Deadpool Award Season Contender: One Step Closer to Oscar Nom

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Seriously? I just watched this and I spent the entire movie repeating the words "This is reddit, this is memes, this is reddit, this is memes..." under my breath.

I fucking hated it. I was writhing around on the floor in front of my sofa for the last 30 minutes it was so painful.

Hey, well deserved. More so than fucking Lalaland or whatever.

On the plus side tho it would fucking kill Marvel/Disney to have it happen.

they must be fucking seething.

>I spent the entire movie repeating the words "This is reddit, this is memes, this is reddit, this is memes..." under my breath.
why so brainwashed?
maybe its time to take a break from the Sup Forums?

It's just a weird place where it isn't Marvel or DC breaking in but Fox..with Deadpool.

I'm not sure what everyone thinks of this but out of all the movies..I mean people thought this film was going to fail and got a supposedly bad release date..

Yea alright you worthless redditor

you don't honestly think Deadpool deserves an Oscar over La La Land, do you?...

>When they announced the award they hung on the word Ryan for several seconds.

So this the peak of modern Hollywood

imagine if using pasta would net an instaban without appeal for a week.


They are great newfag catchers.

>two Canadian actors named Ryan get nominated
>funny joke
>this means Deadpool is a big contender

I didn't write the articles user and he was seated at big boys table.

Fuck off robot

I deserves it. 2016 was gearing up to be the ultimate comic book movie year, and...Jesus Christ. Sooo many failures, but Deadpool is the one that stood out the most. It's a great satire film that is slowly changing Hollywoods perspective on rated R comic book movies, or just rated R films in general.

I'm not saying it's the best movie of the year, definitely deserves some sort of an oscar nod.

Maybe you should fix your autism?

Not really, I mean at first site but then it devolved into a generic revenge/love story with some shit cgi sprinkled in by the end

...put the Sup Forums down, my son.


It made a shit load of money. I wouldn't be surprised.

I personally hated the fucking movie. But then again, fuck me.

The plot was intentionally generic. It was a satire of the basic comic book origin film

Reminder that the only Marvel movie to win an Oscar was Spider-Man 2.

>He didn't go DEEPER

Deadpool is one of the worst, least funniest movies I have ever seen. Did not laugh or smirk one single fucking time during the movie.

Who cares? It'll only confirm for everyone else what we've known for years: the Oscars are fucking retarded.

Deadpool is annoying pop culture and cringe humor, not worth the price of a blu-ray let alone an Oscar nomination

Out of all pretentious award season drivel, how is this the marker of retardation?

Its not a satire though
It's capeshit with family guy jokes in it

I think it will at least get a screenplay nod. The writers have been doing well on awards circuit.

Seriously ? Deadpool is pretty much the word personified. Same goes for the structure of the film. I fine with you not liking the movie, but it is a satire movie

Why the script literally had zero jokes

Welcome to the minority club, user

It was marketed as a satire but it's just a superhero movie where the guy makes jokes

Nothing in it mocks the conventions of capeshit. It is capeshit

>inb4 the plot is bad on purpose

Is this a fucking joke? That movie was so fucking vapid and two dimensional. The entire plot of the movie was videogame teir story writing.

>guys did someing bad to me so i get revenge

Jesus fucking christ. Capeshit is literally a poison on cinema

but its not a joke user.

>It's a great satire film
You must find family guy highly entertaining, redditor.

>Lmao pop culture references
>Lmao 4th wall breaking
>Lmao self deprecation
>Lmao industry/marvel universe jabs
>Lmao """""""comedy""""""" but rated R

The only thing it should be praised for is how well it was crafted to appeal to this millennial lowest common denominator meme generation.

>inb4 They did it, They actually made a fucking movie about reddit, ect., ect

>Implying the Oscars have to be more retarded than everything else to not be retarded

>Don't call it reddit guys :( t.reddit

Watch naked gun to see an actual satire that's actually funny and also satirizes Cop shows (like dragnet) and detectives movies

>hey deadpool your face looks like X did Y with Z

The only satire bit was probably the opening credits
And colossus being a goody two shoe hero
Which isn't even satirizing Capeshit flicks at this point

Fresh off the boat, from reddit, kid? heh I remember when I was just like you. Braindead. Lemme give you a tip so you can make it in this cyber sanctuary: never make jokes like that. You got no reputation here, you got no name, you got jackshit here. It's survival of the fittest and you ain't gonna survive long on Sup Forums by saying stupid jokes that your little hugbox cuntsucking reddit friends would upboat. None of that here. You don't upboat. You don't downboat. This ain't reddit, kid. This is Sup Forums. We have REAL intellectual discussion, something I don't think you're all that familiar with. You don't like it, you can hit the bricks on over to imgur, you daily show watching son of a bitch. I hope you don't tho. I hope you stay here and learn our ways. Things are different here, unlike any other place that the light of internet pop culture reaches. You can be anything here. Me ? heh, I'm a judge.. this place.... this place has a lot to offer... heh you'll see, kid . . . that is if you can handle it...

it was very close to the source material and everyone i know who liked the comics also likes the movie i dont see the problem desu

>it was le satire
>it was so brave and smart and funneh
What is wrong with you people?

Nobody reads comics.

Everyone who tells you they do and otherwise lead like, a normal life actually just skimmed a few superhero wikis at some point and said "ooh I like dat guy he is cool I am a big fan of dat guy" and if you think otherwisr you are a complete fucking idiot.

Maybe but for a movie that is a little unlikely in every way, I doubt you even thought what it has done so far would be possible, let alone knocking on door of oscars.

>what it has done so far
How can you possibly be such a fucking mark? This is MARKETING and BUZZ. Next you're going to tell me how unbelievable it is that John Cena is able to come back from the brink in all his matches. It's like you actually think the awards circuit is impartial - somehow separate from the studios and execs and publicists. Please tell me you are not this naive.

I think you need to stop taking the lithium, user.

Being apart of a strategy push doesn't override the goodwill and uncommon placement. If it was simply about money the same predictable things would get there.

not like anybody cares about these pretentious award shows anyways.

You haven't seen La La Land so shut the fuck up

It IS about money.
They are creating a narrative that the "underdog" manchild movie can win "the big one" and steal headlines. They want this because they want to make as many more r-rated manchild movies as they can since they see an untapped market and they desperately need one.

>makes fun and tries to subvert superhero tropes
>hits every note superhero flicks usually do and ends up being the same shit with a different costume
>b-but it's ok because it's self-aware of how shit it is!
Post-modern cancer incarnate

If anything people who don't recognize pasta should be banned

No it's just pretending to be postmodern
It's even worse; it presumes to be above that which it pretends to mock, yet it is just the same trite shit. That makes it pretentious. It's a pretentious cape flick built around the maturity and sensibilities of 12 year olds. I literally cannot imagine a worse premise for a movie.

A movie about your life.

fu**ing epic

>Best Picture nomination from the Producers Guild of America, long considered one of the best predictors of the Academy Awards’ top race

literally nothing, it only proves it got tons of money and they appreciated that unexpected record

Hella f*cking epic

So the death of cinema is pretty much going on schedule.

Yeah no, pasta is great because it tells you who's a newfag

Honestly just kys for having such a shitty opinion

EPIC FTW (For the Win)

Every time I see people say this or about bubble burst, the system seems to grow, not shrink, so how can you think death of cinema when reality is more film is being produced now than before. It might not have equal marketing time anymore but the sheer amount of stuff put to film is staggering.

I was talking about a spiritual death thou, i'm pretty sure we are going to start looking at Asian and maybe to Europe for actual cinema in a couple of years, while Hollywood is going to be pretty much just capeshit and entry level syfy.

the movie systems are becoming more interlinked with wanda group buying into hollywood system so if anything, the system is doubling in size by china buying in.

so this is how award shows die, with thunderous reddit applause

>I heard you met user
>News travels fast on this board
>And he has posted in a thread, is this true?
>Does it fit in here?
>How do you know?
>Do you know where he is from, my dear?
>From Reddit
>What's that?
>A land of inferior memes

They actually did it. They actually fucking made a movie about Reddit. No dog whistles, no allusions, just pure straight Reddit pleb shit. Every fucking line is a meme. EVERY SINGLE ONE. There isn't one joke or quote in this movie that wouldn't get you at least 50 upvotes. If you plan on voting for Bernie Sanders this flick is for you. If you own a fedora this flick is for you. If you like taking turns with your girlfriend getting rammed in the ass by imported black cock this flick is for you. If you're a normal fucking person who votes Republican and enjoys films about ideas, characters, and interesting settings this piece of shit flick is not for you and given the fact that there are no movies like that anymore because critics and audiences can't get enough meme superhero space shit you're better off just finding another hobby or killing yourself.
Fuck Reddit, fuck memes, and fuck whoever likes this piece of shit movie

Not like it will actually win anything important. Maybe a pity award for sound editing or something.

It could get a nomination just so Hollywood will look like they're hip with the young kids and their meme culture.

so what you're saying is it has a chance

>It's a great satire film
do you even know what that word means?

It means people are calling it good satirically

are you sure? Maybe golden globes were joking too.

False. Big Hero Shit is (as in only Marvel-Disney Studios film to win)

>it beat Song of the Sea, How to Train Your Dragon 2, and the Tale of the Princess Kaguya
>Lego Movie wasn't nominated
