This is unironically the most infuriating pitchfork review I've ever read

this is unironically the most infuriating pitchfork review I've ever read

They barely even talk about the music.

I want to dudebros to know that your macho chillout music fuckin sucks donkey balls

>don't read reviews


>Nowell could also play fast and loose with the cultures he appropriated. His reggae voice is broad almost to the point of insensitivity, a throaty imitation of a lascivious islander

hahaha this is garbage thanks for sharing (they had a good point about "date rape" though, it's really hard to listen to as an adult desu)

im sure the review is stupid but the album is DUDE-tier garbage

More than likely the guy who wrote the review just wanted to get some attention so he wrote it on an album that he knows people have a soft spot for


>review album
>talk about the history around the album
>don't actually talk about the music at all
>give it a 5.6

> As a white musician at the time, Nowell had license to skirt taboos and cross cultural boundaries, his intentions rarely doubted or scrutinized, and he took advantage to an extent few of his peers ever had

like honestly what the fuck even is this

It's like the Blood Sugar Sex Magik review where some numale cried about sexism and misogyny the entire review amd gave it a 7.1


it's exactly like that but with a better album as the subject

>For the same reason that Mötley Crüe doesn’t make many new teenage fans these days, Sublime’s well of young fans may dry up, too; time has a way of gradually erasing music that doesn’t meet modern mores


seriously though, why you read this stuff?

so I have something to complain about on Sup Forums

ah yes, to distract from the inevitable nothingness. I understand entirely user, keep up the good work

glad we're on the same page :-*

i gave up on pitchfork years ago. terrible reviews don't exactly surprise me anymore