What are some albums that accurately describe this trend?

What are some albums that accurately describe this trend?

Other urls found in this thread:


deft tones - around the fur


A lot of kanye west albums


The Beatles

Nirvana, the Beatles. Basically a bunch of talented bands that get dismissed because they're "too popular and anything that's popular is trash"

These too

Young thug

This plus other good emo albums

Limp Bizkit

The new MGMT album.

Beginning and end are GOAT, middle is filler.

Kind of Blue




I have been at every point along the curve for this album. Feels good being enlightened about Zeppelin.

>tfw all their music on YouTube has a shit ton of dislikes

That's not what either of the axes are, brainlet. They're literally labeled right there.

the cowboy sections remind me of cabinessence lmfao

holy shit this ths bhis dhis

any Foo Fighters album


what is this supposed to mean? If you liked it a lot you're both really smart and really dumb?


Unironically ITAOTS as well

>not understanding how graphs work

literally Blink 182

Low and high intelligence people love it, average hate it.

thank you

Can't think of one that fits more than this

you're low btw


??? i guess ???

>these three posts arent from the same person



radiohead discography

I doubt it, I'm afraid you're retarded.


i thought it said "employment" for ages and took a long time trying to work out how the graph works

Radiohead so much.
You're always getting shit for liking a band that a lot of normies like, but their discography is probably better than most bands you can think of.

I don't know if Radiohead really works. How many normies are aware of their stuff outside of 3 or 4 songs? "High and Dry", "Creep", "Karma Police", and "Paranoid Android" are the only songs most normies have any knowledge of at all.

What are some albums that accurately describe this trend?

OK Computer
Dark Side of the Moon

When I said normies I had more in mind what this board likes to think of redditors as, or people with entry-level taste

everything that's popular but not easy listening enough to be aired on radio.


The kind of people who make those meme age starter packs dislike it, everyone else digs it even if some aren't as able to explain why

>cuck metal

Anything by The Smiths

it is now, wasn't then

Keep in mind intelligent people like shit too sometimes

Everything from Tool.






dumb plebs don't enjoy it


This guy gets it

True, when I was a little kid I liked it because it sounded funny and now I see the genius behind it.

Everything that's faux experimental like Pink Floyd or Radiohead.


I genuinely believe this to be one of the strongest and most cohesive metal albums ever released, though I'm not sure whether I'm on the dumbfuck or intelligent side.

(Also, maybe this?)

literally any album you hate




anything by ween

That graph fits this album to a fucking T. This is the only right answer


You are definitely towards the left on this chart

when you are to dumb to understand what a graph is

This one, seriously.


extremely good example

all hopsin albums


wow when did maynard join brockhampton??


holy shit


Anyone who tripped to my triplist


Not even close bby
More similar to |x-100|


Any stuff that people call 'normie' in attempt to appear cool, but that is actually good.

quads of truth

If that chart showed emotional maturity then you'd be correct.
People with poor maturity see it the anger as fuck the world and enjoy it. People in the middle stages see it as melodrama. People that are mature recognise it as some of the most emotionally powerful music around I'm retrospect.

>weed smoking stops

Corollary A:

Corollary B:




Everyone loves Daft Punk

Pup isn't emo

nice still

goat album but don't think it fits the chart

People with average IQ are the ones who enjoy daft punk the most actually

I still listen to pop punk when I'm in the mood for emo shit. Mentally linked categories because of friendos