Why are Star Wars droids treated as disposable slave tools if they have consciousness?

Why are Star Wars droids treated as disposable slave tools if they have consciousness?

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Maybe it's all just a Westworld prequel.

I still can't stand BB-8's design. It seems so impractical.

canonically, despite being an astromech, BB8s design is based on that of a therapy droid. That is why it seems so impractically cute and rolls around on a ball instead of having legs or even wheels

Because you're supposed to wipe their memories every once In a while so the accumulation of memory doesn't formulate a personality in them.

But what about the goddamned wookies?

It stems from the idea of peasants from "Japanese" history. (Ideas taken from The hidden fortress)
Droids are not lords or samurai, they are worthless peasants. Like any slave or peasant they are only there to assist the higher ups.

The droids are there to make the more important people seem more important.

For the most part droids are not programmed with desires. They are given tasks which they will do their best to succeed at.

There is an ethical problem with all of this. But star wars stays away from all that.

>There is an ethical problem with all of this

What problem? Do you have a problem using any tools or appliances?

As with literally everything in Star Wars, it's meant to look cool not practical.

Is that still canon?

Citation needed

All is see is a well done AI

>Well, if droids could think, there'd be none of us here, would there?

Droids do not have a consciousness according to Obi Wan, they're just good at acting like they do

The Old EU went into issues with droids


Lightsaber cystals are also sentient but jedi still used them like tools, so I guess sentience doesn't mean conscience

>Lightsaber cystals

when the fuck will this game shit die.


because they're niggers

not canon

Yes canon

kyber crystals are not sentient in nu-canon

It literally is

Most droids (those that are relevant characters to the story anyway) seem to display somewhat complex personalities, emotions and self-awareness

>Kyber crystals were living, Force-attuned crystals that grew randomly throughout the galaxy, and occurred in abundance in some places more than others. The crystals concentrated energy in a unique manner through the Force, resonating with it.[2] The crystals exhibited a sort of "collective consciousness" veering on the edge of sentience, and could non-verbally communicate with both one another and living beings.[3] Some theorized that the permutations in the kyber lattice were comparable to emotional shifts in a sentient being

Gee idk why where southern niggers treated as desposible slaves if they have consciousness

but they don't

Because it is story about "good" democracy and "freedom". So, there will be slaves, because that is how democracy works


They were before the civil war. Maybe john c calhoun can answer ops question

With the many occasional exceptions which are neither.

>But damn did these ever kick ass in the simulators.

droid lives don't matter faggot

You fucking what?! B-Wing is a fucking B-eauty, don't you dare saying anything bad about her.

The memory wiping requirement certainly smells of Westworld