Any music suggestions for being angry that modern society goes against human nature...

Any music suggestions for being angry that modern society goes against human nature, and mans capacity and desire for violence is being suppressed by the modern age?

in other words give me some good teen angst music I havnt heard before

I sleep without a pillow because it's better for your neck. Also you should be sleeping on your back, or on your side of the back is too uncomfortable. never on your belly, it's terrible for your spine

Pere Ubu's first two albums + early singles
Grouping Sup Forums and /lit/ together doesn't make sense by the way, they hate each other

umm, sure you got the right thread mate?

also no pillow master race here as well

You can't fight it, user.

Just give in. It'll be easier.

it says "no pillow" in the OP

this picture would be more accurate if you kept both the soylent image and also beside it included a soyface grin with a circle with a bar on top of it

all people like this also hate themselves, I hate numales and I basically am one

When I was a kid and my parents gave me baths I always naturally liked having the water cold, then one time I had it warm and from then on I kept wanting it that way and I eventually fell out of liking it cold
What does this mean and did me doing this mess me up?

Taking cold showers is one of the ways /r9k/ users try to "reclaim their masculinity and discipline"

In some ways this describes me perfectly, but in other ways it's dead wrong. All I can say is andywilson92 is a quality content creator.

Not really, I frequented both boards for a while and they never really had much bad blood.

Boy have I got a treat for you, user.

Take the emo pill. Snowing is a perfect intro, then check out Camping in Alaska and The Brave Little Abacus for angstier stuff.

Pere Ubu

im this picture but with all the gay shit removed
if were talking emo he should check out still life

looking at this picture in 10 years will make laugh for a good long while

Edge Grips


>no pillow
top notch shit

Why's that?

>le mature 20 something year old :)


Been casually lurking there the last 2 years and they aren't really that hot on "reclaiming masculinity" anymore. I think that all moved to Sup Forums
Now /r9k/ just sits around circlejerking about how sad they are despite refusing to take even simple measures to solve their problems.

I want to die

i've been trying to escape this reality. changed my major from art history to civil engineer. honestly enjoy the work im learning now.

t. me

blank banshee 0 is good tho

if you all would actually join the communist party your lives would make sense. all of this despair is the bourgeoise fault.

How fucking autistic was the person who made this?

bretty automatistic :-DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD



y u atcijng so sus mein nigger :''DDDDDDDDDD smthun wong :?DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDdddddddddd
bretty shwo :.-dDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

Holy fucking shit that picture is scary. Does someone have my search history or something wtf