Natalie Hershlag reveals 'crazy' wage gap on No Strings Atttached

Really makes you think

>Natalie Portman, whose performance as Jackie Kennedy in a forthcoming film has many tipping her for repeat Oscar glory, has reignited the Hollywood gender pay gap controversy in a new interview.

>Speaking to Marie Claire UK, Portman, 35, said her co-star in 2011 romcom No Strings Attached, was paid considerably more than her. “Ashton Kutcher was paid three times as much as me on No Strings Attached,” she told the magazine, ascribing the disparity to an inflated asking price for Kutchner, based on his projected worth.

>“I knew and I went along with it because there’s this thing with ‘quotes’ in Hollywood,” she continued. “His [quote] was three times higher than mine, so they said he should get three times more. I wasn’t as pissed as I should have been. I mean, we get paid a lot, so it’s hard to complain, but the disparity is crazy.”

>Portman continued: “Compared to men, in most professions, women make 80 cents to the dollar. In Hollywood, we are making 30 cents to the dollar.”


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is she seriously complaining about getting paid millions of dollars?

usually i dont give a shit about these but it's not like shes some no name, people know her, shes been in a ton of movies, some of them pretty good, and shes a good actress

meanwhile ashton kutcher is not a good actor and people arent lining up to see movies because he's in them

bruh havent you heard, actors in hollywood are the most vilified people in the world

they have it rough, she deserves more millions just like men

it worked for jlaw


How is she still so fucking hot?

she literally says "we get paid a lot, so it’s hard to complain"

sounds like she wanted to make sure it wasn't taken as bitching and just pointing something out

Maybe she should fire her agent for selling her acting talent too cheap.


> “Compared to men, in most professions, women make 80 cents to the dollar."

Literally fiction.

>Compared to men, in most professions, women make 80 cents to the dollar.
That's literally illegal and doesn't happen, women make less *on average* because more of them work in lower-paying professions.

And acting pays differently according to the studio, the film, the role, and star appeal. It's not getting paid less to do the same, it's different every time. So it's very hard to compare the mens' and womens' pay in because there's no standard salary to compare.

In Hollywood, as an actor, you are the product. It's your job (and your agent's job) to negotiate a good price and trade on whatever you can.

Kutcher clearly did a better job.

Let me get this straight. So if I was a woman, playing an extra, I could be paid the same as say... Anthony Hopkins or Johnny Depp or Chris Hemsworth just because I'm a woman?

After all, equal pay :^)

No. It's called power. Men are paid more because they're worth more in some cases. I seriously doubt, I dunno, Drake would be moaning that Portman gets paid more than her. He'd be happy what he gets.

There is a reason why footballer player Ronaldo was offered £900,000 a week to play in China. Because he's a good player and would bring in a lot of money for the club. They can afford to pay him £250m over 5 years.

I won't get paid £900,000 a week to play in China.

She's mostly complaining about Ashton Kutcher getting paid millions more, which I can get behind because who the fuck thinks Ashton brings in ticket sales?

Women can't stand men who makes less than them anyways. They don't respect them at all.

>is the exec producer in the movie
>still gets paid less
I think she's just retarded. Or her acting salary was lower cause it was made up by her exec pay

what about porn actresses wage compared to male porn stars?



Kutcher was coming off of the surprise hit What Happens in Vegas. If Portman had made No Strings Attached just one year later (after Black Swan), she would have been offered a similar or larger sum to Kutcher

But she signed the contract. No one forced her to. No Strings Attached was a rom com for women - Ashton Kutcher was therefore the bigger draw and in a better negotiating position. She's complaining about her own decisions.

It's probably true however there are more variables than just men, women and money.

>what is star power
The moment when you see your face on the poster and headlining in trailers has come, that's the moment you can demand that much money. Not a second sooner.

you can do all the negotiating you want, I sincerely doubt youll be able to negotiate triple what you are being offered. And if your other response is "just don't take the job!" that doesn't work if, according to her, almost all acting positions for women are paid less than those for men.

I hate feminists btw I just like the hershlag

The studio that cast and paid him? Women like Kutcher. He's attractive.

Theres literally a whole industry in southern california dedicated to keeping celebrities looking attractive.

youre an idiot desu

I forgot I was on Sup Forums and people are retarded and can't even attempt to form an argument.

>Let me get this straight. So if I was a woman, playing an extra, I could be paid the same as say... Anthony Hopkins or Johnny Depp or Chris Hemsworth just because I'm a woman?

Let me get this straight.
Natalie Portman : Ashton Kutcher :: hypothetical genderbent neckbeard : Sir Anthony Hopkins?

She's the more valuable actor in this equation, Ashton Kutcher is a fucking nobody has-been

>I'm not complaining, but...

>First date
>who always pays?
>the man
wage gap whiners btfo

>Majority of American actresses land roles by sleeping with Jewish directors
>Meanwhile only 1% of the top male actors manage to break it big
>Wah wah life is so unfair

Is there any group more privileged that white women?

You absolutely can.

What the fuck do you think happened here? Do you think they sat in a boardroom going "Okay, Kutcher gets $X, and our female lead; well, she's a woman, so she should get less - much less - let's put it at about one third of $X. Done, good job lads".

As someone else said Kutcher was likely more in demand, it being a rom-com.

Women deserve equal pay in every occupation in which physicality isn't an issue. As far as acting though, one person might have more screen time while a another may have spent way more time on the set. So it's pretty hard to say.

Compared to most professions, women are much shittier at doing this than men. I'd go to a female doctor before I'll go see a film with a female lead

like your attempt??

Yeah and JLaw got $20 mil while Pratt got $12 mil for this piece of shit. This will more than likely fuck her over forever and she will never get money like that again. I would love to see Hollywood start to give this idiot women all sorts of money and then realize they are not worth it.

>tfw I only go to female doctors
I figure I'm putting in the work so when I'm old and have to get them to stick a finger in my ass to check my prostate its not gay

I mean when your costar makes 3x as much as you(you could also argue shes a bigger star than ashton kutchner) thats a reasonable argument.

>>"we get paid a lot, so it’s hard to complain"

Proceeds to complain anyway.

Why do we have to live in this meme world where Natalie Portman is considered to be a legitimate actor despite giving no good performances in her entire career? Arronofsky making a pretend art film designed to win her an oscar doesn't make her an actual actor.

You misunderstood, friend. My point is, she's arguing from the point of equality, rather than from the point she's a better actor. If we go on the argument that people should be paid the same, then an extra, who is female, should be paid the same as the leading role, because that would be equality.

Instead, the reality is she's a better actor, but he agent sucks donkey dick and didn't get a better deal. How the hell do we even know what either side got? We gotta take their word for it.

That's my point. She should argue from the strength of her acting career and her credits, rather than "i didn't get paid because im woman :(". No, she didn't get paid because her agent didn't get her the money.

>It's probably true

It literally isn't.

At the same job at the same administration level, men and women are paid equally by the same employer.

Doing otherwise is literally illegal, and if they could somehow get away with paying women 80 cents to every dollar they pay men, every company in the world would exclusively employ women in order to cut a whopping 20% out of their running-costs.

it much more likely to be along the lines that they start the womens negotiating at a lower price just because its the done thing

>that doesn't work if, according to her, almost all acting positions for women are paid less than those for men.

Are you retarded? That's not true at all. Jennifer Lawrence just got paid double of what Pratt was given for Passengers. She is/was a multimillionaire; not exactly someone that needed to take a part. She can retire tomorrow.

Hollywood is entirely about negotiation. It doesn't matter what your race or gender is, if you're a draw, studios will pay big to cast you. That's how it works. That's how they discriminate.

Guess what, men are generally bigger box office draws than women. And that's decided entirely by cinema-goers and what they're seeing. For what it's worth, most cinema-goers are women. They clearly prefer going to see guys they like in films.

It's no big deal if it's just a check-up, but I would prefer not to be cut open by a girl.

It's "true" in the loosest sense that all men summed up make more than all women summed up

even if that's the case - they've done it for a reason, because the female lead in a rom-com is less important and there are a greater supply of them.

if the female actor can prove that she's worth more, then she can get a better price

It's a romance movie too. When has the female lead ever been the draw for a romance movie?

So, what she's saying is that Ashton Kutcher was paid more because he asked for more?

What's sexist about that? If she wanted to earn more money, she should have asked for more money.

does that mean kutcher has a better agent, or representative? or whatever the fuck they're called.

>you could also argue shes a bigger star than ashton kutchner
In 2011? It was the opposite. Now, no one remembers him.

You think most women that went to see the godawful No Strings Attached because of Portman? Or because they saw Ashton Kutcher naked in the trailer?

Take a minute and think about it lad. Ever heard of "the customer is always right"?

Problem with women actors is that they don't rely on charisma and acting skill as much as they rely on beauty. And beauty is interchangable. You can't replace Pacino or De Niro but you can always replace a pretty girl their character is hanging out with. Women aren't very good at being unique.

>someone hands you $50k in cash for no reason
>someone gives your neighbor $500k for no reason

Imagine if you were a freelance carpenter or literally any type of freelancer / contractor in any industry, and you just decided to cry in a magazine article that you weren't making as much money as another freelance carpenter you heard about.

That's the same as what's happening here.

she gets paid less because she did 'star wars'

>If she wanted to earn more money, she should have asked for more money.
Funnily enough that's also the reason for the miniscule wage gap you can find in office jobs, and similar things. Men are readier to ask for more money, while women tend to accept the first offer they get.

Hershlag's husband is a choreographer

What is an exception

Acting is not fixed pay. It's based entirely on contracts. It's impossible for it to be "fair". Both men and women have to deal with it.

>woman's dollar is 80 cents meme


Movie came out in 2011, it would have been shot in 2010. So at the time, she was coming off the Other Woman, Brothers, and fucking Hesher? Which didn't exactly get much praise

>“Compared to men, in most professions, women make 80 cents to the dollar

Why on EARTH do people actually THINK this? Do these people actually fucking think that for the same job at the same company all women are being paid less?

Fucking retards that is not what the fucking study showed at all.

despite his lack of acting, he was a box office draw back then, also the movie was a chick flick, he was the draw rather than Hershlag.


Ashton has more audience pull then Portman? I didn't expect that actually.

Regardless I bet she got paid more then every male actor in Black Swan combined

No, you pay for the position or the value of the person relative to the organization. Nothing else matters.

In this instance and time, the organization (No Strings Attached) valued Kutcher's involvement in the project more and paid him accordingly.

>comparing an extra to a lead role
>an argument
pick 1 my man

Of course. She was the draw in that. Kutcher was the draw for the romantic comedy.

If women are paid more then the minimum wage then they have zero to complain about

>She will never be Mathilda again

Did she complain the males in Black Swan got paid less?

I'm not sure it's a gender issue here but... Ashton got paid more than Natalie? That makes no sense to me, to be honest. Natalie is the bigger star.

Ashton made a lot of money fucking around on 2.5 Men, but made hundred of millions being a venture capitalist in silicon valley.

He doesn't have to act any more unless he wants to

I'm saying a mailroom worker who's been with the company 2years should be paid the same regardless of gender. Don't get so butt hurt. Men still get promoted to administrative positions faster than women so you'll be fine, alt right.

aaaaaaaand a post that actually deserve (You)'s.
Right on the money, big guy.

I split first dates, always. Most women who aren't total stacies do too these days. You should know better, buyer beware. :^)

>Ashton has more audience pull then Portman? I didn't expect that actually.

It is the same for virtually every rom-com - the leading man is the biggest draw. Put a popular actor with his shirt off in your rom-com trailer and you'll put women in seats.

No women went to see Crazy Stupid Love for Emma Stone. They went for that topless Goose. He was probably paid more for that than Stone, and rightly so, because he made the movie more money.

Women actually make more than men in certain professions.

Portman is just shilling this as a callout to her leftie friends and jew masters. If she wanted to get paid more, I don't know, maybe DEMAND MORE for doing the film or don't do it.

Actors and actresses do this all the fucking time. How often do you hear of an actor not playing a certain role because the production couldn't afford or chose not to pay them the amount they demanded? Plus it sounds like Portman is playing a supporting character. I'm sure characters that are second-billed with less screen time get paid less than the main characters.

>Fake news

Her name is not as big of a draw. Not even close

>business knowledge and industry experience is alt right
>butt hurt

I can't believe there's so many people like you ITT that don't understand why a leading man got paid more than a leading woman in a romantic comedy.

Don't you have any business sense? Hollywood is not about talent.

>natalie is the bigger star

wtf? what world are you living in

Bigger movie star

herslag always says what she must to sell her flicks. good thing that she is a feminist too.

Maybe because the President of the United Fucking States stands up and blurts this fucking lie out repeatedly at press conferences and in speeches.

The left just fucking lies repeatedly to everyones face an no one questions it.

>Fake news

At the time? Nigger between RotS/VfV and Black Swan, her career floundered. She wasn't in anything that had hit big like she was pre-RotS. Fuck man, the closest thing was the Wes Anderson short film, and that's only cause she was naked in it.

>meanwhile ashton kutcher is not a good actor and people arent lining up to see movies because he's in them

In 2011 Ashton was a much bigger draw than Portman.

How do you even go from this...
>people ITT who don't understand why ashton would get paid more than her in a rom-com even after explaining why this

How the fuck do these people live with all that money yet bitch about anything? She literally gets paid fucking millions of dollars for doing nothing. 90% of people in the WHOLE WORLD won't make that kind of money in their entire lifetimes, yet most of us live somewhat fulfilling lives. Imagine if the average joe would suddeny start collecting these paychecks. Unless you're a nigger you could live like a king for the rest of your life with half the money these celebrities make for ONE movie. So why is she allowed to complain? And even more stupid, why do some retards actually praise her for complaining?

She certainly had more reputation and even if not, definitely not a 3x ratio.
I don't know if sex is the reason though

i dont mind t bh with the agora

Hire a better agent. Don't do the film if you're not paid what you think you're worth.

More importantly shut the fuck up.

I got dragged to Bad Neighbours because the only research done by the girls organizing was
>Ashton Kutcher is in it

>still hot
>looks like Ana Kasparian
get a new set of eyeballs, fag

At what point did she realise he wasn't in that movie?

stupid fuck

wage gap is pretty easily explained

women are used to having stuff handed to them while men fight for what they want

apply that to salary negotiations, women take what they are given while men fight for more

then when women find out they're getting less they don't take any personal blame, they just yell unfair and ask to be given more

Succinct, to the point.
Savagely effective.
Tastes good.

You are a fucking idiot.

Do you think women go to to see romantic comedies for the "acting talent"?.