Tfw being in relationship where she sometimes denies your advances/being touched by you

>tfw being in relationship where she sometimes denies your advances/being touched by you
>tfw used to date girls who would beg for me to touch them constantly

Music for this feel?

Other urls found in this thread:

get fucked

Means she's not attracted to you. Drop it now before she cheats

>don't know what I wanted
>I have a memory
>back at that party, I was all over her
>we didn't make out
>or do anything, I just remember

>I was lonely

I just want raunchy sex and porn.
Even though I know it wont make me feel good after. music for this feel?

say no more

Courtney Barnett
Carrie Brownstien
Julien Baker
Annie Clark
Le Tigre
The Chick who acted in Juno
Ellen Degeneras

Catch my drift OP


>being this obsessed with looks
you deserve to be single desu

If youre to the point where your gf literally turns down all your advances you don't get to be picky. From what I've seen ITT, you are not that attractive, so be careful because that shit will bite you in the ass if you don't even realize it.

dont b a fagguette

drop your gf. Stop wasting her, and your time.

>only had one gf
Am I disabled? I I know it's not healthy

go for some men user
that's what i did no joke

I'm 19 and have never had one. I am completely socially retarded though, I cannot interact with anyone. Its a pathetic state.

yes it is not healthy

I don't have any music for people who can't figure out a chick's obvious af submission fetish when it's couched in silly ass shit testing that your ass keeps failing cause you aint got the nuts to just take control of the situation and the accountability that comes with it.

thus you are cucked by lesser chads such as me, if i were, of course, not a complete bitch my own self.

No, it's just the times we live in

Well you're ugly so its to be expected

>walking to class
>the girl in front of you suddenly stops because she dropped her books and bends over to pick them up
>you walk right into her ass, dick first

Music for this feel?

i hope this happened

it's actually a pretty common thing user

>he had multiple girlfriends

dump that confused bitch


the feel for different people having different preferences?
I don't think that is a particular feel

My last relationship was like this except in reverse. Gf was always rubbing my dick, and it would take a lot of advances to get me in the mood.

In hindsight I realise I just wasn't overly sexually attracted to her. I was addicted to porn throughout most of it so that probably had something to do with it.

hahaha this fucking sucks. what do I do?

Been there done that, i know it probably hurts to think about but take anons advice
Just know that i'll always be here for you

That means she has a rape fetish and wants you to go for it

It's fucked up, but you're one of the like, two people in thread who know that game

Whoooosh over OP's head

maybe girls who like consensual non-consent should communicate clearly instead of playing stupid games

She's gonna cuck you bro.

Sounds like you need to learn how to respect your s/o’s boundaries user

That would be nice, but social conditioning seems to get the best of people many times, and communication is seriously the #1 fail in OP's situation.

Sometimes they don't even realize it's actually what they want. She may just have a lower sex drive than her bf and isn't bothered enough to pretend she has a high sex drive like most girls do in the first yr or so.

I know that game but I also know that not every girl who dosn't want to be touched at all times has a rape fetish
don't rape people on the offchance they have a rape fetish

Holy soy

>not raping people makes you not manly enough now
pure reactionary

Having to rape to get pussy is the ultimate soy

Stop. Just stop, you fucking attention whore fat fuck


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA you faggot holy shit hahahahahaha
literally none of this is true you utter retard
you are 25 years old and still a virgin dont lie to yourself

>such a virgin, literally can't conceive of people having girlfriends


>m-may I t-touch your h-hand, m-m'goddess?
>o-oh, you'd p-prefer jamal ins-stead?

I'm surprised you had a girlfriend.

listen to lil dicky lol

hahahahha nobody who has ever had sex speaks about it like a 5 year old and dances around the issue t-t-touches
who the fuck do you think you are

do you want to write some more HAs? just a couple more and you will have convinced me that you aren't super insecure