Twin Peaks Thread

Can we get a Twin Peaks thread going?

I just finally finished the series on netflix, I've just ordered Fire Walk With Me so that'll be shipped to me soon.

What are your hopes for the new season? Thoughts on the series in general? Should I get The Missing Pieces and the book?

Also just general Lynch discussion too if you want.

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Hope we get a spinoff of James Hurley riding his motorcycle all over the states and meeting people and having adventures.

Why was this scene not included? Spooky as fuck.

That's one issue I had with the second season. You could definitely see where Lynch started drifitng away from the series and how ABC and some actors started getting more involved from what I've read.



Oh Angelo....

What is your favorite Lynch film? Mine would be either Mullholland Drive or Fire Walk With Me

>Should I get the book?
Yeah, it's pretty damn good, and it helps bridge the gap between the ending and how the 3rd season starts. If nothing, it's a nice little read. I recommend getting the audiobook as well. Both were posted in a thread a few months ago, but I highly recommend buying/checking out a physical copy of the book.

Is Hotel Room any good?

They gouged out anything they could to get it down to a runtime the studio was happy with.

From what I've read and watched Mark Frost was the one keeping the show grounded. Lynch wasnt that involved with the tail end of Season 1 because he was filming Wild at Heart. Frost was much more interested in the investigative aspects of the show where Lynch was more about the weirdness. Watch the season 1 finale and then the season 2 opener. Lynch has to resolve everything established by Frost and some of it falls flat. When both those creative forces departed (around Arbitrary Law Season 2 Ep 9) Harley Peyton and Robert Engels were given most of the control. Frost returned to write at the end of season 2 and the quality then rose.

Do you know why Frost left?

Not seen all of his films yet but so far I've seen Eraserhead, elephant man, Inland Empire, Dune and Mulholland Drive
My favourite so far is Mulholland Drive but inland is super close.

>I just finally finished the series on netflix, I've just ordered Fire Walk With Me so that'll be shipped to me soon.
>Should I get The Missing Pieces and the book?

Bullshit nobody spend money on the internet.


I would highly recommend Lost Highway if you liked MD and Inland Empire.

Also Fire Walk With Me is pretty essential if you are a Twin Peaks fan.

I can't recall. I think it was because of general discontent with the direction the show was going. ABC forced them to reveal the killer and after that was resolved. Both were to have a brief hiatus. The problem is that they handed the reigns over to two writers who didnt know what they were doing. I blame them for all the stupid plot threads early in Season 2 as well like the out of town judge exonerating Leland and Norma's mother is a food critic.

He was doing Storyville.

Im David Lynch and thats the plot of the new series

Welcome to the Red Room. This place exists between dream and reality, mind and matter. Only those who are bound by a contract may enter.

Ya from what I understand after reading and watching videos, the two of them asked for complete creative control over the show and were granted it, but as they progressed into the second season viewership was dropping due to timeslot changes and the fact that the mystery still wasn't resolved in a time when tv shows neatly wrapped everything up at the end of the episode, so ABC made them reveal the killer. In fact Lynch never actually wanted the killer to be revealed, he just wanted to keep expanding on the mystery of Twin Peaks all being pushed forward by the mystery of who killed her.

killer reveal was pretty epic 2bh

BOB in the mirror and later when Cooper solved it

I really enjoyed how they kept most of the violence either off screen or corny, so that it was extrememly unsettling when Leland dashes towards Maddy and starts beating her and smashing her head off things.

No fuck you

Definitely Lost Highway, with Blue Velvet a close second. I've yet to see Inland Empire but I'm prepared and I think I'll like it


Sorry sbout that, i ate a carrot.

Watch the Q2 fanedit, adds all the deleted scenes back in, 76 minutes longer. It's on

i just finished it too
i am platinum mad that coop didn't fuck audrey
also i miss james, him being an overly emotional weenie was one of my favorite parts

>i am platinum mad that coop didn't fuck audrey
That was the plan, but at the time Copper was fucking Donna in real life and apparently she was a huge horror to work with who wouldn't allow it. Coop's actor make the excuse that he didn't feel it was appropriate, but that's such horseshit since he knew where it was going and didn't say anything until season 2.

Such a shame. I think the finale would have worled better (it worked amazing anyways) with Cooper trying to save Audrey instead of Annie.

what a crazy bitch
i didn't like either annie or john, both of them felt pretty forced in to me, guess i know why now

>I think the finale would have worled better (it worked amazing anyways) with Cooper trying to save Audrey instead of Annie.


I still can't believe Audrey lost her virginity to Billy Zane on a Plane. It's fucking bizarre.

who hype for Micheal Cera in the new season?!!??

hes probably andy and lucy's kid, calling it

That's my guess too. I'm hoping he's a new deputy too.

The good thing is that Annie and Billy Zane are not returning

that's a perfect fit for him

>tfw truman not coming out of retirement for an appearance

I'm not so sure about Annie since her scenes in FWWM imply she had more of a part to play.They better at least mention what happened to her.

recast the little man

Is he okay?

So she was recast? Maybe Laura Dern is now Annie

Maybe. More likely she was a victim of Cooper Bob not long after the finale, and that's the way Lynch always wanted it so he didn't bring her back.


just download the 4 hour fan edit of FWWM

That reminds me that i have to watch FWWM. It is good as the tv show?

I don't see how they can wrap up the events of the end of the show 20 years ago without doing some Tarkin CGI thing on Cooper. I always took the end of the show to mean "he's probably soon to be dead."

They could do the same with Laura. Just kidding, please no.

its wildly different, but essential lynch

"ill see you again in 25 years"

It's very different but it's also very good, some would call it better. It's one of Lynch's most out there movies for sure. The recommendation is to dig up the Q2 fanedit, which combines the original movie with "the missing pieces" a feature length collection of deleted scenes put together by Lynch a few years ago. It's tough to find unless you're lucky enough to be in a thread when someone uploads it though, so if you can't find it just make sure you watch The Missing Pieces after FWWM, it really adds so much content and context.

he's been in the lodge for 25 years. they need no cgi for that

>bowie probably didn't get to film scenes for the new season

It's different, but a good different.
The movie happens in the most troubled days of Laura Palmer's life, so shit gets serious quick. No fanservice, no pie, no coffee, no loveable goofs being goofy, none of the feelgood things you're used to. This is depression, sexual abuse, drug abuse, murder, incest, terrifying horror, dark fucking shit. And it's the best thing Lynch has ever made.
This complete atmosphere of awlfulness and certain doom dominates the movie and makes it pretty hard to watch, which is the thing that Twin Peaks isn't.

Just go in knowing you won't get Twin Peaks and you're set.

This was the worst part of season 2. Terrible casting. You can't replace a demon as the main villain with THIS. And that whole chess thing ... just dumb.

We've already seen "old coop" tho, his first dream in the Black Lodge had him 25 years older.

>The good Dale is in the lodge, and he can't leave
He was definitely still alive and under no immediate threat. From what we saw in FWWM he seemed to just be hanging around with TMFAP.

who was best girl?

Can someone here give me the gist of FWWM? I'm almost certain I've seen it but I can't seem to remember anything from it.


hitler trips of sadness ;__________;

windam earle was an odd choice of antagonist. on rewatch season 2 is actually better than people make it out to be, but there's still not so great paths taken

he was the best thing to happen in season 2
prove me wrong

>He didn't like Windom Earle's Ruse Cruise
Come on, it was great fun. It didn't have the emotional weight of the "Who Killed Laura Palmer" plot, but nothing could be as good as that, NOTHING.
I don't blame Frost for having his fun and writing his own Sherlock vs Moriarty thing.

In fact, Earle's arc is one of the things that saves S2 of Twin Peaks, along with Ben's Civil War and maybe Josie's Supernatural Noir (wich included Catherine's Ruse Cruise).

the beginning is full of quirky weird bullshit, it just has no relevance once you get more than 40 mins into the film so people forget about it
that fact also makes it less watchable, though

clearly norma

pretty obvious. take that faggot back to plebbit, btw

laura palmer pre-death. read diary of laura palmer, then watch FWWM. Diary is pretty quick read and it's probably like 1.25 on amazon

First fourth is the investigation into the murder of Teresa Banks, the girl who died a year before which tips Cooper off to the fact that Laura was killed by a serial killer, by two new FBI characters. Then about 5 minutes of Cooper. The rest is Laura Palmers last seven days.

He's some pretty dank inspiration for Dennis from Always Sunny.

and so endlessly on does go this silly lynchian cock-riding carousel

donna was the cutest but audrey was best girl


Probably dead

what an unsatisfying ending

TWIN peaks

Alternate realities/parallel dimensions

The black & white lodges are portals to said dimensions.


why was everyone in twin peaks so hot?

Its the water

i need to rewatch it in prep for the new season. i remember getting bored and finally giving up around season 2 with the middle aged eyepatch lady getting super strength and other retarded shit like that.

>the middle aged eyepatch lady getting super strength
She had that in season one too

nadine was natty in s1 too plebboi rewatch it

Good Christ, what I wouldn't give to go back to 1990.

I liked it

It was supposed to lead you into season 3 but it was cancelled (poor ratings, lack of interest, etc)

Hated how the show went from a murder mystery to following a bunch of romance stories all over the town.

i was referring more to the focus on her with the highschool plotline when she's just not an interesting character

>What are your hopes for the new season?
I'm hoping it's a mix between the series and the movie, tonally.

>Thoughts on the series in general?
The series was great. It had a lot of great Lynch moments with his signature dream-like atmosphere, bizarre characters, etc, but also had a lot of schmaltzy stuff like James and some pretty bad acting from a lot of the younger actors/actresses tbqh. The studio allegedly interfered a lot with it, so that might have contributed to the bad parts. But at the same time, there's a negative side to letting Lynch do whatever he wants with no input (FWWM, Inland Empire). Idk, I just hope it's good and not cringeworthy like most reboots, remakes, revisits, etc.

my Lynch rankings-
>Mullholland Dr.
>Lost Highway
>Blue Velvet
>Elephant Man
>Wild At Heart
>Inland Empire
>Straight Story

Spot on



Anyone know where I can find the Q2 edit of FWWM?

It's weird because the whole episode is pure kino but it's also a terrible ending.

I'm glad Lynch isn't disregarding FWWM for the new series because some critics hated it.

Im sure that the new series will end the twin peaks/laura palmer story and mythology in a more satisfying way.

>Jane Adams from Happiness is appearing in Season 3.

Fuck yes

I see people always refer to it as the lodge, but i just assumed it was more of a purgatory between our world and the black lodge. The man from another place calls it the waiting room, and Hawk tells Coop you won't make it in with imperfect courage, which Cooper shows by fleeing different rooms and being startled by various events while he's in there. So Coop's doppleganger gets released and is being controlled by Bob, and Coop's trapped somewhere in between.

Doesn't Annie tell Laura that Cooper is specifically trapped in the Lodge?

twin bump

>awful pacing
>dialog typical Lynch garbage

0/5 log ladies

>Frost returned to write at the end of season 2 and the quality then rose.
What episode exactly?


You're a fucking fag, dude.

"Variations on Relations" (season 2 ep 19)

>Cooper and Truman try to decipher the hieroglyph from Owl Cave; Pete and Catherine obsess over the puzzle box; Annie and Cooper bond; Gordon Cole falls for Shelly; Tremayne holds a wine tasting at the Great Northern Hotel; and Windom Earle makes his next move.

Having seen Twin Peaks in it's entirety around 6 times, I enjoy the last few episodes.

Audrey > Shelly but Madchen > Sherilyn

The first time I watched it I hated him, but I'm rewatching now and he's much better than I remember.