A24 uploads a trailer for an untitled sci fi movie on their channel, people speculating it's a new Shane Carruth movie. Could even be A Topiary, or a new project taking elements from it

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It's no A Topiary

How fucking retarded do you have to be?

The Modern Ocean is his next film op.

This doesn't look like a Carruth film, he usually prefers handheld shots to a perfectly static camera.

Modern Ocean is canned most likely

he doesn't prefer handheld. he's shot on it because his movies were cheap as fuck. we haven't seen him with a budget so this most definitely could be him

>Modern Ocean is canned most likely

Then it'll be something smaller scale.

ok thanks for the info

what if we're finally seeing his personal art films


Are you saying he couldn't afford a tripod for a digital camera?

Do you see anything here that matches up?


Looks terrible

Arthouse sci-fi was a mistake

this could be literally anything.

Shane was in Swiss Army Man

A24 distributed Swiss Army Man

it all makes sense

oh but of course

This dude needs to fucking hurry and give us Modern Ocean or something.

He should get his fiancee to get Ridley to help fund A Topiary.

i see no reason whatsoever to think it has anything to do with shane carruth

he'll probably end up doing capeshit

>The only James Bond movie I would ever want to see is the one where he loses a hand. And the only Superman movie I’d ever want to see is the one where Superman comes to understand that people have become too reliant on him and he can’t be their God anymore. And he basically, actively, doesn’t help them. And people end up dying in the learning process that they can’t rely on their God anymore.

See i don't understand why no one helped fund A Topiary especially Steven Soderbergh who said he loved the script. The dude has money to give.

More pretentious shit

I doubt he'd do capeshit. He likes a lot of control which Marvel and DC would not give

Back to your La La Land thread, lil' embryo

sounds fucking great

So did Rian Johnson.
It's crazy, but it's for the best.

If they had, then Upstream Color would have never happened, and he wouldn't have made Amy Seimetz...who is perfect for the role of the love interest in A Topiary's first act.

This has to be based Shane. Otherwise there'd be no reason to be so mysterious.

He needs to direct Man Of Steel 2
I feel like he'd get on great with Snyder

>and he wouldn't have made Amy Seimetz...who is perfect for the role of the love interest in A Topiary's first act.
More importantly he wouldn't have met his waifu :3

How much you wanna bet it isnt a Carruth film?

This is so fedora

Poor man's Max Landis.

yeah, idiot doesnt understand the power of quips

I wonder then why the keep it so secretive

Holy shit imagine the shitstorm if it actually was Lucas

no star power probably

Whatever it is it's certainly something sundance, it's up in seven days

If it's not Carruth, it's marketed very similar to how his movies have been. Primer, the website for A Topiary, and Upstream Color all had a series of trying-too-hard, nonsensical taglines. For example, one of the fictional machines in A Topiary was called a "chorus," and the website for A Topiary had the text "The chorus is starting to warmup."

answer honestly. when you say "trying-too-hard" you really have no idea what you're talking about and resort to buzzwords for the lack of clarity in your thoughts, right?

no when i say trying-too-hard i mean that he wanted the taglines to be mysterious and evocative in a way that would draw you to wonder what the movie was about when really they were SO oblique and obtuse as to be silly and meaningless

>Poor man's Max Landis.
there's an oxymoron

This seems very Caruth

You should always try your best.

That would be amazing.


I kind of roll my eyes and shane carruth stuff now. I thought Primer was great but that Upstream color was just alright. I think he's sort of becoming one of those self-important pretentious types now, and I dont really like it.

This is A Topiary, or a reincarnation of it under a new name. Screengrab this.

It's not a Carruth film

>hasn't read the screenplay
>doesn't even seem to have anything in correlation

Copied from reddit

We know that A Topiary starts out with two main people, a man and a woman who are looking for glints. In the trailer there are two main people as well.
We know that they do eventually have a baby in the script.
The scene where they put the photos together and it creates the image of their room that eventually morphs into a forest is similar to the trailer of them looking at the projected images of trees and a house.
The people in the trailer are looking at some object through plexi glass. Reminds me of towards the end of the first part of the script when they found a piece of what they were looking for.
The shot of the kid on the bed reminds me of Euclid when he ate some of that petal and was tripping out.

Its been 10 years. Shane has rewritten it.

Biggest piece of evidence against ALL of this is that Shane clearly wrote the man role for himself.


Well, is he in the trailer or not?

Also, lurk /p/ and see if we get any clues.

one man's mysterious, evocative, and oblique is another's obtuse, silly, and meaningless. i dug the vague nature of those initial promos. they gave absolutely nothing away and still piqued the viewer's - me, in particular - interestso much more than those trailers that give entire story arcs away. they promised an odyssey into weirdness which i couldn't resist.

anyways, let's just leave "trying-too-hard" out of the way, shall we? it's as ill-defined and overused a term as pretentious around here.

looks nothing like A Topiary

Cmon Shane wheres the new movie


It also looks like Upstream Color. Anyway, digging now.

I hated Primer but loved UC so hope this really is Carruth

>Also, lurk /p/ and see if we get any clues.
Do people still believe DepressedDirector is shane?
I can get behind the hype again

He's a Christian

DepressedDirector was Shane Carruth?!
That can't be right, I asked him about his work once and he said he mostly did low-budget television stuff

>That can't be right, I asked him about his work once and he said he mostly did low-budget television stuff
I'm not saying he was, just that people thought he was back when UC came out.
It was the best of times. Same kind of paranoia that was felt on /lit/ when not-Pynchon was around.

>Shane isn't playing every role with different wigs while simultaneously holding the camera

Even if it is a Carruth film, what's the point

Does Carruth even know that we would pay him to do that?

the two distinct settings shown are the white kid in what looks like modern day America and the chinks in the futuristic rooms with their moon runes on shit. you can see "2076" in one of the shots and that could be the date. it seems like the chinks are interacting/studying the white kid in some way. when they look at the projected screen of the forest, that looks like the white kid's modern day setting. maybe they're seeing his memories or he's in a simulated reality or something.

has anybody identified/translated the chink language yet?

I was going to say it reminded me of this film, until I saw the distributors don't match up.

Who knows? Still skeptical that it's Carruth.

looks gay lol