This was degenerate as fuck

This was degenerate as fuck.

No it wasn't, nice try. Fuck off, kill yourself.

He was offered little boys several times and turned them down.

Is he going to fuck his sister?

He obviously already did

He already did. That was their kid he visited.

Was I imagining it or did they brown up Tom Hardy? I thought blackface was bad

the only way this shit could get better is if eva green shows up

Her and big guy could have a groaning while making strange face contest.

and then eva strips naked.

both naked i hope

>time period drama


The eternal Anglo.

>Tom Hardy revealed that he wanted to film some scenes fully nude but was forced to put on a loin cloth explaining, "You're lucky there was a loin cloth because I didn't want one. It's not a period drama until someone gets naked and covers themselves in blood. You can't have naughtiness like Game of Thrones on the BBC." Even so, Hardy did film some scenes with full frontal nudity and some of these filming pictures were leaked in the media but all such scenes for cut from the final edit of the show.

Pure kino.

>he fell for the degenerate meme
oh boy...

>Tom Hard-ly has a penis

It's average, stop watching

>I pick my movies based on dong size


gee i dunno

We could have had it all

Dad was shagging daughter all along, that's why everybody hates him.

>I don't
Literally what is your criteria then

I go by which ball hangs lower, like any true patrician. Low righties can burn in hell.