When people die in the matrix they die for real

>when people die in the matrix they die for real
>Neo just mows down everyone in that building

what about saving people n shit?

Everyone in the matrix chose to be in the matrix.

I don't think it counts if you are in the bubbles that the matrix originally has you in

>… these people are still a part of that system and that makes them our enemy. You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inert, so hopelessly dependent on the system that they will fight to protect it.

they don't free people past a certain age anyway, because they become a lost cause

So yea just fucking mow them down neo
these people are enemys neo
just shoot children neo
neo that baby isn't real neo
kill it neo

So people get reborn when their in matrix bodies die?

Is that what adult babies are?

I never understood the hype for that scene. It's just FPS-game:the shootout, even ignoring the emotionless murder.

If I remember it correctly, they are recycled and used as nutrients for others bodies or some shit like that.

You mean when you saw it in the cinema or do you mean you never got the hype for it after dozens of movies and hundreds of games emulated it for at least a decade afterwards and you caught the Matrix after having already been exposed to the material it inspired?

Because you're underage and you don't understand movies didn't look like that before.

I always thought this movie is full of contradiction and non coherent elements in the story, the sequels proved me right, but i still like it for the action.

When you die in the Matrix you die for real because body can't exist without soul
then happens so they die in the matrix and in the "real world".

>be guard in some agency building
>just guarding the lobby and reading some magazine
>fucking neo kills your bro in front of you and then mows you down with his fully automatic machine pistol and then mows down the rest of your buddys while you bleed out on the floor

It's like the movie was made by the mentally ill

the machines probably clone thousands of new humans every second

>And many of them are so inert, so hopelessly dependent on the system that they will fight to protect it

I understand needing to make sacrifices for the greater good: those security guards are nothing compared to the numbers that would be freed if they matrix is shut down.

But they're not protecting this system. They don't know it exists. As far as they know they're just trying to do their jobs and take down some pasty edgelord. Always felt bad for them.

The first Matrix movie shows a kind of school shooter mentality. The Watchowski entities had really spiritually evolved by the time they made Cloud Atlas.


man that looks like a br00tal death desu

I didn't say that I didn't get the hype because all movie shootouts look like that, or because games took after it. Stop projecting, fellas.

Emotionally and stake-wise it's a completely empty scene. Your average Arnie-shootout has more emotion and feeling of jeopardy in it. It's as emotionless and stake-less as your average FPS game where you're an unstoppable killing machine mowing down mooks with no chance of taking you down. Hidden behind a veneer of "cool" outfits, moves and weapons. The fact that it WAS emulated is a fucking travesty.

You forget that Neo and the others have ALL the skills available downloaded and installed. Neo is OP as fuck.

If he didn't kill them they'd turn into agents, they were dead already

>Always felt bad for them
>feeling bad for a rent-a-cop
>some middle age autistic who got his ass kicked high school wants revenge on society but was to stupid to pass the police academy so he has a shitty 9 to 5 "protecting" a federal building lobby
>90% chance no wife and kids and his only friends are the other losers he calls his coworkers
>eats builts, will not be missed by anyone

Yeah they faggots get zero empathy from me


I bet this guy was more successfull than you


>using Sup Forums terminology and videogame comparison to describe matrix before any games even looked like that
>"haha wow guys never said it was cuz video gayms"

Oh yeah everyone's just projecting. Delete your browser

>tfw can't pass police academy because underweight BMI
fuck you cops I have fast metabolism and can run farther than those fat legged fucks you have

Let's face it, the first Matrix movie is a 90's edgelord fantasy of mowing down the sheeple in a black trenchcoat

lol did a security guard fuck your girlfriend or something? why are you so upset?


But when you catch someone you need to be able to stop them

If you weigh 50kg soaking wet you're going to bounce off the average spic street thug

>spic with a unibrow puts on his official city security costume
>can't wait to retire in 20 years then I will use the money I saved up to live in Thailand and fuck all the ladyboys I want
>ends up a dead cuck

Yeah he's more successful at being dead

whatever, i just want a secure job with decent salary and pension. i live in a safe city in yurop so it's prefect job for me.


Also every living human bean still plugged into the Matrix (besides the rebels) is a potential Agent

>Sup Forums terminology

I don't even know what that means. Is it just because I compared it to the soullessness of games?

Are you telling me Doom did not involve mowing down mook after mook while staying alive without a problem( unless you were a really shit player)? Or did Doom have an emotional component to the kills? I'm not saying it LOOKS like an FPS-game, I'm saying the shootout has the emotional impact of your typical emotionless FPS game, the way FPS games have ALWAYS been. They didn't suddenly become that way after The Matrix was released. If anything it's the opposite, with some modern shooter games trying to have some kind of emotional component. There's like zero facial reaction when they mow them down and not even the illusion of hardship for the heroes.

maybe they didn't die at all, you see maybe when civilians died because of a precedue of correction with agents involved, they just made them awake in their bed
it would be such a waste of energy for machines to kill a perfectly useful cell power

>cell power

I don't think human produces such heat

I thought only those that were unpluged could die in the matrix and the others would wake up in another city or something,.
Doesn't make sense all that people die, remember in reloaded when he's flyging and he destroys a whole city
No way they die
Also how do the machine get new humans?
How do they breed them.
And what's the point of the machines now that they have control of the world.
What do they do?
Would've been dope if they were exploring the galaxy but all they do is trying to destroy SION for no damn reason


They are terrorist. They don't care about collateral damage.

machines use us for brain power