What did she bypass again?

What did she bypass again?

The character development.

My compressed dick


The critics. The Patriarchy.

It technically is acting

>shitposting on Sup Forums+memes=living life


she bypassed the dubs

The autistic crying from people on Sup Forums.

>2 billion dollars



Hey reddit she does it 90% of her time on screen. Its not acting

user bypasses the argument

>Han loses the Millenium Falcon for what is implied to be a very long time
>Ends up on Jakku
>People tinker with it, add compressor
>Meanwhile Rey is studying the ship with the ONE caretaker who "owns" the ship
>Learns from this and lots of other docked ships what parts are useful and valuable
>By this point, obviously has a pretty good idea for how technology and ships work, being force sensitive empirically plays into this
>Han retrieves the Millenium Falcon
>What the fuck is that compressor?
>Rey, who's known about it far longer would naturally have a greater experience with how to bypass it etc etc
>We literally never comparably see her handle the ship better than Han
>In fact, Han fucking flies lighting speed to land on a planet
>There are also three other movids depicting Han being a beast with the Falcon

Some of you guys are retarded

Look out lads, superior pass coming through.

Didn't read but holy shit these starshitters are actually retarded babbies. Fucking daisyfags

op btfo


>Kylo Ren feels the light pulling him apart
>Thinks killing his father will stop this
>The good inside him doesn't want him to die
>Instead of losing his light side feelings, killing his father only embraces empathy and regret
>Kylo truly isn't dark from within, only want to prove himself
>As he kills father he is dazzled by his own actions
>Caught offguard, shot by Chewie
>Physically and mentally hurt after recent events
>Since evil doesn't come from within him, beats wounds to feel pain and dark side emotions
>Under all these conditions, loses to Rey

>I wanna eat that compressor

>I bypassed the niggerz

Remember that Raimi rewrote the script.

how could you forget superfluous eyebrow movement

That sounds reasonable, too bad it's fanfiction and JJ is still a hack.

Not sure if bait but this is not fanfiction, all of this is vaguely depicted in the movie

TFA is undeniably very good Star Wars


>Okay user you've been around this aircraft for a couple of hours already could you fix it?


The casting couch.

No, wait...

Nobody does that.


the fuck

Her uterine cells bypassed her uterus.

I'll try spinning, that's a good trick!

>Training to be a pilot... a better pilot then Han Solo
>Training with a blaster, she was able to one shot multipe storm troopers spread out over a wide area. By comparison Luke Skywalker firing into a group of Storm troopers in a New Hope, he only hit one of them and he had training with blasters
>Force training, was able to use all the force powers instantly, Luke could barely use force pull after two films
>Lightsabre training, she defeated a Dark Jedi in her first film, Luke struggled with Vader in the third film.

She had some training, or at least witnessed or heard about the things she mastered instantly though, so it's okay.

Even ford knew the writting was full of shit considering his reaction


The plot.

stop that shit, faggot

you gonna get trigger daily if that bothers you fampai

the trips

Jonesey the cat

the compressor?