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>implying anyone here outside of /prod/ has any understanding of music composition/production

Dude. I seriously was waiting all day to see if someone would make a /prod/ thread. This is close enough for me.

Thanks based user

Yeah man, lets get it going.

theres been one up for over a day

this might not count for much. Kinda messy. I play shitty games too so gotta move my stuff a lot too.

I like the girl, and the screens. 10/10

here's mine.

that's super comfy, I need to get some nice lighting like that, so pretty.

n thank you she is A+

10/10 for the K.K slider on the keyboard.

Posted this in the last thread.
Cleanliness is overrated.

off brand grimes


shit pic but this is me

I like your style




holy shit. Nice and comfy.

Is this one better?

I can't decide.

yes, if it wasn't for the animefag wallpaper

>zoomed in
damn, I hate you and I love you user

Looks nice but man your monitor is tiny, you gonna get a second one at least? Or at least some speakers? You are browsing Sup Forums after all



hows that behringer mixer working out for you?
thinking of getting one for my synths

>yes, if it wasn't for the animefag wallpaper

Where the fuck do you think you are?

thx man i try

Yeah, I plan to add two other monitors soon.
Already have some Bose speakers in the back. They're pretty good. Not monitor quality, but for that I have my headphones.



Holy shit Ethan, what the fuck are you doing in this shithole?

This is beautiful.

These use to be popular on Sup Forums


I frequent Sup Forums every night and cry myself to sleep while simultaneously jerking off.

>implying /prod/ has an understanding of composition

what keyboard you using there, user? And also nice setup