With the general public getting increasingly annoyed with her what can /our girl/ do to prove that she's just like them...

With the general public getting increasingly annoyed with her what can /our girl/ do to prove that she's just like them and how down to earth she is?

Fall down the stairs?

Show us her rare stamp collection


eat a whole pizza live on television and then trip

>With the general public getting increasingly annoyed with her
Wtf i love JLaw now

She should ironically be my gf haha

And then as a joke she could sit on my face it would be so quirky and relatable lol

She should keep tripping on the red carpet every year.

does anyone have a link to the red carpet clip where she's acting like she's swatting away flies and the reporter calls her out cause there's nothing around her?
I think it was the globes the year before last


>In the public's eye she is considered "cute and quirky!!!" because she does some lazy things sometimes.

Simply annoying.

Step aside and let other women take her roles.

I can't help it my dudes, everytime I see her stupid face I want to kill a cat

Can we have Anne Hathaway back, please?

Anneh is doing just fine

Pssh, Emma Stone is a far better actress than Lawrence could ever hope.

She should become a lesbian

Everybody loves lesbians

I really wish she would go away and let the younger generation move in and do their stuff

Why capitalise every single fucking word.

Make a porno.

Who is that semen demon?

She looks kinda underage bois

Hello newfriend.