What's the weirdest, most surreal song you've ever heard?

What's the weirdest, most surreal song you've ever heard?

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I don't understand the image. Who was in the wrong?

the circle guy

its somethingawful

the jews obviously.

Come on. The circle guy did nothing wrong.

4'33 by John Cage.

He knew what he was getting into.
you dont see anyone spouting some dodecahedron bullshit over here.



There is bullshit stuff and then there is this.

The whole album of 'Vanilla Call Option' by Rene Hall

Like listen to that shit, there's nothing more abstract

Trying to imagine a song made entirely by computer, no recorded samples/audio allowed.

>Trying to imagine a song made entirely by computer, no recorded samples/audio allowed.

One example is.

1-Download audacity
2-Select open raw file
3-Select a non audio file
4-Click play



>not embedded
I'm not clicking this shit.

You basically just have to or you'll die within an hour

eat shit

I've been thinking about killing myself all week anyway.

You wouldn't do it anyway, you're too much of a pussy

If you're serious email me at [email protected]
Ive been having problems too but we can help each other out. You can do more than help yourself

Well that killed 15 minutes. Found a few cool samples to use.

this should be cool