6ix9ine album cover is stolen artwork


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original artist

what is 6ix9ine

>rappers talk about doing ANYTHING TO MAKE MONEY
>get mad when he copies somebody's artwork
jfc who cares thats what hip hop is about. let they/them sue if their mad

so the OC's just supposed to forgive him because he's a rapper?

fuck off nobody cares about ur shitty 3 minute photoshop drawing

i said they should sue and fight in court.

Who fucking cares? In one month nobody will remember this nigga

It's called sampling, you got a problem with that?

I propose they sue the fuck out of that pedophile rapist and the record company.

Finally i will enjoy the 69 spam

The dude on instagram who traced it is responsible for stealing the artwork, not 6ix9ine.

Sue them into oblivion. Fucking retards like these have no place in society.

wah wah muh copyright
fucking kikes will be the first to go when collectivisation of art happens, if this can be classified as """art"""


The original has a gross tumblrina feel. Glad they stole it and made it into something worthy.

>it IS the first time somebody used my artwork for an album cover
>and I really want it to be the last

what the fuck
I get it if xe just wants credit, but what's with being so protective of mediocre tumblr fanart?

I'd say it was reasonably changed. The only thing that remains of the old artwork is the outline, the subject, all colour and intent of the art are all very different.

69 literally invented the system that allows you to copyright artwork, and then they come back at him with this? Ungrateful bastards...


Because its the artists artwork who cares if its medicore no one should be stealing your work

>steals his background from a cartoon
>also traces the art that he added on top

Dude chill out he's just sampling the art. The original is there and still exists lmao

Rapist and now plagiarist, what next for him?

>rainbow hair
>tumblr fan art as album cover
Guys is 6ix9ine gay?

so it's okay to steal someone else's art and call it your own now?

Only thing """"""stolen"""""" is the outline, everything else has been changed dramatically.

>He's sampling the art
Can hip hop fans be more retarded?

What you're calling the "outline" is the entire figure of the subject of the painting. Adding different colors and a new background hardly constitutes significant change


so this is the power of 69kids

*notices Blicky's stiffy*
OwO what's this???

stupid asshoole fruitty ass idiot cartoonist

Niggas iffy, uh, Blicky got the stiffy, uh

All of you retards need to fucking end yourselves.

if he thinks so. why doesn't the artist sue?




>stop sampling my steven universe genderqueer art and making it better u gh!!!!!!!!!!!

Christ get over yourself. The new album art is absolute shit and you're kidding yourself if you think it's not. Tell me what's different from 6ix9ine's album art and someone drawing Rainbow Dash as a gangster. Anything besides "ones a person, ones an animal".

That's Flame Princess from Adventure Time.
>pic related

It has more of Bismuth from Steven Universe than Rainbow Dash from Equestria Girls.

Maybe he will, I don't know

The colours and background aren't my point. My point is that they change the subject and meaning of the art significantly. the change in meaning is why I think it's acceptable not the change in colour.

It's fashionable u iffy nigga

>"artist" steals a design based off flame princess
>adventure time doesn't sue him
>gets mad some rapper friend takes inspo from his shitty design
why are these fags so delusional

>Bismuth from Steven Universe
Ahaha, good point.
I absolutely love hip hop fans defending this on the guise it's "sampling" as if drawings = music. I guarantee if some furry musician was caught doing the same thing, no one would be defending them but because 6ix9ine is a mu meme everyone's getting behind him. Admit when people do wrong.

You are so dumb, man. You have 0 respect to other peoples work and you also defend others to steal works. I'm 100% you don't create any artistic work and that you have mental problems, and that's why you say this kind of bullshit :)

I suppose it should be noted that the original artist can't sue for copyright infringement as THEIR work is a work of copyright infringement stolen from Adventure Time. Such is the risk one takes when you're a maker of "fanart"

yep, lmao

they dont look anything alike
that fag is just trying to steal money from 6ix9

>mental problems
I'll say, he's both marxist and racist.


wow talk about denial

>Admit when people do wrong.
until i see this kid sue him. he hasnt done anything wrong
lets see how it plays out in court

You can steal someone's artwork verbatim and the context you display it in will alter how it's percieved. That doesn't give you ownership of the art or grounds to use it as promotional artwork for a product you're selling

furry musicians are irrelevant freaks and their fanbase is full of people who care about dumb petty shit like that so they have to be held accountable
fans of actual musicians (who have used much more important works than rainbow dash inflation art as album covers without permission since the 1960s) don't care
also art = music you hypocritical faggot

Not sure where you got the art = music comment from. I said that drawings do not equal music, if you'd actually read my post next time before calling me a hypocritical faggot, you fucking moron. And copyright laws apply to everyone, regardless of how "relevant" you think they are. 6ix9ine blatantly ripped off the pose created by the original artist. There is literally no defending that because it is incredibly obvious. By being such an immature twat you're doing nothing but hurting your argument.
Are you implying that it can only be seen that someone broke a law when a court decides such? Because all of the US code of law is free to view to the public. Reading up on fair use laws will show that the use of the same pose the artist used serves no purpose other than theft.

>Reading up on fair use laws will show that the use of the same pose the artist used serves no purpose other than theft.
thats rich considering this kid who stole his design from adventure time. who can sue him anytime they wanted also
the kid has no fucking case which is why he wont try to sue. instead he'll just qq on tumblr about some rappers stealing a design he stole from a tv show

good thing that was mentioned in the post huh

i think this is definitely grounda for some kind of legal action

he may not be selling it but it being his first mixtape it will undoubtedly help his business


Fanart is not equivalent to stealing a design. It is made incredibly apparent that the design is not theirs, so credit goes to the respectful owners. The difference here is that 6ix9ine never made it apparent that the pose within his album artwork is not his own, therefore it violates fair use. I say again: please read up on fair use laws before acting like you know everything.

>The difference here is that 6ix9ine never made it apparent that the pose within his album artwork is not his own
>The difference here is that 6ix9ine never made it apparent that the pose within his album artwork is not his own
well obviously since he didnt make it. some other kid did.
whole thing is some kid making fan art over a tv show. getting mad some other kid made fan art over his fan art for a shitty rapper
gl in court bud. you're going to L O S E

retard from a legal perspective only the adventure time creators can sue. also this cryptidsp00n person sells their fanart of other peoples creations and puts them on t-shirts, phone covers and hoodies making money which is not sent to the original creators. in the US (and the copyright law of the phillippines which is modeled off the US) that is IFFY UH and illegal

"According to copyright law, copyright holders have the sole right to distribute derivative works based on an original creation. This includes sequels and any other work that includes copyrightable elements from the original creation. Fan fiction and fan art communities, in turn, usually have a set of rules that they follow to preserve their symbiotic relationship. First, they agree to not profit from or sell copies of their creations. Though some of the communities run ads to cover hosting costs, most do not turn any profit and the individual authors never sell their works. Second, they always proclaim that their work is unofficial and has no connection with the creators. Finally, they respond to requests from the copyright holder to remove content and work with the creator as needed."

Not sure that you understand what fan art is. I am certain you have no idea what you're talking about. Copying verbatim what someone else drew, regardless of the original art's source material and then passing it off as your own without crediting the source of your pose is not within fair use. I do not believe 6ix9ine is at fault here but it's incredibly iffy. The original artist of the album artwork is the one at fault and should be punished accordingly. I don't know what that punishment would look like.
And please get off your high horse and talk to me with respect or I'll lose interest in responding to you.

>And please get off your high horse and talk to me with respect or I'll lose interest in responding to you.
you mean stop using logic and pointing out that you have no case against 6ix9ine. not a chance.
in fact im reporting you to adventure time.

Christ, didn't know that the original artist is selling their artwork. That's shitty and illegal. Regardless based on your own citation, 6ix9ine's album cover does not constitute fan art of the original drawing due to it's failure to cite the original artist. Either way, I do absolutely think creators of Adventure Time should sue 6ix9ine or file a cease and desist order.

>I do absolutely think creators of Adventure Time should sue 6ix9ine or file a cease and desist order.
over a free mixtape? are you retarded?

>the artist that made the cover literally traced a female character to replicate 6ix9ine's appearance

Damn. I'm actually on the fence about this but I do feel that the cover art was altered enough to get a pass. Though hopefully Tekashi69 gives the artist a shout out at least.

No, I'm not retarded. Stop that shit.
Here's a case where Hasbro filed a cease and desist order to Mane6, developers of My Little Pony: Fighting Is Magic, a fan game which used the characters from the MLP franchise. If the cease and desist was not followed by Mane6, they would have been sued. I think the same should happen to 6ix9ine through Cartoon Network because the same exact logic applies here. He used the likeness of Adventure Time within an official work and distributed it, as 's citation explains is illegal.

I love flame princess.

this is nothing but theory crafting at this point neither
adventure time or that shitty fanartist will sue him.
i bet you $100 on this btw
post your email and i'll send you da money if im wrong :)

Yeah, I doubt it too but it's entirely possible and legal to do so if Cartoon Network felt like it. Regardless, I haven't actually heard the mixtape yet but I plan on doing so soon. I've heard good things.


Woah, a talentless garbage rapper that only bottom of the barrel retarded trash listens to is also stealing artwork? The faggot that lacks any talent? Woah I'm shocked

Yeah hopefully they just storm in and put a bullet in his tiny spic brain

post your favorite rap related cartoon covers


lol they drew him as a girl character what a faggot

wtf is wrong with black people


The album artist added it to the original post.
He's just a dude on IG who puts rappers aesthetics on existing characters from shows so not giving credit initially doesn't surprise me. Remember that this artwork wasn't commissioned but found by 6ix9ine, so the artist probably didn't know it would be used for something commercial and didn't feel the need to credit the original because it really doesn't matter on such a small scale.

How would Cartoon Network sue 69 for unknowingly copying fan art, if anything the faggot selling Adventure Time drawings would get in trouble here

who gives a damn, it's yet another awkward morty-esque/adventure time-esque artwork

>Tumblr artist has their shit fan art noticed
>Mad when someone takes inspiration from it to make their own version of it for an album cover
This is Tumblr, I don't think you're going to see anything come from it other than another misty-eyed blog accompanied by woe-is-me victimization tactics.

Amazing argument
now end yourself

>All of the dindus in this thread
I bet none of you do any form of art, not even music, you have no word on how such a thing feels.

you also said, "jfc, who cares"
confusing post