Is Anthony Fantano the biggest cancer on the modern landscape of the music industry perception?

Is Anthony Fantano the biggest cancer on the modern landscape of the music industry perception?

How the fuck can you be this wrong about an album, it's downright embarassing.

I say that from now on we ban any and every single one of the threads related to him.

Since it is more than obvious that he has no fucking idea how to comprehend or even analyze something deeper outside his generic indie/folk (lol)

I mean how long has it been since this album was released and he tried to pretend that he was able to unpack everything that was said on the project?

No, its simply not possible the fact that he decided to rank it without fully or hell even partially comprehend it only shows that this has turned into merely a job for him.

Looking for clicks and fame and not a competent review is a shame since me as well as most people here even if it were the case that most people now would not be able to allow themselves to come forward and be honest with themselves on a public way that they would also admit that they used to listen to him.

But after this it is beyond definitive that whatever authority he used to have on the public discorse of opinion relativity is mainly because of persistence and not quality.

Shame on me.

Shame on you.

But most importantly of all.

Shame on him.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Is Anthony Fantano the biggest cancer on the modern landscape of the music industry perception?
No, that's still Grimes.


he could have said a lot of the same stuff he said on this for lil pumps mixtape but he gave that a 7/10 for god knows why

He's a ridiculous simpleton.

Shit's a weak 2, most def.


>be bald man
>start off small and humble but possess a great love for music
>gain great knowledge in music across nearly a decade of reviewing music
>put in every single video that your review is just your opinion
>encourage others to try new musical genres and try to display faults you see in an album’s integrity
>angry fans get triggered when you dislike an album they like
can we address the absolute state of soundcloud rap fans

Y'all know this is just my opinion, right?

Is this a pasta? Did you seriously write this because he hit the nail on the head about your boring ass screamo "please accept me" soundcloud rapper?

lmfao @ butthurt ilovedixinmyass9ine fans

Fucking based.
Fantano is right once again and shill tears are on over drive because of it.

The absolute state of this fucking board.

>I say that from now on we ban any and every single one of the threads related to 6ix9ine.

You obviously aren't and intellectual.

deserved at least a strong 6 Fantano has lost it

But that’s nothing we didn’t already know

>I say that from now on we ban any and every single one of the threads related to him.

you are fucking nothing, man. settle.

Are you saying that about me or about Fantano? you better be being done saying them shit about him and not me you fuck idiot, you don't want these problems.

You're right. It should have been a 0. 6ix9ine is objectively bad. This means you're wrong if you like his music. It means you are mentally inferior and don't have any right whatsoever to discuss music outside of reddit hip hop boards.

>there are numerous lyrics on this project about pressuring your sexual partner into having intercourse which is absolutely disgusting
jesus christ this is my first time on Sup Forums since 2013 i thought he was our guy? what the fuck happened to him?

you finna catch hands bitch ass

t. soyboy

Watching Sup Forums sprint to become the worst board on this site is suddenly very entertaining.

so wait this guy's literally a pedophile and you guys are making fun of people for not liking him what

In all honesty as someone who despises all rap, I could give it a strong 4 to light 5.

The lyrics sound like they're coming from the mouth of a victim of prolonged sessions of Scaphism with the looks to back it up. But at least it's better than sadboy soundcloud garbage.

Tekashi 69 is talentless, human garbage. His music is fucking trash. Even Anthony Fantano, with his shit taste, can recognize this.

Kill yourself if you unironically like this crap.

>How the fuck can you be this wrong about an album, it's downright embarassing.
You're right, he should have given it a 0.

this but unironically.

u mad?

wow this is a bad thread


test my gangsta

neck yourself faggot

6ix9ine is high test music you fucking soyboy fag

An alpha makes done take what he be wanting, don't give no fuck about them societal "rules" that shit for pussy.

Its his opinion, if you liked the album then why do you give a fuck about his opinion. It's like if you posted "I like 6ix9ine" and then somebody said to you "he sucks" and you asked for them to be banned. It's a difference of opinion, you're losing your shit over nothing.

shut up you nerds

I didn't read OP's asshurt wall of text but there's a real problem with youtubers having worshippers. No one ever took professional music critics that seriously, yet this amateur's shitty opinions influence so many children and manchildren he even made a video about it

69cucks BTFO

Totally with you, giving it a score as high as a 3 is absolutely ridiculous. It should have joined Speedin' Bullet to Heaven in the 0 Club.

White teenagers are so fucking embarrassing.

Agreed. Fagtano has shit taste and needs to be banned

This but unironically

>Is Anthony Fantano the biggest cancer on the modern landscape of the music industry perception?

I really hope English is your second language.

6ix9ine haters should be euthanized

t. Sup Forumstard conformist faggot promoting pedo rap to sustain "muh degeneracy" memes

Tekashi 69 is Jake Paul for edgy 13 year olds.

isn't Jake Paul Jake Paul for 13 year olds


Decent bait
Good lenght
Weak finish

I once personally recommended an album to Fantano and he told me "this sounds like they're trying to sound weird."

He's a simpleton.

>that reddit spacing

hes a regular dude who has listened to slightly more music than the rest of the population
its to be expected

It's amazing how this guy reviews classic albums and completely focuses on just a single aspect of them, like only lyrics or only composition, when there's so much more to them. But then again judging by the shitty edits on his videos I guess he just lacks self-awareness. I'm guessing his fanbase isn't too old either.

>hes a regular dude

He's a paid music critic. He actually offers bands the opportunity to pay him to review their music.

And he thought THIS sounded like a band trying to be weird:

Yet Death Grips is a 10/10 band. What a botched circumcision.

My life is a strong 2 at best.
Still better than my life


>reddit spacing
>6ix9ine poster
>mad at opinion



He's right about Circuit des Yeux being pretentious. He criticised the failed attempt at esotericism, not the core weirdness of it.

>likes lil pump
>dislikes 69
The fuck? You either like eat shit or you don't. Make up your fucking mind

>He's right about Circuit des Yeux being pretentious. He criticised the failed attempt at esotericism, not the core weirdness of it.
Bullshit, his thoughts were only ever provided to me in private, so you cannot know what he said, and he only ever said they were "trying to sound weird."

Nothing about being pretentious (and what would the pretense be? you can't specify because you yourself are pretentiously employing the term because you cannot articulate a criticism, tsk tsk tsk).

Go pay a black man to shit in your mouth.

>Reddit invented double spacing

Haha you just make shit up

Not all of us sit alone on the computer doing nothing all day, Mr. Failure.

Fatano has unironically gotten more pleb and poptimist/ safe as time has gone on. Funny to think he would unironically have given Camp like 7/10 now.

You are crazy, the ending is the best part of this bait.

seriously. giving Saturation a 9 and the subsequent brockhampton hype has really ruined his credibility. like, how does a 30-something year old enjoy brockhampton? so cringey.

he's been overrating a lot of material the past couple years.

>being this buttblasted

>how does a 30-something year old enjoy brockhampton?
exactly. its literally for middle schoolers and teenagers.

video related, saturation I-III are in his top 10.

yeah it's just embarrassing. i still watch some of his stuff to get recommendations, but it just feels like he overrates everything now.

> i still watch some of his stuff to get recommendations
Browsing the Sup Forums catalog for the latest flavor-of-the-month will accomplish the exact same thing and save you watching 20+ minutes (half the time you'd spend listening to the album in question) of a Sup Forumsnuch with a webcam using flowery language to talk about music.

melon's iffy

need more than a couple of days to digest a 27 min project......


clean reddit spacing my man

what does that even mean.

>dethrones Fantano as the king of Sup Forums

He bases scores off of artists personal lives. He brought up the criminal background part early in the review. He doesn't know how to detach the artist from the art.

Not saying I like the album, I've never listened. He did the same thing about burzum. He said something along the lines of "I probably won't be reviewing this guys music anymore given his political stances." What a fucking joke of a person

Literaly who.


I NEED to make a long, Reddit-tier post, complete with Reddit spacing, about it on Sup Forums RIGHT NOW!!! That'll show him!

He only separates the art with the artist if it's someone black.

Rightfuly so, being a victim of circumstances doesn't make you a bad person. It's only a reflection of those that are oppressing you ie; priviledged people like caucassians (Vurzum) and hispanics (6ix 9ine).

>being a victim of circumstances
that stops once you're a grown man and can make your own decisions

also >hispanics being privileged

spot fucking on

The Patrick Bateman of bass guitar

i don't need your advice thanks.

Lad, it's the retarded fanbase of fantano who are so willing to defend anything he says. I'm sick of seeing retarded teenagers shitting on good albums because an autistic melon did

It's become his job, he's technically a professional. Even when you don't agree with him, you've got to admit that he's as legit as just about any other music critic.

he's a pain in the ass

i literally cannot believe people truly believe this

fantano may be a hack and all, but he's far preferable to shitfork, noisey, fader, consequence, etc.

pic related as he gave Belus a fucking 3 when it's easily an 8

this is the best post in the thread and is also the first post

Finna catch this ass boy

Should have gave that shit a 1.

>implying Jake Paul isn't the new Filthy Frank
69 sucks ass tho


Soundcloud/mumble rappers and every single fan of theirs should be dragged out in the street and beaten to death.

You're right. Should've given it a 0.

6ix9ine is Bach

Why are you so obsessed with testosterone? Do you happen to be a homosexual?