Tell Will Smith to fire his agent

Tell Will Smith to fire his agent.

good casting, he has the ears for the part

Am I the only one who can't stand Will Smith?

But will the crows be in it

Is he the head roustabout?

Loved him in Fresh Prince, hated him in Suicide Squad.
I wanna watch that other Margot Robbie film that he's in, but I dunno.

a live action dumbo movie? the fuck is burton doing.

giant ears, no father, sign that nigga up

How the fuck do you make a live action movie about a flying elephant?

He doesn't give a shit anymore.

I liked Men in Black but I'm getting really weary of him now

The crows will be played by Will Smith, Kevin Hart, and Anthony Anderson

He has a big trunk

>nudumbo with creepy goth clowns
As if juggaloes weren't bad enough

He's gotten progressively less likeable as his career has moved forward. And it's not even "ooh he's rich now so I don't like him." He's developed a huge attitude

Make it happen, Hollywood

He stopped giving a shit after Sweeney Todd

I'm fucking tired of Disney blackwashing characters, and Burton already ruined Alice in Wonderland.

>Live-action Dumbo
WHY there are no people in it.


>hated him in Suicide Squad

How could you not? The movie was shit overall but Will Smith acting like Will Smith while dressed up as Deadshot was horrible.

>quentin tarantino's dumbo unchained

This is going to be awful, not just because current Tim Burton is directing it.

Dumbo was a one hour long movie where there's not a whole lot of action andd the climax is Dumbo accidentally getting drunk, hallucinating, then talks to some crows that teach him how to fly in five minutes, the end.

It's going to be the live-action Dr. Suess movies all over again, adding shit that doesn't need to be there and missing the point.

You saying we some kind of Dumbo?

Is he gonna play the Jim Crows?

i started to like will smith less and less the more you notice that he's the star of the movie and the good guy or he's not in it.
Either that or he shoves his son into it.
He hardly does media too cuz he's an idiot that you wish he'd rather shut up.

Welcome to Earf.

He should play one of the crows!

No way they can recreate dumbo. Those crows are fucking legit racist.

Suicide Squad
Collateral Beauty

Will Smith knocking them out of the park!

He was cool until he started pushing Jaden to be an actor

Majority of films he's been in are shit

There are clowns.

Or Jackson's King Kong

Only one of the names of the crows (Jim Crow) is racist. Otherwise they're not that different from the animals in The Frog Princess.

but he played the same role

The crows really aren't that racist.

"What makes the red man red" from Peter Pan on the other hand would probably trigger some people.

>Uh, wiki-wawa

>Yeah, check it out, Dumbo's my name
>But ya'll might know me as the Flying Elephant
>Yeah, high above the world, everyone else look like ants
>No wackier sight, other than maybe a bear wearing pants



Are any of these good?

Alternative headline: Will Smith Circling The Drain

For all we know his agent is begging him to do something different but Will Smith remains steadfast in choosing garbage.

He's a big enough name that he can pick and choose what he wants without listening to his agent.

He hasn't been in a good film since Pursuit of Happyness which is now 10 years old.

He was filming i am legend near my high school and some friends and I darted across the street to get an autograph. Two big ass body guards got in the way but he shooed them and signed some stuff, took pictures, did the fresh prince dap, and answered some questions. He was really cool about the whole thing. I have a hard time picturing him as a dick.

This. When Smith's career finally crashes and burns he'll have no one to blame but himself. He's had many opportunities to break out of his usual schtick and do something good. He just always turns them down or asks for changes to make it like his usual shit.