylistic choices are made to impress critics/viewers, instead of an actual creative vision.


Why not both? I'd say La La Land does a good job being creative, while also impressing the viewers and the critics.

Yeah, yeah I could see that. But you'd have to be a skillful film watcher to be able to pick up on something that subtle. I doubt anyone on Sup Forums has enough experience watching film to make that sort of criticism.

Did Armond White use the word dishonest yesterday?

He can't because he's a cinepleb. Read through here and watch as he freaks out as a real kino patrician dances over his meme pleb mind

to me it felt very artificial. Even the opening with all the stupid long takes felt like chazelle was trying way too hard to impress. And the ending sequence was just a long self indulgent mess full of green screen.

don't think so. he did use "gay" a lot.

>to me it felt very artificial.

not to defend this garbage but it is a movie where people stop what they are doing and break out into choreographed dance and song numbers. I don't really know how authentic you can even make a musical feel.

Musicals do that, they have set pieces that try to impress an audience. You're making a very shallow criticism

>Even the opening with all the stupid long takes felt like chazelle was trying way too hard to impress
It's supposed to be a long take. Not because he wants to pretentious, but because the film is an homage to classic musicals, with lots of long takes.

>And the ending sequence was just a long self indulgent mess full of green screen.
I disagree. A lot of musicals end this way, such as Singin In The Rain. And most of it was shot on set/location, so didn't look like green screen.

Any proper movie about LA, "It's Magic and Trappings" has to have a fall from grace where your wet behind the ears kiddo is in some smokey den with a needle stuck in her arm or getting fucked on some casting couch by a fat wheezing producer.

I can only hope that this movie has a bit of that.

When they started dancing in air I threw the cinema chair at the screen and started screaming "THIS IS DISHONEST FILMAKING" at the top of my voice.

>started dancing in air

fuck not more magical realism.

laziest device of the last 20 years.

authentic isn't a literal metric. what is authentic in this is the emotion. the characters are very artificial and melodramatic. the director somehow tries to raise their story to a beautiful and dramatic romance, when in reality it is nothing above melodrama.

yeah but in this scene it's just chazelle moving the camera randomly. It's supposed to be technically impressive, but to me just comes of tacky. Compare this to Rochefort where the camera movements actually make sense and isn't just pure wankery.

I love long takes like everyone, but I have a big issue when they use just for the sake of it. A good long take fills you with awe, but in LLL it's just chazelle waving a camera around try to get the academy's attention. It's tacky.

what would you do to make it more 'authentic'. Again I don't really understand how something in the genre of musical can really be authentic.

Can you give me an example of an authentic musical?

For me the performances sold the characters and "melodrama". And that's my opinion, I can see it was different with you

Isn't all film making dishonest?

it doesn't. it's honestly just a shitty movie. the actors aren't performers so there is nothing there left besides the story which is not worth telling.

No, only filmmaking that wins awards is dishonest.

No, see

This is the most single dishonest film ever created. Ryan Gosling is not a jazz musician. I felt like the entire movie was based on a lie.

that's cool, i wasn't expecting great performances, but i don't think there was enough there. my favourite musical is the music man and this scene:

i'm not bashing the actors i'm more hating on the director because this movie seems disingenuous to me. i hate that they tried to tap into golden era hollywood.


>white hollywood circlejerk: the film

t. embryo

I can see the opening as show off-y in a negative way, considering the movie doesn't really use that type of trick again, but I felt it set up the rest of the movie well. Chazelle certainly has a flashiness to his directing (Whiplash especially) but I think it serves the movie well. To me it doesn't come off as a statement on his skill and more a statement reflecting the story, setting and overall themes.

Why are you lala fags so salty?

>i hate that they tried to tap into golden era hollywood.

Cohen brothers movies must be very triggering for you. How do you even cope?

It depends on how many awards their movies win. The ones that don't win anything are fine. The ones that do are triggering.

What is the real difference in themes between this and Get Rich or Die Tryin' other than this one has white people and singin' in the rain references...

here's an example for

i thought la la land was pretending to be a musical but not knowing what makes a musical or what made classic films good. they're using the musical and retro setting to try to be cool but don't have the heart. [spilier]or the talent[/spoiler] no offense.

hail cesar was good because they understood hollywood and they delivered an original story not just vintage scenery

Is "dishonest" the same as pretentious?


Well pretentious is a pretty dishonest word when used on Sup Forums.

There's something feeling like a true timeless classic in La La Land, even though I haven't seen it yet, anyone has seen it


honestly I think Hail Cesar was the best movie of the year.

They'll probably give it to Jackie. They've been real political and this year will be reminding people of the splendor and grandeur and youthfulness of the Democratic party.

Last year was to remind us to always trust the MSM for they are the finders of truth in a world that is nothing more than a blur of republicans and meat.

It's funny how you guys would be saying the opposite if Hail Cesar was rated highly and won awards.

It's funny how you'll die a virgin.

Hail Caesar wasn't a dishonest film

Jokes on you, I fucked a hooker once.

arrival had a great reception and people on tv loved it. tv isn't even that contrarion? im guessing you liked LLL so you're on full defence mode?

i'd rather this film win all the awards instead of another pandering slavery film.

haha, i don't even see all the movies nominated and didn't make that connection. jackie would fit in that theory.

i didn't like la la land before it won awards, i'm actually surprised it did, but not that surprised since the industry is out of touch.

hail cesaer didn't tick any fashionable boxes so it went unnoticed. it wasn't emotionally heavy but it was very good.

They are no different this is a jew flick and a good goy extraordinaire. It hinders the medium