ITT: Nonsensical movies that people only pretend to understand to look smart

ITT: Nonsensical movies that people only pretend to understand to look smart

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Anything by Lynch, really.


I'll never understand why people think Naomi Watts looks better than Laura Harring.

I also don't understand why Lynch never uses Harring in anything else.

that box plot summary is attrocious

>Snowboarding through life, David Aarnes appears to lead a charmed life. Handsome, wealthy and charismatic, the young New York City publishing executive's freewheeling existence is enchanting, yet he seems to be missing something.


I know this is a shitpost, but
>implying you need to "understand" a work of art to enjoy it
this is the worst kind of pleb.

jokes on you, i got several boners out of that.

>I can only watch capeshit

Just ignore him and move on. They're part of a generation that thinks every movie has to have an understandable ending. They don't get the art of leaving it to the viewers interpretation.

Fucking plebs, you clearly don't understand the work of David Lynch, it's not about analyzing the plot and coming up with a story, it's about letting his work get into your head, just enjoying what you're seeing on the screen.

Typical dummy dumb dumb who didn't understand the movie and uses the "you aren't suposses to get it" excuse.

His point is, you don't HAVE to understand it. Yes, it can be understood, and it's not even terribly complicated, which is why OP is a retard.


What's worse is that it actually *does* have an understandable ending, you just have to put in a bit of effort.

>Just turn your brain off and enjoy the ride. It's not about analyzing the plot, just let the experience wash over you!
So what's the difference between using that argument to defend a Lynch movie and somebody saying the same thing about Suicide Squad or BvS?

>you don't have to understand what are you watching
What's the point then

What do you mean, what's the point? Are you fucking braindead?

The difference is that Lynch's most abstract work usually has deep meaning behind it, but you can, and most people do, enjoy it without understanding it. His films work on multiple levels.

Dude this is a great movie. The same plot would work fine in Rick n Morty; just the existential side of it comes relatively out the blue.

I somewhat understood Lost Highway.

>The difference is that Lynch's most abstract work usually has deep meaning behind it
Because of a veneer of obscurity. If you read into any movie as much as Lynch fans read into his movies then you could make a case for anything having some nonsensical hidden meaning.

>So what's the difference between using that argument to defend a Lynch movie and somebody saying the same thing about Suicide Squad or BvS?
That there's nothing engaging or interesting enough about the visuals, atmosphere, direction, sound design or editing to justify watching them for those aspects alone.

Though I guess this was the whole point of the movie, being a dadaistic pile of scenes open for as much interpretation as you want

>If you read into any movie as much as Lynch fans read into his movies then you could make a case for anything having some nonsensical hidden meaning.

You more or less can as far as films go. This is generally what people mean by "reading a film". The meaning is almost never nonsensical.

Why do people pretend you can't really understand Lynch films?

Blue Velvet, FWWM and Wild at Heart are not difficult to follow, and in fact make almost complete sense.

Take that back fag. All of Lynch's films except Dune are great.

His only film that is difficult to follow is Inland Empire.

Enjoying it is the point

I think FWWM might be somewhat difficult to follow if you've never seen the show.

Difference is that Lynch is good when watched like that and BvS is not. Or in any other way really.

And that argument makes no fuckin sense whatsoever since Snyder obviously does not want you to turn off your brain when watching his shit. He is like ten times more pretentious than Lynch.

Inland Empire didn't even have a script

If you've never seen the show then I'm sure it makes very little sense, but you would presume most people would watch Twin Peaks in release order.


I think the TV show is absolute reddit bait garbage and should not be watched at all. FWWM on the otherhand is one of the real masterpieces of the 1990s.

I wouldn't tell anybody to sit through 30 hours of watered normie Lynch before they could see the film.

>tfw you understood that Mulholland Drive was mostly a dream of a failed actress who blames a Hollywood conspiracy for her failure, but some autist on Sup Forums tells you you're wrong and that it's Buddhist shit

If you've got any psychoanalysis background Lynch makes a lot of sense imo

I recognize how fucking pretentious that sounds but he clearly is very interested in Lacan's idea of 'object a' throughout most of his work, much like hitchcock

>Buddhist shit


You prefer to not understand something than understand something? You'd like to seem like a special snowflake by coming up with your own meanings and interpretations when everyone else is aware of what the actual meaning was?

There's nothing to be gained from the show that Lynch hasn't already explored in a less diluted fashion in one of his other films.

>Hollywood conspiracy
>not lack of talent

>failed dream
>not failed multiple dreams/love

watch it again because right now you're the autist

It is dishonest filmmaking

I mean I do agree that's the narrative, but I'm very hesitant to say that's what it's about ya know? Thematically, he clearly has other interests here, such as the structure and effect of the Hollywood spectacle on its audience, narcissism, and the nature of relationships

oh shit, read your post wrong, nevermind me, sorry buddy

oh you've already watched the new season?

David Lynch's films really aren't that "deep" or difficult to understand. The stories he's telling are pretty standard. It's just "internal" storytelling, where you learn about the character through their thoughts & dreams in addition to their "real-world" interactions with other characters. It's uncommon to see it executed this way on film, but novelists have been doing this shit for hundreds of years

The new season will be its own thing hopefully. I'm hoping Lynch blows the fuck out of the plebs yet again, just like he did with FWWM.

You would have no idea what the White/Black lodge and Red room are if you hadn't seen the show. You'd have no idea who Bob is, or why David Bowie was acting crazy. You'd wonder why a bloodied girl lies in bed with Laura. Lynch's other films would be of no use to you with these aspects.

Not to say you can't enjoy the film without seeing the show, but you're talking out your ass if you think you wouldn't benefit from watching the show first. Or watching the film, then rewatching it after having seen the TV show.

Is this a new meme? How do you define a "dishonest" film?


As far as I'm concerned the show only existed to bait in the plebs so Lynch could slit their throats with FWWM.

>You'd have no idea who Bob is, or why David Bowie was acting crazy. You'd wonder why a bloodied girl lies in bed with Laura. Lynch's other films would be of no use to you with these aspects.
None of these points are really important. They fill in some blanks if you actually care about the specific narrative points of Lynch film (which isn't really important) but knowing these things isn't necessary for feeling the true "cinema violence" at the heart of FWWM.

>Mullholand doctor
>movie has no doctors


It's been saying some very unfair things about me, but it doesn't matter their ratings are through the floor. Those are some very dishonest films, John, terrible.

Oh, it's you again. You do know Lynch originally made the film to be like Twin Peaks, but had to cut out the lighthearted parts? He didn't set out to alienate fans off the show.

He wanted to be edgy.

And Mullholland Drive was originally intended to be a TV pilot. Doesn't matter what his goal out the outset was, at some point Lynch decided that murdering the fanbase was the thing he had to do.
Here you go you pleb. It's actually not as complicated as it initially seems

It's actually short for Director

Some user told me Mulholland Drive was actually some Buddhist concept, and I was a plebeian for not picking it up.

Elephant man is pretty straightforward...


Was probably trolling you

>lynchcucks will defend this

Top kek

umm "no"

if it's ambiguous then it doesn't have a definite ending. it doesn't matter what actors/directors/critics say about it.

What's ambiguous about the ending of Mulholland Drive? She pays to have her ex-lover assassinated, loses her mind, and kills herself too.

What didn't you understand? That the film was about the darker side of Hollywood? The film's pretty straight foward, you fucking idiot. How about you pay attention next time?

Blue Velvet was amazing and simple to understand tho.

"I love watching this exact same scene 5 times in a row"

"Same shit looping for two hours."



Unlike Mulholland Drive?

If you can't understand The Straight Story you're a fucking retard

>regurgitating sniffing meme-man's amalyses and pretending they're your own