Holy shit its bad

holy shit its bad

its just a way for some wop to spit on boston and white people

Your mom is bad.

holy shit its pretty good

Take a swig of whiskey every time someone is shot in the head.

ITT: subtle symbolism that you a while to get

Aye, and there's an even shittier bulgarian TV series that blatantly stole ideas from this movie.

i dont get it

muslim infestation?

>not dumping the body in the mash like the baws said to
>ywn be a sailor peg that lost your leg and get shipped up to bawstan

Top 5 scorsese movies:

>Days of Innocence
>The Last Temptation of Christ
>The Aviator

get your shine box

Is the Asian version any good?


>I'm so unique
>Look how different I am
>I insist on being different: the list

The only major offense is Marky Mark's character, whose presence defeats the purpose of the conflict and gives the movie a "happy" ending where the bad guy doesn't win in the end.

Dude he got best director nominations at the oscars for 4 of these movies. It's hardly being different or contrarian, maybe you just are a pleb

I don't know what you're talking about, this is one of my favorite movies of all time. There isn't one boring part in the whole movie and the whole double infiltration aspect is great.

Op if you watched this on AMC and are judging it you're an asshole. You genuinely lose a lot from the movie when it's heavily censored and cut by commercials.


Fuck you. The Departed was great. High energy the whole movie. Interesting plot. An all-star cast. The prototypical modern Scorsese film.

im thankful i only have to half-watch it.

if you think its a good movie you're a cuck and a libtard.

The romance subplot was one of the most forced romance subplots in all of cinema. I understand the point about masculinity yadda yadda but FUCK me what a stupidly forced romance.

Not having one of Taxi Driver, Goodfellas, King of Comedy or Mean Streets in your list makes you look like a try hard.

Age of Innocence is certainly underrated though.

Hugo and the Aviator are great but not better than any of the four more conventional choices. Silence doesn't come out until February here so I haven't seen it.

im sure you must love The Revenant and Spotlight too

Why do you guys even come here? Is it just to rationalize your anhedonia?

i've never seen a largely positive thread on this board. It's always, I mean fucking always complaining, no matter how good the movie is.

the rat symbolizes impotence

Fuck Boston and fuck white people. Dzhokhar Tsarnaev did nothing wrong.


Watch Infernal Affairs instead

good list, haven't seen silence yet, so can't comment on that

>top 5

Now that's some good b8. No matter what you write, someone will get upset.


every scene with Mark and Alec are insufferable

Television and film tend to be garbage

>Leonardo DiCaprio
>Matt Damon
>Jack Nicholson

The cast is the movie's biggest detriment.

I say the script is the worst part

"I don't know people from Massachusetts"

It's not forced, that is literally how angry and confrontational people here are, especially hardo cop type personalities.

Their accents are so forced and off putting

Nice, I agree

I wholeheartedly adore nu-scorsese

Mine are
>Raging Bull
>Shutter Island

No order


Whitey Bulger's story is interesting as a crime drama. Nicholson was the wrong choice though.

I'm not even gonna get into how bad DiCaprio and Damon are.

i cant stand dicaprio ever but Damon is good when the script is good

damon's character is gay which adds the extra dimension to his 'double life' and the kid is leo's

>Raging Bull
>King of Comedy
>After Hours

I've never seen an opinion on a movie on any forum ever, ever being totally perfect. There's no much discussion about film on internet that isn't cringe but at least you can post what you want here without getting banned so lulz who cares. It's comfy though.

More like The Defarted.

This is a good movie, you retarded fucking hipster NEETs. Nobody cares about your little college film project.

Good, you know where to go if you want circle jerks
Fuck off and fuck you


The romance inclusion was bad, don't even get me started on the whole pregnant/baby thing. Thankfully none of those things were in the original.

I can smell the New York and Californians in this thread.

Upstate NY is the best place on Earth

Internal Affairs was ok, in noway better than De Depahted apart from some better character relationships but that was short lived with the unbearable slow mow shots.

>Gangs of New York
>Mean Streets
>The Departed
>Taxi Driver
