ITT: Headphone General

ITT: Headphone General
What do you have?
Studio vs Mobile headphones

Im looking for a good pair of over-ear headphones that i walk around in without having 50ft of cord and are a little more compact.

Pic related: My desktop gear




Got these with some thick ass pads.
Bought some DT770's around a year ago but I'm satisfied with these, should probably sell the DT770's.

patrician choice

how well do they stay on your head when moving around or doing activities?

im temped but also looking at the batman option

i just want to move away for in-ear earbuds because i want to be able to hear things when im 345 years old

Stand, RCA Cleartops, and JAN tubes arrived to roll in my Stax SRM-0006Ts driver

What do you use currently? My recommendations would be Koss Portapros but they can sound lack luster if you have been listening to more high end headphones or IEMs.

this is endgame material

but they look so gross

i just use apple earbuds when im not at my desk

what's a good DAC/amp system for these?

Superlux 688B was recommended above. They are really good and inexpensive. I recommended the Portas because my experience has been that full sized headphones are a nuisance when out and about.

I use DT880 Premiums and a Little Dot MKII, probably get new tubes and a DAC sometime in the near future but not really sure what to go for

imo no amp needed and for mobile use any decent digital audio player or mobile phone works great. for a desk setup i use the dragonfly black with the hd600.

This is my baby.

How the connection mod? Would love to do that to my 500s

>endgame material
They really are. I preordered the l300le and have a SRM-353x on the way so I can also enjoy solid state. No desire to go higher in The Stax range, at those prices I would rather buy some Quad spkrs.




forgot to add that i got velour pads for these, they sound p good after putting them on

I just run mine off an integrated amp, check craigslist/thrift stores you might be able to score a good vintage amp cheap.

I use a atr2usb soundcard and then a HA400 amp off amazon bc my laptop soundcard isn't that powerful

the only answer