Flowchart thread cause i have a strange fascination with them

flowchart thread cause i have a strange fascination with them



nice, I guess I'll check some of these out

have an old post rock chart I had laying around



Anyone have a Bob Dylan flowchart?

check the wiki, it has ones for tons of artists




thanks for reminding me that I needed to listen to King Crimson, OP.
i'm saving this





>anything by AnCo
>abrassive as fuck
Whew lad


what kind of shit ambient flowchart has nothing from Biosphere?

good question

Anyone has a Deep Purple flowchart?

Anyone got a Kozelek flowchart?

This one's needlessly complicated. Just give a basic flowchart and let the listener draw their own conclusions about the music.
Also reddit

Pic related is from the wiki. Dunno if it's any good because I've only listened to Machine Head.

I hate these ones that act like Spirit is the hardest noise pop known to man

its all relative

any brian eno flowchart?

thanks this is great

anyone have an ozric tentacles flowchart? kinda want to get into them but their discography is way too big

Is there one for Black metal?

I have only regular charts

i need a drone flowchart Sup Forums

Death In June flowchart

It's an OC




brought to you by this guy

nice, thanks. you should upload to Sup Forums wiki if you haven't already