Sam Hyde parodied by The Special Without Brett Davis

What did they mean by this? Is he /ourguy/? How will Sam ever recover?


No thank you.

have to admit I did a big old belly laugh when I saw the guy go GOOD EVENING and come into frame dressed like sam. Never seen someone do an impression of him before

The Milo guy actually sounds like Milo. Also Sam's a loser and they really BTFO him.

this is pretty accurate tbqhwyf. not funny at all, but accurate.

>over 1 hour
like anyone could sit still for this long without getting a crippling urge to fap


buncha limp-wristed betas
nothing to see here

I don't get this. It wasn't funny but it was accurate in their depiction of Sam's physical appearance. But why make fun of the fact he tries to work out and drink water?

Hello, Sam "Heidecker Canceled My Show; Living Out In the Snow" Hyde


They can't make fun of the fact that he's racist because they would have to be racist themselves. So just have to stick with LOL HE DRINKS WATER. That's what liberalism does to comedy

>That's what liberalism does to comedy
when did political people in general invade Sup Forums? no one cares about liberals or conservatives

I've never heard of this show but it seems like they have a pretty poor grasp on other people's ironic tendencies.


For a lot of the kiddies it was their first election year.

>the water jug

How to viral your crappy youtube video:
>mention/parody sam hyde
>make a thread on Sup Forums
>watch as sam's shill army shills your video over and over

trumptards got triggered

>not even 5 mins of decent material
>over an hour long

>people still mad about based shkreli

i couldn't care less about the rest of the Sup Forumsfags but shkreli seems really endearing to me

is he depressed?

how is he endearing?

Fuck Sam Hyde, fuck his haters, and fuck you all for making this board even worse than it already is.

that's a very punchable face
are all croats as ugly as this rat?

Still bitter over the Feminazi Ghostbusters backlash, eh?

>The city of the turboautist who made this.

He fucked a qt trap, get over it.

>supporting degeneracy

>being so scared of Sam that you have to constant impersonate him

ribbit ribbit


Who are all the people they're parodying?

Why aren't liberals funny anymore?

They want to do political humor but they also want to stay in a safe space.

Around 2013.

I'm getting "This video is not available". Anyone else?

This makes sense.

This is embarrassingly bad.

god damn, is this whole thread just a bunch of losers trying hard to shill their lousy attempt at comedy?

I would.

Is the person playing Hyde a woman?
He looks very femenine/boyish

Fucking destroyed, everything else was meh but that Sam Hyde impersonation was on point